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Posts posted by Eventine.8024

  1. Simple question: I want to play thief rifle in WvW, but when I battle with any other class, ranger for example, this happens:

    Ranger has more mobility

    Ranger has more stealth

    Ranger has more healing

    Ranger has more burst and damage over time

    Longbow vs rifle (or short bot): rapid fire kills everything, while rifle and short bow do insignificant damage. Rapid fire keep hitting even if i'm in stealth

    Ranger has invulnerable, ranger has pet, ranger has amazing down skill.

    Ranger has stability

    Thief has boon strip


    How this is balanced? Why Dev has this amazing game and still manage to ruin it every patch? Where is WvW alliance system?

    I play gw2 since betaweekend 1, and it's already 2 years I lost faith in you.



  2. > @"Cal Cohen.2358" said:

    > Hi Everyone,


    > We know skill lag is an issue in WvW. We’re actively investigating performance improvements and optimizations, but this is not a quick process and is going to take some time. While these investigations are ongoing, we want to see if there are other opportunities for some short-term improvements.


    > We’re planning to run some tests to see what performance gains we can get by reducing the total number of players on the map. The current target for the initial test is with EU reset on this Friday, July 10, where we’ll be temporarily reducing the map caps in WvW for both NA and EU by 21 (7 per team) and monitoring the impact on performance over the next week. The key feedback that we’ll need from all of you is to get a sense of how the maps feel with fewer players. We still want WvW to feel like WvW, and we realize that any reduction to player counts will have a negative impact on the overall gameplay experience. We will be weighing that negative impact against the positives of any performance improvements to determine if it makes sense to move forward with lower map caps beyond this initial test. If we do move forward with lower map caps, we will also be keeping a close eye on queue times and will increase the number of tiers as needed.


    > This is not a long-term solution. Even if we find that reducing map caps leads to big performance improvements and the impact on gameplay is minimal, we will be continuing our investigations into performance with the plan of incrementally restoring map caps as improvements are made.



    I do not think that 7 players will be much an issue for the q. But as my experience is not "how many people are on the map" but actually "how many servers are fighting toghter". For example there is no skill lag with full map but the fights are kept just between 2 servers(even 60vs60), while even only 60 players in the map, but a 20vs20vs20 with 3 servers produce huge skill lags.

    Everyone knows that, and guilds exploit this behavior to win fights/points/castles or play fair, and go away from an already 20vs20 fight, waiting their turn.

  3. While we are waiting for an alliance system, can you bring back the 2014 WvW tournament? You make the linkings fixed for the tournament. This way you gove something to the wvw players (and also get a lot of money from transfer and data e you a are collecting for the alliance system)

  4. What's the Tick rate of the Server for the PvP?

    Because everytime I Play it feels like super laggy, and i'm not talking about FPS, I'm talking about input lag. I play a lot of other competitive games, and I have this issue only on GW2. I mean, the format is already not skill competitive, but I wish to know the tick rate of the server, so I can decide if I need to improve or is not because of me.


  5. I'm kindly asking if are you going to make something against "V-Classes" (thief and mirage condi), where simply you have to dodge to win every fight, and against war (perma invulnerable, high damge, evade, blocks, and ultra powerful traits). Because if you say no, is fine, I just want to know. I will pick these classes that I hate, and keep winning. I did for Necro, I did for Chrono, I will do with those.

    imho The situation is a bit unbearable, but you know, as long as I justs have to press "v v v" on my keyboard, win, get plat, get 20G chest, and then open DOTA 2 to do real esport and PvP, is fine.

    Just, wanna, know...

  6. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > Hey everyone!


    > We're currently looking to make some siege revisions. We'd like your feedback! I know several posts have been made in the past, but we'd like to get the feedback in one thread for review.

    > One note on our part: Siege should continue to be an important part of World vs. World. We don't want to make a change that would make siege useless.


    > So let us know your thoughts on the current state of siege and what you'd like to see differently!


    Thanks for the post. I've seen a lot of good ideas from which you can harvest. But I want to point out another thing that emerged among a post in the Italian community group. The WvWvW is a sort of combination between an RTS and a massive PvP (mainly used as Guild vs Guild in heroic fights very much appreciated and Blob vs Blob with strong servers -hi Vabbi- ), so I think you should push up in both that directions with more effort. I try to make examples:

    - RTS direction: you can give importance to buildings, like "you cannot take the Keep if there are at least 2 towers belonging to the team", and "if enemys take the keep, your world gets huge debuffs" or "keep, and each upgrade give buffs to player in the map", ...

    Moreover you can make the supply/caravan mechanics even more driving/hard, so that roamers and party roaming have huge objectives. And you can puts some more strat.

