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The Boz.2038

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Posts posted by The Boz.2038

  1. Pets absolutely need to be crunched up into the five Soulbeast archetypes. Within an archetype, all pets are identical; they're just skins for you to pick, with the same stats, skills, Soulbeast boosts, etc. Also, Legendary Pets! Yay!

    I dislike how the Druid is designed about team content, and is really, truly painful to play outside it. Any redisign of it is welcome.


  2. It takes *a long time*. And they don't last long. And they can spawn at any of the fort's gates/walls, with two (or more) spawns per gate. You have to actively roam around the fort that can spawn your guy. Make sure map knows you're looking for a legendary. Join a RIBA/CF group. Once one spawns, and you kill him, it is likely another same one will spawn instantly. And then another. And this will infuriate you. Because Anet is inept at balancing random spawns on this map.

  3. Since the build is not proccing into explosive traits, the only effects of Storm config are double range, 20% projectile finisher, and 50% more heat. That is a terrible choice in this build.

    Zephyr is mostly irrelevant in this build, also. Cleansing Sigil covers the condi threats.

    Additionally, Eclipse gives you at least two thousand barrier every six seconds (there are two strikes). Up to 10k. That's relevant. Barriers give your heals and regen and condis more time to do their magic.

  4. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:


    > Berserker would greatly benefit from the following:


    > F1: Enter Berserk Mode. While in Berserk Mode becomes the Primal Burst of the equipped weapon.

    > F2: Strikes around the Berserker, gains 1 Strike of adrenaline per foe struck (10 total strikes if you hit 5 people), and gains 1 stack of might per foe struck. If you are in Berserk Mode this skill causes you to exit Berserk Mode. Does not cost adrenaline, does not count towards burst related traits, 6s CD. This skill is available while in or out of Berserk Mode.


    > Berserk Mode can be entered at 0, 10, 20, or 30 adrenaline. Base duration is 12s, with an extra 6s of duration gained per 10 adrenaline spent. Adrenaline spent triggers burst related traits as normal per adrenaline spent, but if entered with 0 adrenaline these traits are not triggered. The base CD of Berserk Mode is unchanged.


    I kinda like where you're going with this, but I'd go a tiny step further.

    Non-berserking and berserk retains three adrenaline bars.

    F1: Spend all adrenaline. Enter berserk for 6 seconds, plus 6 seconds per adrenaline bar spent. This, at 3 bars, lasts longer than the current one, but at the shortest allows for a quick pop-in, and execution of one burst (two with certain skills and traits).

    F1 (in berserk): Execute the rage burst. All rage bursts are T1, spend one bar. Otherwise unchanged.

    F2 (in berserk only): Ends berserk instantly, perform a medium (comparable to GS1-1) strike around you, expend all adrenaline, gain health (my brane farted, wrote in might here originally, always meant health, as it is to be a defensive or resource-saving measure) based on adrenaline spent.

    F3 (in berserk only): Increases current berserk by 5 seconds, regains ~33 Endurance, spends one bar of adrenaline. 10s cooldown.

    This would allow the warrior more control over their berserk duration. They could pop in and out based more on their build, and less on the clunky, slow-to-build, locked-in style they have right now.

  5. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > (they all round up at 97% duration)

    Nothing rounds up. The displayed duration is rounded off, but the in-game actual duration can go into at least three decimal places. Damage conditions that don't last out the full last second cause fractional damage proportional to their duration; the final tick of a 6.6 second bleed that normally ticks 120 damage will tick for 72 damage.



  6. Underbaked, but a good skeleton to build on.

    Some skill types are split into too many categories. Why are Commands not Shouts? How are Consecrations not Wells? Meditations and Cantrips could easily be merged.

    Some don't make thematic or mechanical sense. How can Stances stack with each other?

    Why do only very few skill types have additional synergies with runes?

    There is a lot of room to expand on in here.


  7. I like some of the HoT difficulty designs, but I detest the binary nature and skill and feature combinations of some enemies. No counterplay enemies (Guard Snipers), binary challenges (Bristlebacks), infuriating combos (shoot-stun-poison-dodge-evade-stealth frogs), loadout checks (Chak Bracers), confusing chaos spam shit (the entire Mushrom roster), these are the designs that should be avoided at all costs.

  8. OWP, Quickness, and either LB2, LB5 or Axe5.

    See, OWP has a pulse cooldown of 0.25 seconds, and all of those skills hit every 0.25 seconds, meaning they proc OWP perfectly, every time. However, with Quickness, they hit every 0.17 seconds, which increases their own DPS, but makes them proc OWP every *other* pulse, halving the damage. Do use Quickness with Axe5, LB2 or LB5 when OWP is not available, it is a straight DPS upgrade, but do not use them all together.

  9. "I want to be a tanky weaver in melee"

    Here: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGFBw2tjlZwuYaMJGJOKPmvbA-zxYUrgZhxjeoQYjToCCNFcYA-e

    Dirt cheap, no Trailblazer needed, disgustingly resilient, hideously damaging, etc. Trailblazer's variant uses Undead runes. Consider Cleansing sigil in condition-heavier areas. Primary set is Sword, rotate through attunements regularly, camp any combination of fire and earth while in Primordial Stance, use elementals as needed.

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