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Posts posted by Vermagus.7804

  1. SO > @"necromaniac.7629" said:

    > Am I the only one who just wants every legendary in this game, I want bifrost the most right now though, I sold all my mats hoping that I would get a decent amount of gold to buy it but then I only got 300g then I spent it on black lion keys to only get storm dagger skin and I don't even use dagger


    > Guys my friend got the chak infusion drop from the zephire boxes and now this dude got like 5 or more legendaries, and I just want Bifrost ;-;

    > I spend so much time on this game, why cant I get what want sometimes, ive been doing stuff like treasure mushroom to get that invisible slippers drop so I could sell it and ive been opening those dang boxes too, It's like the kitten game is playing ME



    That was my goal too, and now I have full set of legendary armor( cloth), backpack and 9 weapon, 3 of which i don't even use anymore because i main only mezmer .. but i've been playing since launch. I would say farm your T6mats, do metas for money/ drops , clear the zones for your mastery exploration. should take you 1-2 months to get your bifrost. You're lucky..because back in the day we had to wait until precursers drop at least now you can forge them now.

  2. > @"TanksK.4795" said:

    > It deserves to be top dps, but does the top dps deserve to be this high? while others do like 33k? I'm sry but 4k difference is too over the moon.


    Yes, especially when we bring no real utility to the table

    > > @"Xyonon.3987" said:

    > > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > > > Only if people refuse to let ele play because they only have 37k DPS (pulling numbers out of the air here), in which case the problem is the players being idiots, not the class.

    > > That's extremly hypocritic. If the people shouldn't care about 37k DpS, why do you care if it's 37k and not 34k?


    > Because of the last point in my previous post; having ele, holo, guard and deadeye at 34k means deadeye will never be picked over the others due to bringing absolutely nothing but damage where the others have better utility. We saw this when daredevil had 30k DPS. Thief in general needs better than average damage to justify taking it given the lack of utility. On the other hand, arguing that you can't bring an ele because it has 34k dps and they want the 37kdps a thief brings is just dumb when raid content is easily doable with either now. But that's how people think in this game. It only means deadeye now has a place in the meta which it didn't beforehand, which is overall a positive thing.


    > In short; thief should be best single target DPS or close to it because other classes bring more utility, to give people a reason to bring it. It had what was considered comparatively poor DPS before, now it does not. And it will only "lock slots" if people insist on you bringing it over ele when ele is perfectly fine to run, but that's a player attitude issue, not a game issue.


    couldn't have said it better myself. Also what people tend to forget is that thieves HP pool is so damn low, we still have to potion correctly . Golem Dps is one thing, Real mechanics is another

  3. > @"Kallist.5917" said:

    > There is straight up no pleasing you people, you sit here min-maxing, then complain that its too strong, even with three other classes above it in DPS, that also bring far more than damage to the group. Class is too weak, class is too strong, then go play another class. The thief's mechanics are not going to allow for the nuclear-launch-code style rotation like the Engie has. The only way its going to pull that off is if they rebuilt the class from the ground up removing the init system. You want Skilled gameplay? then drop your weapons and go run fractals and dungeons with utilities and traits.


    100% agree, finally the class/spec gets some well deserved pve boost and now individuals are complain that the rotation is too simple or omg the DPS is too high. I just don't understand the logic behind it all. Just play another class or build this is just not for you.

  4. They are both fun builds, playing since release I pretty much just stick with my mez for all roles needed. Don't need to be tied down to one build.

    I play the following bellow and you can easily fill any playstyle.



    Raids : Mirage / Chrono Support / Chrono Tank

    Spvp: Chrono Power

    WVW: Chrono Power/ Mirage/ Mez Healer

    Fract: Chrono Support/ Chrono Power/


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