    - massive PvP: lower a lot the damage that sieges to to players, or as suggested, make the Acs as the cannons/mortars. You can develp/improve siege to do, instead of damage, conditions like crepple or chill, or boons.


    Hope to has been helpful

  7. Caps lock? I just used headers.. No rage post, actual question. I'm not angry, i'm a bit disappointed cuz I was curious about thi patch.

    If the post looked rage, can you please tell me How can i edit such it doesn't look that angry?

  8. # The things I cannot undersand about the changes:

    ## 1) From ArenaNet Gaile Gray.6029:

    > "A Lack of Alacrity

    > When we first started making changes to phantasms, we quickly realized that the new system would have a huge impact on alacrity uptime for chronomancers due to the changes to Phantasmal Avenger. We were actually okay with this since the whole point of the phantasm update is to make mesmer play more engaging. However, we didn't want to leave a huge gap in the duration of alacrity uptime for chronomancers..."

    Then WHY you removed the alacrity from wells?

    ## 2)

    I can understand the change to "Blurred Incriptions" major trait, but Why change phantasms this way IF the clone are useless? No health (phantasm had, or could had, more health), NO DAMAGE, they can steal boon from party (? not sure).. I just need clones to shatter. Sincerly Before I had to think "mmm do I shatter now, later, let's see", now is just summon+shatter brainless and NO FUN and NO thinking. At least make more fun the shatter (i don't mean power up numbers, but add new mechanics, something..). Please make clone useful since now there are only clones (yeah they are useful in pvp, and WvW, but we are talking about pve now)

    ## 3)

    It's Absolutely clear you want to redimensionate the chrono position as tank, BUT, not having tank is (or at least was) the main thing about gw2. Mesmer is cool because is tank without being tank (i mean vitality, toughness, or healing). So what are you thinking?


  9. > @Sifu.9745 said:

    > Please, stop with this condi thief "perma evade" topics! what perma evade are you talking about? You can't just spam #3 you know, it costs 4 initiative = 3 or 4 times in a row, that's it. But if you really just "spam" #3 4 times in a row you won't kill anything that way, with exception of very bad players. D/D Thief is not that easy to play at all, sure, you can just Steal and spam #3 but only very bad condi thieves do that and they are usually dead after their "perma" evade is over. A good condi Thief would kite you with #4 when needed, autoattack chain if possible or weapon swap to SB when staying in melee is not possible.


    It has not only 3 D/D, it has the evade. And even if the initiative spent was 6, it can do 2 evade + 2 3 skill = at least 4+ seconds: i'm already dead: and he was in perma evade.

  10. > @SuperKorean.7345 said:

    > **Protection vs Resistance**

    > Protection reduces only 33% of Power Damage

    > Resistance reduces 100% of Condition Damage

    > Resistance is too overpowered compared to Protection

    > Make Resistance reduce only 33% of Condition Damage

    > During Pof Demo , I have seen so many perma-Resistance Spellbreakers and perma-Resistance Renegades

    > Nerf those perma-Resistance builds

    > Reduce the cooldowns of boon removals so that Resistance can be removed more frequently


    > **Condi Removal**

    > Condition Damage can be removed and Power Damage cannot be removed

    > There are some skills and traits that can ignore Power Damage but the cooldowns are way longer compared to Condi Removal

    > Increase the cooldowns of Condi Removal traits and skills

    > All Condi Removal cooldowns should be doubled or tripled

    > ex) Rune of Soldier - Shouts remove condition (Internal cooldown 30 seconds)


    > **Power builds vs Condition builds**

    > I have never been to low rating , but I heard that Condition Damage is doing fine in low rating

    > But in high rating , only 2~3 classes can go Condi builds and 6~7 classes are forced to go Power builds

    > All 9 classes should be able to choose between Condi builds and Power builds

    > Buff Condtion Damage so that Condition builds can perform as good as Power builds in high rating




    Are you serious or is it a troll? Because you are right, Resistance is like Invulnerability, but have seen condi thief? or condi necro? How many condi remove we have but resistance? Really low. And generally resistance last 1-2 seconds only. I have thief that kills me in 1 LITTERALLY 1 sec of conditions. I run a full condi build too, and I'm never worried about resistance, but ONLY about other condition builds. So, to recap, I should be on your side, being a condition build, but I'm totally not. Moreover conditions needs only 1 stat, damage needs 3, and you DO MORE DAMAGE with condi than with physical damage. I think they should double the lenght of every resistance boon (except mabe warrior, you add something but maybe not double), or nerf conditions, if not in PvE, at least in PvP and WvW. It's benn 2 weeks, in WvW I ONLY see Condi roamers (rev, thieves, necros, druids, all condi): is this normal? acceptable?

