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Posts posted by blackheartgary.8605

  1. Thanks to all of you for responding this way.

    While I did ask for posts about what you _ enjoyed _ in the episode, there were some posts here that ignored that option and chose to, _as usual_, condemn the patch in it's entirety.


    Everyone has the right to express their opinion, good, bad, or indifferent. It is a human right, a human ability, and I will never condemn someone for having a different point of view.

    However, I would like to offer this little chestnut of advice:

    Before you begin setting the game on fire and condemning the developers of the game you play for not making the game you play the way you want it EXACTLY the way you want it...

    1: If you know how to make the game better, then do that instead. obtain the knowledge, get the job, and do the work.

    2. Do not assume that the way you want the game is the same as the way everyone wants the game to be. as it is shown above, there are people that actually enjoyed the very episode you are so quick to condemn.

    3. The developers of this game bust their butts every single day to deliver the best version of the game that they can. they do what they can when they can and i would like to think that their work does deserve some respect. we are playing the game they developed. it is not the other way around.

    4. As said 1000 times before... If you don't like the episode... don't play it. or at the very least, do not ruin it for those who do like it.


    again... thanks.



  2. Hello.

    I wanted to start this particular thread for 2 reasons.

    First, for the past 8 years, I have watched a pattern that I strongly feel needs to be changed up a bit. An episode/expansion/content drop occurs, and Feedback is given. The Feedback is visibly negative for the most part in the forums, severely debated about on livestreams, and People voice their disdain (or joy) until the next content drops. Lather Rinse Repeat.


    Second, as someone who Genuinely has a love for the story, lore, and the overall game itself, I also know that I am not alone, and I truly feel that there has got to be others out there that are willing to voice what they actually enjoy about what is being delivered by the Game developers.


    I'd actually Like to hear the opinions of those that **_enjoyed_** the latest episode in the Icebrood Saga, and what you enjoyed about it.

    Yes, I am serious.

    Here, I'll go first:

    The voice acting was fantastic. Adding the voice acting to previous encounters prior to this episode was very welcoming, although to understand what was going on in the story itself, I truly didn't need to hear the voices. It did add to the ambience, and added meat and emphasis at just the right moments. Kudos to the Voice Actors for stepping up, remaining safe, and delivering stellar performances.

    The Usage of EOTN and the Crystal Bloom (minions of aurene???) as a staging area and response team for the Destroyer attacks was both familiar and new at the same time. GW1 fans remember how the Eye of The North was used as the heroes would venture out seeking allies and prepping for their fight against the Great Destroyer. GW2 players remember how Fort Trinity was used as a staging area in the battle against Zhaitan. Utilizing EOTN as a staging area that all races of Tyria could converge upon and respond to the various assaults that Primordus' minions deliver works well with the story, and utilizing the asura gate there to enter each instance, similar to the strike missions, is both very convenient and lore-friendly.

    I will be honest here... I was taken aback a bit from this idea of us working alongside the Icebrood. Side by side with Ryland. Aurene agreeing with Jormag, albeit reluctantly. After being convinced since the beginning of the Icebrood Saga that Jormag was the bad guy, Ryland had turned on us, Bangar was the unwitting victim of Jormag's influence, only to hear from "the voice of jormag" that _ no... Jormag wasn't that bad... the real bad dragon was Primordus and we have to join forces to beat him? _

    That, IMHO, is good storytelling.


    When it comes to the combat and the response missions, I found it to be a little bit of a breath of fresh air. It wasn't too difficult, nor was it too easy. Using the open world as separate instances reminded me a LOT of the Nightmare Tower, Lion's Arch, etc. the instances weren't some special room with a giant circle that we only get to utilize to whack a boss; they genuinely gave a feel that the destroyers are attacking all of tyria, not just a super secret arena somewhere. the locations were real, and the combat itself did not feel rushed.

    The combat felt fluid to the story rather than being the entire story. If i am entering an instance of the Living World and my sole purpose of that instance is to poke a stick at a bad guy, then the substance isn't going to keep me there long enough. However, having the combat be a part of the overall telling of the story gives the story itself a little more horsepower.

    The champs at the end of each instance did not disappoint me. Was i expecting some uber hard boss battle? no. I go into Living world episodes without expectations because i want to be surprised. The champs were just the right amount of difficulty and, as stated above, added to the story rather than dominated the story.


