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Corpus Christi.2057

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Posts posted by Corpus Christi.2057

  1. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > > > @"gurkoz.3284" said:

    > > > Omg i was so excited about a Steam release and then 5 seconds later i realized this trash. Seriously. Look at SWTOR that just did the same transition. All to the BENEFIT of both developers and the players..

    > > >

    > > > This effectively makes me want to play LESS since i want to play through Steam and i eventually have to start over..

    > >

    > > Why would you want to play through steam? What's the difference?

    > >

    > > I mean you're going to be launching the same game (probably with the same launcher) as you are now but by clicking on an icon on steam.


    > I don't get it either. I know Steam has it's own friends list so I guess it makes it a bit easier to add people you know in real life or from other games, but I don't see why it would be so important to some people to go through a 3rd party to launch the same game they've already got.


    Lots of reasons, especially the community ones like creating arts, community sharing and integrations, screenshots, not to mention the obvious ones like possibly hours, friends lists etc. I mean, come on, there are obvius benefits of having it all in one place like Steam. Stop ignoring the obvious, thanks.

  2. To ArenaNet,


    While this news is generally great, as I'm also one of those many that use Steam for most of my games, when I realised, if I understand it correctly, that you will not be able to use your current Account that I have had since the game's premiere on Steam, it became pretty much pointless to introduce it for me and the alikes. I mean, it is really smart to have new players attracted via the most popular gaming platform, Steam, let's be honest here - the majority would still be the existing or returning players, not the new players. Therefore, not allowing to use an existing account on Steam with tens of thounsands of hours spent and achievements unlocked, is extremely bad an idea. I'm rather confident the majority of playerbase would really like the idea of transfering the account and progress from many years to Steam and at the same time they're unlikely to create new accounts just for the sake of having a game on Steam with a new account. MMORPGs are games that like the idea of continually developing an existing account and having it progress further and further, and that's why not allowing us to have our accounts used on Steam would seem pretty illogical.


    I can only hope that You guys, as great as you are, will re-evaluate your position and introduce the Steam version for the existing ArenaNet client users so we can continue the progress of our accounts on Steam.


    Best regards,


    Your 8th-anniversary account User and devoted Guild Wars 1 and Guild Wars 2 player, Corpus

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