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Raven Wings.8379

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Posts posted by Raven Wings.8379

  1. Can we please get something, because has a FR/RoF player we get messed up with this relink and this one is going for 10 week it's really frustrating,don't know what to say WvW is unplayable due to lack of people and also other server were reaaly fair play and didn't go at 2 versus us, it the very unfun relink i ever have and you say it will last 10 week really...

  2. > @"monkaS.4769" said:

    > You seem to be stuck in the "WSR bad" "WSR bandwagoners" mindset, so let me help you out, yes?

    > > That's funny, because why leaving it in first place? Let's stick to the facts, can we?

    > > WSR blob left WSR because they can't fight out of tier 5 after their fully stacked server and link were separated.

    > > So they decided to switch to Ranik (linked with a big server that could ppt hard enough to carry them in tier 1)


    > Here's the first thing you're wrong about. They moved off WSR due to alot of their guildies being stuck on a link and WSR had no link. They moved to FR due to it being one of the emptier servers, and AG had the PPT to sustain a decent tier.


    > > Now they are back at stacking WSR while having to get carried by SFR ppt.


    > Now they're back because they were gone for 2 months, and the intention was always to go back to WSR. See it as sort of a vacation.


    > >

    > > I understand the logic behind that, but why don't transfer back before the re-link? Oh right, you could have ended up on a full server and no one could carry you.


    > Why not transfer back before? Because we had Miller's Sound matchup and organized fights with them throughout the weekend. It was quality fights. Aswell as the fact that people like you would be complaining even if they did move before relink, unfortunately.


    > > Instead you destroyed Fort Ranik which is a completely dead server now and their new link, because the re-link was done with a "full" Fort Ranik - which will lead to more people transfering off.

    > > Additionally you destroyed WSR for many people because the queues there are now really huge - same logic here: SFR was rather Full and is now linked to another full server.


    > Fort Ranik was already a dead server before the WSR move. What you say is straight up irrelevant. The french community of 20 players that was there, will most likely stay. As for the queues, you can blame anet on not doing linkings manually. They should just do like NA - remove t5, that way you won't have to deal with "dead" servers or matchups.


    > :)




    Thats wrong Fort Ranik were not dead, we had some guilds and players but yes we were a medium server that why we were linked, but now we are cleary lacking people since we can't host and WvW became unplayable so most of Fort Ranik will move to other server to a point that Ranik will just be delete has a WvW server because it will be really dead. I don't blame WSR for changing server, like u said everyone does this but you have to admit that you have done some mess.

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