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Posts posted by Hilo.7863

  1. > @"MysticalGoddess.8637" said:

    > Hello I am a Brand new player, I know almost nothing about the game, I have been playing 3 days lol I was invited to a guild randomly yesterday so I accepted, but after 24hrs Not one soul has spoken in the chat, I would like to be a part of a more active Guild. Would I be required to do anything? I know nothing about the game so at the moment if like WvW or Dungeons are Required I should not join, I would love to Join in on things once I learn, but I don't want to be forced to if that makes sense, I have social anxiety so it takes me awhile to feel comfortable( better to be upfront lol). Anyway If you think I would be a great fit with your Guild I would love to give it a go, If my noobness, or issues are not a fit for the guild I understand lol Thanks for your time :D

    > EDIT: IDK if this is needed But I am NA, I have no clue what world/server, or if that is even important lol


    Location doesn’t matter I don’t think, unless you wanna hang out with the Asia and EU folks. Also, I believe being on the same world as your guild mates allows you to join the same “instance”/map as them. I could be wrong though, I’m pretty much in your shoes (+2 months).

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