    Replaying the missions makes sense in this episode. It's Primordus. The Big Guy. From a lore perspective, realistically I would not expect us to just clear Metrica Province and be done with it... the destroyers will likely come back the moment we leave that area. That's what minions do... they just keep going. The incentive... is to prevent the Destroyers from... Destroying??? I know... it sounds far-fetched. People want rewards. People want shiny things to say they did the things. The rewards for this Episode are there... and IMHO they only enhance the telling of the story, rather than being the sole reason for playing. Of course we want our super powered shiny weapons that can... well... do the same thing as the other 50 super-powered shiny weapons do. From a Story perspective, however... the Crystal Bloom... heck, _all of Tyria_, is joining forces to defend against a pretty BIG dragon and some pretty nasty minions. Primordus could very well eat Tyria. It only makes sense to have blacksmiths, etc creating things for the fight against Primordus. Again... it enhances the story, rather than being the sole purpose for playing.

    Overall, The episode IMHO is very well written and very well delivered. I am Thankful for the efforts of all involved in making this episode and i can't wait to see what happens next.



  3. so... unlike the vast majority of responses I have read here?

    I actually enjoyed the content.

    I enjoyed the fact that Anet was trying to do something different.

    I enjoyed the fact that there were voices that i could hear attached to the speech boxes I could read.

    I enjoyed the inclusion of instances in Rata Sum, Gendarren, Metrica, and Brisban, and I enjoyed the fact that while the instances were placed in an open world setting, they did not interfere with other players that have not gotten that far with the Icebrood Saga, which from a lore perspective, makes a bit of sense.

    I enjoyed how they explained Primordus' awakening through the usage of the minions. I enjoyed the pulling together of different factions from all over Tyria to face a much bigger threat than Jormag.

    I enjoyed the plot twist of us siding with something we originally intended on putting "back to sleep".


    Regarding the Combat, I actually like the way the fights are staged and set up with a champ at each end, and each champ having separate mechanics to them. Could they have been better? I cannot answer that. I am not a Game Developer, and I have Zero Knowledge on how to create a combat system in an MMO. Therefore I do not have the right to judge those that can do something I have no knowledge of.

    I had fun playing a game. I enjoyed the game I was playing. I will likely play the game some more.

    What I will not do... Is pass judgement on things I do not have the technical knowledge of, nor will I attempt to criticize Those that can do a job that I cannot do.

    If I was so bold to pass that form of judgement, I would be a bit hypocritical... as I am playing the very game I am passing judgement on.

    I am stating my opinion. Agree with it... disagree with it... you are welcome to do both or neither.

    I happen to like playing Guild Wars 2.

    so there.



  4. From the Norn's perspective, is this even remotely a good idea? Jormag pushed them out of the northern Shiverpeaks... aka their HOME. countless Norn lost their lives to that dragon. and now a truce is on the horizon because the Big One is attacking? From a lore perspective, I really do not see how any Norn, with the exception of the Sons of Svanir, would agree to a truce with Jormag. ever.


  5. TYRIANS! our Next Event on NA servers will be on October 15th at 5pm CST: "TBC's Death Comes to Drizzlewood" On October 15th, TBC will be converging upon The Drizzlewood Coast for an all-Necromancer assault on Jormag and Their Frost Legion Soldiers! this event will push throughout the evening until midnight. This is a great way to farm those map currencies and materials and yes, our experienced commanders will keep the map Hyped during each round! The Events will be Streamed Live on several platforms, where you the viewer/player will have the opportunity to enter in our giveaway at the Night of the Necromancers event! This is part of a long series of events TBC has planned throughout the gaming community in our Push for the American Cancer Society. there will be no donation spam in the maps, no guild recruitment spam in the maps, and no self promotion spam in the maps. the goal here is to have FUN for a good cause! JOIN US!!!

  6. When:

    Thu, October 29, 6:00pm – 7:30pm EST


    The Grove


    All classes and races are welcome as we meet in The Grove by Ronan's Waypoint at 6pm EST for a Fashion Wars event led by Wolfy, Member of TBC!

    The Theme?

    Cosplay! Whether you dress up as Superman, Ariel from The Little Mermaid, or Geralt from The Witcher, the sky is the limit!

    Why? Because we love you, we love fashionwars, and we hate cancer! this event will be Broadcasted LIVE, and those who watch the streamer will have a chance to donate to the American Cancer Society!

