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Posts posted by Viger.1347

  1. > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > > @"Viger.1347" said:

    > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > > > * every major city based on race should sell armors with skins based on that race (just like what they have with weapons)

    > >

    > > Pretty sure the game already has this from Cultural Armor Vendors. I recently leveled a Sylvari and bought a full set at level 40 I believe, which is 1 of 3 armor set tiers.

    > >

    > > Edit for reference: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cultural_armor

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > that's not what i mean, that's only FOR the race, not for every race WITHIN that one race's fashion.


    Genuinely don't understand what you mean.

  2. As a new player who bought PoF, I don't think this is as big an issue as you perceive it to be. I'll admit the experience in the story is a bit jarring when you find out you had to bust out the credit card yet again to experience the full story, but it wasn't bad enough for me to completely stop playing the game. By the time I had moved onto expansion content I'd completely forgotten about it and just rolled with the fact that some story details were missing. At least I know the seasons are available there for me to purchase if I want experience them, which is something I'm considering doing for when I get to that point on a new character. Overall, yes it is a bit odd to experience the story in this way, but it's not bad enough to drive people away and straight up quit the game after already having bought PoF.

  3. Wouldn't macros in this game be a little bit strong considering there's no GCD on your abilities? They'd need to implement a GCD to balance that out, and I dare say the majority of players wouldn't be happy with a GCD.

  4. I'd run a minion build if Necro actually had any control over when and what they attack. Maybe it'd work better in content where mob encounters are more isolated like dungeons or fractals, but I don't imagine people running a minion build for that type of content. It's more for solo world content, but even then it's still frustrating due to the lack of control you have over your minions. I only ever use it during single mob world encounters where I need to be a little more tanky and have minions soak up some damage so I can solo it.

  5. > @"slntne.9364" said:

    > I like this game till I reached 80 and got Path of Fire now I die every time I have to fight the forge. I liked the way I could solo up till I got Path of Fire. The idea to have something to aim at per map in order to help level was a good idea, but now that I'm at level 80 and can't proceed further (stuck at gathering intel at camps part) I'm going to stop playing. I should have stuck with the free mode. I like the idea of using mounts but not having to party all the time to complete a story. I would say stick with free unless a person likes to party a story or is able to solo the expansions. I'm going back to studying books at least it isn't frustrating.


    I get your frustration, as there is a bit of a difficulty leap from core Tyria into the expansions, but I don't believe this is the right attitude to have. You should see this as an opportunity to improve your skills and understanding of the game so you can continue to solo world and story content. You'll be glad you did should you decide to move onto grouped content like fractals, etc.


  6. Doesn't every profession in the game have access to at least a 25% passive movement boost at lower levels? Or at the very least, an active movement speed boost? I know the Revenant has an active boost that is a 50% increase for quite a long time which is massive. I feel like those should be sufficient enough in dealing with the tedium of traversal in core Tyria without a mount.


    Also, if a new player really doesn't like the idea of doing the whole leveling thing without mounts, or just doesn't enjoy leveling in general and just wants to skip everything - well, that's what the 80 boost is for.

  7. > @"battledrone.8315" said:

    > > @"Viger.1347" said:

    > > > @"battledrone.8315" said:

    > > > > @"Viger.1347" said:

    > > > > New player here who is currently going through the HoT content and story mode.

    > > > >

    > > > > The first thing I noticed was how difficult it was initially, mobs seem to hit harder, have more health and more abilities. Map traversal is often very confusing and quite frustrating at times, places of power are difficult to get to and some hero points are too challenging to achieve without the aid of others.

    > > > >

    > > > > So as a new and self-confessed casual player, yeah, I would agree that HoT content is difficult. But I don't think that's the issue. I think the issue is that core Tyria content was such a breeze and so mind numbingly easy that you kind of got too used to the game being like that. And then you enter HoT and the open world/PvE content is vastly more challenging to the point where it feels like a Dark Souls game. But it's the sudden leap in difficulty that I believe is where the issue is, if core Tyria content actually got more difficult the further you leveled and progressed into the story, then that difficulty curve wouldn't be as steep going into HoT.

    > > > >

    > > > > The challenge of HoT content was a good wake up call for me personally. In HoT you definitely need to start paying more attention to your surroundings and pattern of enemies, and you actually need to start working on a proper build for your character by utilizing more defensive abilities and working out a proper combat rotation. I believe the difficulty of HoT is a necessary learning curve for all players, however like I said, that learning and difficulty curve going from core to HoT is very steep and can be off-putting to some players.

    > > > >

    > > > > Quick edit: I just wanted to say that I haven't played any of the seasons, so I don't know if those pre-HoT seasons ease the difficulty curve going into HoT. Speaking purely from the perspective of someone who went from core straight into HoT.

    > > >

    > > > but if you didnt like the "numbingly easy" gameplay in core, WHY DID YOU STAY AND BUY THE EXPANSION?WHY???

    > >

    > > What does this even mean? I never said anything about liking or disliking core Tyria. I just said it's easy when compared to HoT.


