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Posts posted by JinxSwe.8914

  1. > @"choon.6308" said:

    > There are many tricks for better frame rates. Start by turning off shadows, ambient occlusion and reflections


    As I typed I get good fps if I'm by my self. I Have pretty good rig with a 2070 super. 2600x. 36 GB ram. Fast as hell nVME ssds.

    Problem is with alot of players where it will tank down to 13 fps.

  2. I know this might have been brought up alot of times before.

    But I love this game. It is my go2 mmo game and has been since it came out. _

    But what I don't understand is why it's not been optimized at all. 8 Years and nothing has happened on this front.

    Even with a new cpu the fps tanks down to 12 when ever more players are around. If by your self then it's fine and getting 144 since I have it locked to that.

    But come on. 8 years and with new expansion coming why not at least move over some of the more taxing things to the gpu?

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