    No donation spam will take place in the map, no self promotion or guild recruitment spam will take place. this is about having fun and fighting cancer!

    JOIN US!


  7. so, I would like to respond to the Original Poster.

    I am a streamer, if by the definition you are going is "someone who streams guild wars 2".

    I have also played this game for a very very long time, so technically i am a "veteran".

    I am also, by a vast majority of opinions, a "filthy casual."

    i play when i can, for as long as my body will allow me to sit in the chair. then it gives up for the night and so do i.

    I do things like the Silverwastes, drizzlewood, etc... But i also love the lore of the game and the exploration of the maps.

    I do NOT have a lot of gold. i don't keep a lot of gold on me, and i don't farm for days on end. I also do not do fractals as much and i am rarely seen in a raid.

    what i do, however, is i earn just enough stuff to make a legendary weapon or two, then give it away for a worthwhile cause. On occasion, a rare occasion i might add, i will buy gems. However, for the most part i cannot afford such luxuries.

    Instead, i take that money and feed myself and my daughter. or i clothe us,. or i donate to charities.

    i "fit the description" when you refer to casual players. but i am neither casual, nor am i hardcore.

    i simply play the game because i like to be around people and it's fun.

    also, i don't have 20k AP. i don't have some hidden mountain of gold stashed somewhere like scrooge mcduck.

    i don't have all the masteries and i don't have all the things unlocked, even after playing for 8 years.

    what i do have, OP, is i have fun. i have friends that i hang around with, and we do things together for the betterment of the community... both in the real world and in game.

    I will not disagree with you. I will not agree with you. I am stating the truth.

    I think what needs to happen here, is a dissemination of facts. truths. we play games, regardless of whether it's all the time, some of the time, or once in a while.

    games are a way of community, having fun, relaxing, competing, socializing, all of that.

    and to place one single finger on one single person and say that they belong to one single group.... with all due respect, is just a bit silly, in my humble opinion.

    overall, i think the best part of guild wars 2 will always be the players themselves, regardless of what classification or title or designation or stereotype is placed on them.

    maybe.... *pondering moment here* we're just gamers.

    playing a game.

    like you.



  8. Attention Tyrians!

    TBC cordially invites you to come along with us for a little ride, as we take over The Drizzlewood Coast!

    the event will start at 6pm Central Standard Time on the NA servers. Please look for us in LFG at that time!

    this event will be ongoing throughout the evening, as members of TBC will be guiding players through the Drizzlewood south and north meta chains, collecting loot along the way and helping you find those nasty little mastery points we all wanna acquire. we will push repeatedly every time until the Claw of Jormag gives up that loot!


    The event will be streamed live on twitch: look for the title "TBC Takes Over Drizzlewood" in the streamer description. each of our team members that will be going live with this title will be raising funds through their streams ONLY... for the organization known as Ablegamers.... an organization that assists with tools and equipment for individuals with physical disabilities so that they may enjoy the same gaming goodness that everyone else can.

    We will not be donation spamming in map chat. we will not be channel promoting in map chat. only through the streams will donations be possible.

    you may find more information about Ablegamers by going to


    There May even be a giveaway during the event, so.... you might not wanna miss it!



  9. **Attention Tyrians!**

    In Preparation for the Night of The Necromancers 2020 event on October 31st, we will be having not 1, not 2, but THREE warmup events in Guild Wars 2!

    TBC, the Tyrian Bullet Club, will Be Hosting "a stroll in the pink" On October 3rd starting at 12 noon CST on NA servers at the Black Citadel. this walk is in dedication to all the men, women, children, and furry children that have passed from the Many Horrific Forms of Cancer, and those that are fighting to survive today. All Races, All classes, and All players are welcome to attend, as this is a celebration of the lives we have lost and the lives that we are still fighting for.


    On October 15th, at 5pm CST, TBC will be converging upon The Drizzlewood Coast for an all out assault on Jormag and Thier Frost Legion Soldiers! this event will push throughout the evening until midnight. This is a great way to farm those map currencies and materials and yes, our experienced commanders will keep the map Hyped during each round!


    On October 17th, Starting At 12 noon CST, and possibly again later that evening, TBC will be conducting a Stroll in the Black, an event that will Start at Metrica Province and will conclude at the Black Citadel. This Particular walk will conduct a memorial service for those that have fallen this year due to cancer, and covid19. we ask that during the ceremony that respect be given to those that have lost and those that continue to fight.