    > yep, and that is the problem. you said hot was a "good wake up call". that is clearly wrong, since it drove so many players away from the game

    > you also believe it is "necessary". a point most of the other players disagreed with


    I said it was a good wake up call for ME personally, never spoke for everyone. There's nothing "wrong" about that at all.


    And why wouldn't it be necessary for players to learn and get used to more difficult mechanics and mobs? You need to start somewhere. Better to practice and learn in world content at your own pace than potentially waste time in grouped content like fractals, raids, missions etc where other players may not have the patience for you to learn mechanics.

  8. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Viger.1347" said:

    > > Quick edit: I just wanted to say that I haven't played any of the seasons, so I don't know if those pre-HoT seasons ease the difficulty curve going into HoT. Speaking purely from the perspective of someone who went from core straight into HoT.


    > Going from Core directly into HOT is certainly ill advisable but Anet wants players to do that by not offering Season 2 content for free when you purchase an expansion and by making sure Season 1 is lost forever.


    I wasn't aware of the whole episodic seasons as a new player going into the game. I bought the game on a whim while it was on sale. I also thought that meant getting any story-related expansions/DLC. I'm not too hung up over it since I'm not that invested in the story anyway, but I appreciate the guide tho.



  9. > @"battledrone.8315" said:

    > > @"Viger.1347" said:

    > > New player here who is currently going through the HoT content and story mode.

    > >

    > > The first thing I noticed was how difficult it was initially, mobs seem to hit harder, have more health and more abilities. Map traversal is often very confusing and quite frustrating at times, places of power are difficult to get to and some hero points are too challenging to achieve without the aid of others.

    > >

    > > So as a new and self-confessed casual player, yeah, I would agree that HoT content is difficult. But I don't think that's the issue. I think the issue is that core Tyria content was such a breeze and so mind numbingly easy that you kind of got too used to the game being like that. And then you enter HoT and the open world/PvE content is vastly more challenging to the point where it feels like a Dark Souls game. But it's the sudden leap in difficulty that I believe is where the issue is, if core Tyria content actually got more difficult the further you leveled and progressed into the story, then that difficulty curve wouldn't be as steep going into HoT.

    > >

    > > The challenge of HoT content was a good wake up call for me personally. In HoT you definitely need to start paying more attention to your surroundings and pattern of enemies, and you actually need to start working on a proper build for your character by utilizing more defensive abilities and working out a proper combat rotation. I believe the difficulty of HoT is a necessary learning curve for all players, however like I said, that learning and difficulty curve going from core to HoT is very steep and can be off-putting to some players.

    > >

    > > Quick edit: I just wanted to say that I haven't played any of the seasons, so I don't know if those pre-HoT seasons ease the difficulty curve going into HoT. Speaking purely from the perspective of someone who went from core straight into HoT.


    > but if you didnt like the "numbingly easy" gameplay in core, WHY DID YOU STAY AND BUY THE EXPANSION?WHY???


    What does this even mean? I never said anything about liking or disliking core Tyria. I just said it's easy when compared to HoT.

  10. New player here who is currently going through the HoT content and story mode.


    The first thing I noticed was how difficult it was initially, mobs seem to hit harder, have more health and more abilities. Map traversal is often very confusing and quite frustrating at times, places of power are difficult to get to and some hero points are too challenging to achieve without the aid of others.


    So as a new and self-confessed casual player, yeah, I would agree that HoT content is difficult. But I don't think that's the issue. I think the issue is that core Tyria content was such a breeze and so mind numbingly easy that you kind of got too used to the game being like that. And then you enter HoT and the open world/PvE content is vastly more challenging to the point where it feels like a Dark Souls game. But it's the sudden leap in difficulty that I believe is where the issue is, if core Tyria content actually got more difficult the further you leveled and progressed into the story, then that difficulty curve wouldn't be as steep going into HoT.


    The challenge of HoT content was a good wake up call for me personally. In HoT you definitely need to start paying more attention to your surroundings and pattern of enemies, and you actually need to start working on a proper build for your character by utilizing more defensive abilities and working out a proper combat rotation. I believe the difficulty of HoT is a necessary learning curve for all players, however like I said, that learning and difficulty curve going from core to HoT is very steep and can be off-putting to some players.


    Quick edit: I just wanted to say that I haven't played any of the seasons, so I don't know if those pre-HoT seasons ease the difficulty curve going into HoT. Speaking purely from the perspective of someone who went from core straight into HoT.

  11. As a new player (bought the game about a week ago), I honestly thought it was pretty cool how you'd often see max level players in the starting areas mingling with the fresh players and doing the same content. It's fun to see what your character could look like and become given the time and dedication, so it's kind of motivating in a way.


    But at the same time, having max level characters participate in the starter areas became a bit of a nuisance as a new player fairly quickly because of how easy it is for a level 80 to steam roll their way through the content. It often makes trying to get events and other quests done as a new player a bit frustrating as you don't get to the event areas quick enough and by the time you get to them they're already done because a) max level characters are steam rolling the content, b) they have mounts and c) they have all the waypoints already unlocked.


    It'd be nice to see either; proper power scaling for higher level characters, removing mounts from the starter areas, or changing the daily event quests to include other zones of the map that aren't exclusively starting areas on a rotation.

