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Posts posted by Osprey.6587

  1. > @"MorgothLich.1253" said:

    > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > @"MorgothLich.1253" said:

    > > > Jacaranda is the "supportive" type of pet with a 9s total duration immobilize on 16s cd, 5k dmg ability on 10s cd(which is not hard to land considering the amount of immobilize it can spam), 828 dmg on autoattack, and if it wasn't enough the pet can self heal for 5k, clear 2 conditions and get regen on a 20s cd. Not to mention the fact that it is not even that fast to kill since it has 20k hp.

    > > > Here is a wiki list of the abilities

    > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Root_Slap

    > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Call_Lightning_(Jacaranda)

    > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Photosynthesize

    > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jacaranda%27s_Embrace

    > > >

    > > > If the bird dmg was nerfed the jacaranda should receive a nerf too. I'm not saying to nerf it to the ground but this pet has really too many overtuned aspects.

    > > > Especially when you couple this pet with a build that has even more immobilize spam than the pet already provides you see how much overtuned it really is.

    > > > So my proposition is nerf call lightining damage by 33% and increase the cd by 33%, fix Jacaranda Embrace 2nd,3rd,4th and 5th pulse since they provide 2s immobilize instead of 1s that the tooltip says so that ability provides 5s of immo and not 9s. Then decide if the pet needs to be tanky with a lot of hp or if it has to heal itself and have lower hp, having both should not happen

    > >

    > > So use one dodge every 16-20s to avoid the slow-moving hairy nut flying at you and you can walk out of the Call Lightning before the first strike even hits the ground.

    > >

    > > If you play necro you can also just transfer the immobilize back onto the pet because it can't dodge.


    > I see you went for the compelling arguments "just dodge" or "just transfer", giving the classic forum answers instead of discussing point by point the things I wrote.

    > You see nothing wrong with a supportive type pet with more damage than the ferocious or deadly type, an ability that is clearly bugged providing 9s immo instead of the 5s it should, with a lot of hp and selfheal?


    You want your points addressed point by point? Well I don't know why I am wasting my time as this is obviously just a 'waaaah, I got killed in pvp post' but here goes.


    1. Jacaranda is a "supportive" pet so this means it should do less damage than deadly or ferocious: Those pet types have nothing to do with the abilities of the pets themselves. They simply indicate what stat bonuses they give to soulbeasts when they merge. Don't believe me? Look at the standard wolf (Deadly) and then look at the alpine wolf (Stout). Their actual stats are identical. Their abilities are identical with the exception of their F2 but even those do the same damage, the secondary effects are the only difference.

    2. The jacaranda has a immobilize that lasts for 9 seconds and "Especially when you couple this pet with a build that has even more immobilize spam than the pet already provides you see how much overtuned it really is.": I'm going to combine these 2 complaints into one reply for the sake of brevity. So the build you are talking about is druid with Ancient Seeds. I happen to be currently running that build and I don't use a jacaranda. Want to know why? Because it has no interrupts and Ancient Seeds requires interrupts to proc. I run a smokescale and either a rock gazelle or wolf as my 2nd pet because they have abilities that proc seeds, which has half the cooldown time of the jacaranda F2. All someone has to do if they get hit with a jacaranda immobilize is cleanse/transfer it and you can't be rooted again for quite some time so it's a rather poor choice to use with a druid build running seeds. Look at the wvw builds on Metabattle for that matter. There isn't a single one, not even soulbeasts, that uses a jacaranda as a pet.

    3. Call Lightning does too much damage: Call Lightning does very little damage unless you stand in it for the full duration. If you do that, it's because you are either not very bright or you don't have enough condition cleanse in your build to clear the immobilize, take your pick. Either way, that's on you.

    4. Jacarandas have high health and a self heal: First off, they do not have high health. They are actually on the lowest tier for pet health. Look at the bears if you want to see high health (bears also have a self heal as well as an invuln albeit their heal is not as strong.) As far as the self heal is concerned, who cares? Are you actually trying to kill a ranger pet instead of the ranger? That's the only way it would be relevant and if you are doing that, again, that's on you.


    So there you go, there is your point by point refutation. I'm going to assume from your account name and avatar that you are likely a necro player. I'll just let you know that I had a 1v1 vs. a reaper last night and he hit me for about 8200 with a single ability and took me from 50% health to downed instantly. The ability was Death Spiral which isn't even the hardest hitting ability in the reaper's toolkit. If you do play necro, especially reaper, well I'll just say I probably wouldn't be going around asking for other classes to be nerfed if it were me.

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