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Posts posted by Kalli.4506

  1. To have it as an option would be really good, not only a simple ON/OFF for all flashiness from all players. I'd like to be able to tone it down just a little and sometimes i want to turn it off completly and sometimes a want to have it all visible. It depends on whan im doing and how many people there's around.

    So maybe HIGH/MEDUIM/LOW/OFF would be good. And also separate player fashions from other visible effects like skill effects to separate setting options.


    Another thing in the options that would be nice is to be able to turn off all flashiness from everyone and everything except from the people in my party or friend list or from the current guild I'm representing. It would be great to have this same option with HIDE/SHOW other players names.

    If im doing a meta event and I'm in a big squad with alot of poeople i would like to have the option to to turn off all player names and all flashiness from everyone except those on my friend list and/or those who are in the same guild.


    Most of the time i only just want to see the names and the flashy effects from skills and fashion from my own character and from my friends or those im playing with at the time.

  2. I would like more options but not to hide "silly" things, only to prevent lag and stuff.


    Something that is high on my list is a more advanced option to hide/show player names and visual effects.


    Today the hide/show player names option only hide

    all players name, but if you are in a party it wont hide your party member, but thats not a big problem. The problem comes when you are in a full squad of 50 players, their names will still be visible and cover up the whole screen.


    So more options to hide/show player names like:

    ▪ Hide/show other player names.

    ▪ Hide/show all player names in the party.

    ▪ Hide/show all player names in the squad.

    ▪ Hide/show all player names in the squad subgroup.

    ▪ Hide/show all player names on the friend list.

    ▪ Hide/show all player names in the guild.


    And i wish something similar for visual effects.

    The screen gets way too messy with all names and all visual effects. I dont have to see all skill effects from all other player in the area togeter with all other visual effects going on at the same time. It covers the screen and sometimes i dont even see my own character.


    Options to hide/show visual effects like:

    ▪ Hide/show own skill effect.

    ▪ Hide/show other player skill effect.

    ▪ Hide/show all player skill effect in the party.

    ▪ Hide/show all player skill effect in the squad.

    ▪ Hide/show all player skill effect in the squad subgroup.

    And same for other visual effect on other players.


    And for other visual effects in the surroundings there could be options for on/off and low/medium/high.

  3. Armor skins is so much more worth than outfits imo. I really really want to see more armor skins, especially that is more inspired from each race fashion. I find it really hard to find a good armor mix for my asura female engineer for example. Most of the skins clips really bad and doesnt fit the asura body shape at all. They all look almost the same, just some different details. Same for norn and charr.


    Some armor skins i really wish for:

    • A lot more sylvari skins

    • Skins with fur and pelt details

    • More Vabbi inspired skins

    • Pants for light armor

    • No more trenchcoats and buttcapes (theres alot already)

    • Scale the armor better for non human body shapes.

    • Separate asuran male and female fashion, please.

    • Just more skins :D

  4. Yes please! :D and more fun items to buy from the casino vendor, like toys (not only kites) and tonics. Also add a bag or something to put all toys and tonics in that will work like the portal tomes for the living seasons. I would happily farm casino coins for a bag like that, even if it would cost alot of coins, but only if it would work for all toys and tonic (also the gemstore toys, like instruments) within the game :D

  5. > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

    > > @"Kalli.4506" said:

    > > > @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

    > > > > @"Kalli.4506" said:

    > > > > I also wanna know what the word is! Really curious! Im swedish myself.

    > > > >

    > > > > And i think you can report it, gw2 has alot of swedish players that can find it offensive.

    > > >

    > > > I find your name offensive. You OK with being banned for that?

    > >

    > > Lol, that's not how it works and that's not how i meant. If someone have named their character something really offensive and against the rules, of course it would be reportable and changed even if it wasn't written in english. How many countries/players from EU have english as their native laguage? Just because it's in another language is it okey to break the rules? Theres still alot of people that will understand and could take offense.


    > This game should only allow the name too be from the 4 supported laguage


    Nah, that's a bit exaggerated in my opinion.

  6. > @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

    > > @"Kalli.4506" said:

    > > I also wanna know what the word is! Really curious! Im swedish myself.

    > >

    > > And i think you can report it, gw2 has alot of swedish players that can find it offensive.


    > I find your name offensive. You OK with being banned for that?


    Lol, that's not how it works and that's not how i meant. If someone have named their character something really offensive and against the rules, of course it would be reportable and changed even if it wasn't written in english. How many countries/players from EU have english as their native laguage? Just because it's in another language is it okey to break the rules? Theres still alot of people that will understand and could take offense.

  7. > @"Logos.5603" said:

    > I'm for it! Here are two arguments...