    MOREOVER resistance can be rip off, invulnerability not, (and for example, ele has no unblockable attacks, so....). How can you seriously say a thing like this?


    Please answer what bugs you about resistance, because I have a full list of things that annoy me about condi.

    Sorry If I answer quite mad, but (for my thoughs, my pov, i'm not accusing you of anything) is like you are asking ANET to steal bread from hugry ppl.

  11. Perma evade, after LITTERALLY 1 sec you have 9 stacks of poison, thief super mobility.. I now see only team with 2 condi thieves per party.

    I think you should fix it... Or let the PvP down again, as always.


    I lost 3 games in a row where me, and my teammates was 16 3... The problem is that where the 2 thieves go was a point lost, even 2vs2


  12. > @Liberis.9573 said:

    > I only play arcane glass staff in pvp and I was able to reach plat 2. Give it a shot! :)




    I tell you my story: I was low plat (I'm playing just for fun too), so I decided to play ele arcane, and I droped to gold 1 (I lost quite all the matches). But the problem was not the build himself (I was always top damage, and often top kills and capture points), but the 1vs1 with some classes or the 4vs4 mid:

    Ele against:

    * thief evade cancer condi: I can't do much: if he's noob I immobilize him with earth arcane, but instead if he starts the fight, after (LITERALLY) 1 sec I have 10 poison stacks, bleeding, etc. and I'm insta dead with no damage done (perma evade);

    * Guardian: not considering first aegis, because imho is a really well-designed ability, he has: shield of wrath, virtue of courage, shelter and renewed focus, where he is totally invincible; and as guardian he does a lot of damage and has lots of position-cc.

    * Mesmer: same thing as guardian

    * Rev: he has shield, evade, healing and damage. When i see a rev I just run with my ele

    * Necro: ele vs necro is fine, I want to bring up the class because necro has double life, and ele start with 10k. So ele has really no way to protect himself

    * war: is just insane, but you all know, I don't want to add anything else.. And by the way 1vs1 are quite affordable as ele against war.


    I tryed, after my "fall", a CONDI-based CORE mesmer, and I won tons of matches, even against all this problematic classes.

    So my thoughs about this:

    * Condi is too strong now in the game

    * Ele core need some self sustainability: I agree with ppl NOT to bring stealth on ele, but, at least:

    - Give ele some resistance boon: earth granmaster trait is just bad, maybe improve it (and earth line is not in glass cannon, is for a CONDI based ele :angry: )

    - Add to Arcane Power the unblockable attacks just for the ele, or add it with the Elemental Surge granmasster trait in arcane.



  13. > @sephiroth.4217 said:

    > Agreed on core Elementalist.


    > Strongly disagree on your opinion about 1 build. I've personally been successful so far with 4 different builds on Elementalist that I cycle through depending on my team comp and enemy team comp.


    Are you plat? Which builds?

  14. imho you should have only 1 Guild. But since the Frind list needs to be greatly improved, there are no groups, player lists or "great player follower group" possible to do, etc. I think that 5 guilds are a good compromise. Just choose what you want to value more, and if you leave some guilds, just tell your problem: I don't think it's rude.

  15. My QoL upgrade is:

    see really weapons hold in hand in the wardrobe of the hero panel ("H") .. To see how really the weapon is I need to go on the wardrobe of the bank and click on preview. Maybe it's me and I'm missing some button or option, but I tried everything, but still I can only see my stowed weapon permeate my coat.

  16. WvW transfer have been always problematic. I hope ANET will try to do something more now that the problem is consistent. I insist on my idea of giving big rewards to the better guilds of the week of each server: it will solve a lot of problems.

    I hope they will open server and give free pass for PoF.


    Since the switch of server I will report my comment:

    "Now, first you should free the top servers from the burden of lower servers (100+ queue on every border..), and maybe put togheter the worlds with few players.

    Second, please, think about bringing back tournament like in 2014 (it was awesome).. maybe in 1 month, so you give time to Pvers to learn a bit of how to play in WvW (these days the fights have been often a slaughter).

    Third, We need guilds back, we need them to Step Up for their world. So, what do you think about a reward system (+ a title) for guilds that (for example):

    A) kept its tower/keep longer;

    B ) (with at least 10/15 members doing it) captured the highest number of stuctures;

    C) killed more enemies;

    D) etc.

    And if a guild reach one title for 3/4 (or more) weeks in a row, you may give a trophy for guild hall, or bonuses, or dunno, but some recognition. Becouse GW2 lack a system of guilds’ visibility/competition. So maybe put the guild names that reached title in the server in everyone login, or maybe some place in lion’s arch.. think about something, but you need a system to honor guilds, to make people say “i’m from that guild”

    And for guild’s trophies, maybe think about this: guild can choose a portion of the guild hall to be visitable from outsiders?"

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