  12. > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

    > > @"Viger.1347" said:

    > > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

    > > > > @"Viger.1347" said:

    > > > > EDIT: the game has decided it can log me back in again. I just bought this game about about a week ago, I really hope these connection errors aren't going to be a common occurrence.

    > > >

    > > > Unfortunately you better get used to it.

    > >

    > > Heh, well you're not wrong. I'm lurking the forums now as I've just had a string of multiple disconnects within the last 30 or so minutes and I've given up at this point.


    > Same here


    I can't really wrap my head around these connection errors. It's as if the server just randomly decides which players it wants to boot once it hits a certain threshold in whatever category. I've done everything I can to maintain a stable connection as suggested by Arena Net themselves. They seem to be quite adamant that these random connection issues are on the player's end and not theirs. I've got no reason to believe that at all.

  13. > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

    > > @"Viger.1347" said:

    > > EDIT: the game has decided it can log me back in again. I just bought this game about about a week ago, I really hope these connection errors aren't going to be a common occurrence.


    > Unfortunately you better get used to it.


    Heh, well you're not wrong. I'm lurking the forums now as I've just had a string of multiple disconnects within the last 30 or so minutes and I've given up at this point.

  14. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Viger.1347" said:

    > > People generally don't have issues with those other kinds of skins/outfits you mentioned

    > > People generally do have issues with bikinis and swimsuit outfits, otherwise it wouldn't be a topic up for debate now would it.


    > People generally **do not** have issues with bikinis or other swimsuits.

    > If people generally had problems with them, they wouldn't sell well in _any_ game.

    > Yet they sell very well, because **people like them a lot.**

    > Most of them just don't go out in public and shout how much they love them.


    > The people that have problems with them are merely a vocal minority.




    Ah-huh. There's no issue with it what-so-ever, none at all, there is no debate. I wonder why Arena Net don't just add it in, it's not like people haven't been requesting it for almost a decade at this point. Maybe Arena Net doesn't want it in their game, and if that's the case - tough luck, I guess. You mention that it does really well in other games, maybe go play those games, not much is stopping you there.

  15. > @"Viger.1347" said:

    > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > > @"Viger.1347" said:

    > > > Bikini / swimsuit outfits would be fine if it were restricted to certain areas or game modes. Not restricting it would just mean a good portion of your player base just running around in the skimpiest possible swimsuit anywhere and everywhere. That would get old to look at very quickly.

    > >

    > > How about restricting the Mist Stalker outfit (or whatever it was called) to Maps that are in the Mists, then?

    > > Or restricting the raid legendary armour skins to raids?

    > > And restricting all festival outfits to their respective festival times **and** locations?

    > >

    > > If you are in favour of restricting usage on **one kind** of fashion, clearly you, must be in favour of restricting it for **every other kind** as well.

    > > Imagine how many people would cry out at that.


    > People generally don't have issues with those other kinds of skins/outfits you mentioned.


    > People generally do have issues with bikinis and swimsuit outfits, otherwise it wouldn't be a topic up for debate now would it.


    At least what I suggested (and I'm sure others have in the past) is a good middle ground to satisfy both parties should Arena Net ever decide to implement it.

  16. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Viger.1347" said:

    > > Bikini / swimsuit outfits would be fine if it were restricted to certain areas or game modes. Not restricting it would just mean a good portion of your player base just running around in the skimpiest possible swimsuit anywhere and everywhere. That would get old to look at very quickly.


    > How about restricting the Mist Stalker outfit (or whatever it was called) to Maps that are in the Mists, then?

    > Or restricting the raid legendary armour skins to raids?

    > And restricting all festival outfits to their respective festival times **and** locations?


    > If you are in favour of restricting usage on **one kind** of fashion, clearly you, must be in favour of restricting it for **every other kind** as well.

    > Imagine how many people would cry out at that.


    People generally don't have issues with those other kinds of skins/outfits you mentioned.


    People generally do have issues with bikinis and swimsuit outfits, otherwise it wouldn't be a topic up for debate now would it.

  17. Currently experiencing the same issue. I was just leaving a story mission zone and was met with a connection error and booted from the game. Tried logging back in and got Error Code: 58:11:5:535


    I've restarted my PC and router, ran the game client as Administrator, added the GW2 game client to the list of apps that I permit to bypass firewalls, I even disabled all firewalls temporarily and closed any other applications/software that may interfere with the connection - none of those worked.


    EDIT: the game has decided it can log me back in again. I just bought this game about about a week ago, I really hope these connection errors aren't going to be a common occurrence.

  18. Currently experiencing massive ping spikes myself. I got a server connection error and my game auto-logged me off. Logging back in took a very long time and now my ping is around 2k. I was playing normally at around 250 ping (which is standard where I live) before this happened. Ping doesn't seem to be going down back to normal levels and there's no problem on my end since everything else is running fine.


    EDIT: I completely closed the client and re-opened it as Administrator and my ping has stabilised to normal levels. However I don't know if that actually solved the latency issues or if the server is just now playing nice with me. I'm going to try it again after I get another spike and see what happens.

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