    > First Argument:

    > If MMOs are, in part, a role playing experience (and not just murder-hobo/killing spree/grind fest), then it ought to promote opportunities for role play.

    > Housing provides an opportunity for role playing (it contributes to a sense of belonging in and to the world.).

    > So, housing should be considered as a feature.


    > Second Argument:

    > If a sense of community among the player base is important for MMOs, then it ought to promote activities that allow for the community to develop.

    > Housing provides activities that allow for the community to develop. It can be used to promote content that is not visited often, or to motivate players to participate in areas of the game that they don't usually participate in.

    > So, housing should be considered as a feature.

    > BTW, the argument that Player Housing doesn't contribute to the MMO sense of community fails here.


    > Counterargument against the notion that player housing is content that no one but the player will see.

    > Players LOVE to show off their houses — on forums, on YouTube, in blogs.


    > Some secondary benefits,

    > 1) For a studio, housing is free publicity for the game given that feature will be showcased on forums, YouTube, etc., etc.

    > 2) "Housing is a bridge between players and developers, both of whom become co-creators and teammates. Players aren’t just consuming what developers make, but creating something to share back in return. It fosters goodwill and excitement between the sides and makes communication something other than players complaining about the most recent patch."


    I agree with this! Especially this part:

    "If MMOs are, in part, a role playing experience (and not just murder-hobo/killing spree/grind fest), then it ought to promote opportunities for role play.

    Housing provides an opportunity for role playing (it contributes to a sense of belonging in and to the world.)."

  8. Yes for more emotes! More dances, more variations of /sit, /sleep and /laugh. Emotes that interact with other players would be really cool like kiss, hug and flirt. There is so many emotes and poses that could be done! They could be released in packages in gemstore and some could be unlocked by achievements. I would rather spend gems on emotes instead of outfits. Imo emotes are much more fun and more usefull than outfits.

  9. I was just thinking, how would it be if the pip chest reward were moved to unranked during pvp season and let ranked be ranked? As it is now from my point of view it's a bit chaotic with everyone who's not really interested in pvp and only plays it to get the rewards are competing with those who try to play it seriously and actually enjoy pvp. Some of the reward farmers doesn't even care if they win or loose because they will get the reward anyway and i think that mentality are really hurting the ranked pvp experiance.


    What do you think? Would moving the pip reward system to unranked help to change the pvp atmosphere to the better? If not, what do you think would help then?

  10. Lol it's funny cuz first ppl cried over mirage being dead and too weak. That was even before the PoF launch. Now every one cries over it being too op. Mirage is not op. Just let it burst out it's skills, be aware if what confusion actually does to you, use condi cleanse and kill it while it has everything on cd. Many ppl kill themself when trying to kill a mirage, they rush and playing too agressive. Gotta think tactical.

  11. I vote for this aswell! I really like the idea with something that functions the same way as the portal tome for living season 3. Also o e for other toys like kites, instruments and stuff. I think this could also motivate more people to buy a shared inventory slot, i mean some of those that wouldnt buy it today.

  12. This thread made me remember a certain event when i was pretty new in game and recently had made my way to Verdant Brink. I was on my fresh level 80 sylvari revenant and got carried away with everything happening in the jungel so i forgot all about time and space. It was late and I was really sleepy but i had so little left on the exp bar before i finally could get the glider mastery.


    I was struggling with this event, almost gave up but then a Charr showed up and fought by my side. The enemies welled in and i got downed but the Charr came for my rescue and rezed me. I was so thankful so i thanked him in the /say chat, just to get downed again at the same moment i pressed enter. He rezed me again and i thanked him in /say chat again. More enemies welled in and i got totally owerwhelmed so i insta died but my Charr hero came for my rescue again. I thanked him again in the /say chat. We fought off some more enemies together untill i died again. I felt so weak and ashamed for being such a burden. He was so strong and didn't even get downed once. He took his time to rez me again, with the enemies attacking his back. So cool and strong! He must be one of the greatest players! I was so grateful from the bottom of my heart that he took the time to rez me every time i died with the risk for his own life and that he kept fighting by my side even tho i kept dying over and over.


    When we finally cleared the event and all enemies were dead I wanted to hug him and thank im properly from my whole heart but when i targeted him to send a whisper I realized that he was an NPC! I felt a bit stupid and took it as a sign that it was really time to go to bed. I am still really grateful to my npc Charr hero. I would never have made it without him :3


    EDIT: I forgot to answer the main question of the thread. Just showing how gratefull you are with a simple "Thank you so much" means alot. Just knowing that i could help somone and hopefully made that person happy is enough reward for me :3

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