    TBC will conclude 2020's events with Night of the Necromancers 2020, the largest gathering of necromancers in guild wars 2 history... on October 31st at 5pm CST in Lion's Arch. the information for this event can be found in the Events section of the forums!

    All events will be streamed Live on twitch and other platforms, and each of the TBC streamers will be conducting fundraising efforts for the American Cancer Society on the streams ONLY. there will be no donation spam in chats, no self promotion spam, and no guild recruit spam coming from TBC during any of these events. We feel that the most important parts of our October events is the celebration of the lives of who we have lost, and those who continue to fight like hell.


    Will you join Us? will you walk with us? will you fight beside us?


    The Members of the Tyrian Bullet Club, and their Allies.




  10. UPDATE: Her Infernal Majesty has given us a message!

    ____to my lovely denizens of Tyria.

    in just 2 short months time, Necromancers, Scourges, and Reapers of all shapes and sizes will converge upon Lion's Arch once again for another night of debauchery! We are looking to set a record this year, and the members of TBC have pulled out all the stops for 2020! Knowing how difficult times have been for all of us, The Tyrian Bullet Club's Night of the Necromancers event will showcase over 20,000 gold in prizes and awards, including a very special giveaway benefiting the American Cancer Society. Throughout the Month of October, TBC streamers will be hosting events in guild wars 2, such as "a stroll in the black" "Death comes to Drizzlewood" and many more! during these events, donations of any amount will be accepted through the streamers channels only and those who donate 10 dollars or more will be entered into the drawing during Night of the Necromancers... to win a legendary weapon! every single gen 1 legendary weapon (except eternity) will be up for grabs during night of the necromancers, darlings... and they are up for a good cause indeed! Cancer has effected all of us in one way or another, and the members of TBC wish to combat cancer in a very special way... by celebrating mad King's Day as it should be... as Necromantic as it should be.___

    the events that take place in October are welcome to everyone, necromancer or not, however NOTN20 will be an exclusive necromancer event. we will not map spam for donations. we will not map spam for recognition of ourselves, and we will try our darnedest to present you all with a good time!

    see you soon!


  11. So Readers of this post, I have been dropping hints and suggestions for a while now. and _the time has come_ to reveal the secrets of this years night of the necromancers event.


    That's right, you heard me correctly. I have spoken to Her Infernal Majesty, Atreya Black, and since January, the members of TBC have been hard at work making these glorious weapons for all of YOU, to give them away to YOU!

    _But that's not all!_

    During the event, the Biggest NOTN we have ever done, thousands of gold in prizes, including skins, coins and many other things will be given away for active participation in the events of the evening!

    _but why?_

    For the past 2 years, TBC has dedicated their efforts towards multiple causes. NOTN has always been an event that fights for cancer research. In our first year, we focused on both the Canadian and American Cancer Societies. Last year, we primarily focused on CCS. this year, our focus is primarily on the American Cancer Society. 100% of the funds we raise during the entire month of october _through the venue of our stream team__ go to the ACS for research, treatment, support, and advocacy. during the events, we may state this a little bit, but there has never and will never be donation spam during our events. this isn't about recognition, about TBC, or about trophies or titles. _this is about fighting cancer__ and _this is about having fun!__

    if you have any questions, PLEASE ask them below. More information will come to this channel as we get closer to October 31st!


  12. I would like to comment that I am enjoying how far down the rabbit hole this thread is going. While the original question was regarding the Commander's Psyche, I find that having this topic open up the rabbit hole and allowing people to deep dive into a psychological discussion of the lore... to be quite refreshing. Kudos!


  13. i have had this issue. but i figured out why. as i was live... i saw that wall/divider and was confused as to why i was not able to get through it. and then after a brief time of frustration, i popped off to the GH then back in to reload the mish. it reloaded me to the story step prior to entering that specific area, and i grabbed the bazooka. this time... i held onto it. and it matters. i also made it a point to let rytlock crecia and the other npc's enter. let them work their magic on that wall. rytlock/crecia does the "power of greyskull" maneuver with sohothin, and we're all in. problem solved.

    that said...

    i agree that this step needs some tweaking. i also would like to add, that there are moments where you must leap over blue water to get to another area, and should you fall, there is no way to get back up.

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