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Ardent Heretic.8216

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Posts posted by Ardent Heretic.8216

  1. > @"Ertrak.9506" said:

    > Counter argument: People already troll by not gg'ing and the other 9/4 people have, wasting their time and causing annoyance.


    Yes, the the check and balance here is that the commander can kick someone who refuses to gg. Players can't kick a commander who trolls.

  2. > @"sorudo.9054" said:


    > a small example for a quest without it being generic:

    > an asura had to flee because some ogre's stormed his lab while doing experiments, he just wants his tools back but it's still in the lab.

    > all you need to do is go to the cave (which is an instance without loading screen, play SWTOR heroic missions to know what i mean) and gather the tools, but you find out that he has bit experimenting with ogre's to make them smarter.

    > the worst part is that he actually succeeded but didn't anticipate that ogre's have a primal call to scream for help, now the smart ogre wants to "smarten" his species.

    > to go even further, the asura fled and gathered his friends to kill the ogre, you in turn figure out that he partly works with the inquests.

    > the ogre explains that he wants to develop a society with smart ogre's, eventually making a race to be recon with. (and maybe even go to war)


    > this story can go forever but you get the point, just this small side quests keeps you busy for hours and enriches the game.

    > no hearts, no DE's, no achievements, just quests.


    From what I am understanding, it sounds like you want Side Quests, or as it would be in GW2, "Side Stories." Note that we already have quest lines like what you describe in the forms of Personal Story and Living Story, the latter of which is updated as often as resources allow.


    Side content like this requires a TON of development resources which anet's non-subscription model does not support; they would rather just get you the main content as frequently as possible. Trust me- I would love some extras too, but not at the cost of slowing main content.


    But, anet came up with a way to add quest-like systems on the side which don't cost many resources: through the existing achievement system. Some "Achievements" require you to go on a journey and complete tasks or find hidden parts of the world. They even feature storyline elements if you take the time to read them and apply them to what you are doing.


    I recently completed an amazingly fun side quest where I tamed a wild spirit, raised a raven chick, and bound them together to become my personal familiar, even gaining access to a powerful legendary staff in the process. Would I have loved a cinematic or in-game scene to tie everything together? Absolutely. But requiring those resources might have kept that quest from ever appearing in the game at all.


    > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

    > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > Remember, before Raids were introduced, the game experienced a long period of content drought. And, ever since then, we have had pretty regular content releases.


    > The only reason there was content drought before expansions was because they announced expansions and were working on raiding. Before that we had story every 2 weeks. Which just means that before raids were in the game they had time to work on actual content, now that there are raids we get less pve content - storywise and in LW maps.


    > Most of the models for raid bosses are new and made for the raids and they have new attack patterns, meanwhile in open world, we get copy-paste mobs with different color and size. It's all just copy-paste and they don't care


    I highly doubt raids are to blame for this. That "every 2 weeks" cadence was never a year-round endeavor, and unlike recent releases were not intended to be accessible after the 2 week window closed. I'd much rather have a new map and big lasting changes on a regular but slower cadence than a burst of playable weeks followed by nothing.

  3. Rev main since HoT after playing Mesmer. I love so much about this profession, but it has a couple drawbacks:

    -Learning to juggle Weapon CDs, Legend CDs, and Energy all at once can leave you exposed for a few seconds if you aren't planning your moves ahead.

    -You can always fill two roles at once, but you will rarely get to do any one role at its best. Luckily 75% of a healer and 75% of a DPS is 150% of a full role, but only if you time it right.

    -You don't get to choose or tailor your kit to the situation. For me, this is a fun challenge of applying what I have and jury-rigging a solution. For others, this means your PvP/WvW opponents ALSO know exactly what's in your kit before you ever use it.


    I recommend starting with a power herald build as it is the cheapest to gear, the easiest to learn, and you can take it pretty much anywhere with reasonable success.

  4. Welcome to Revenant! First, I'd like to direct you to a couple build sites:


    1. https://metabattle.com/wiki/Revenant (MetaBattle is a great source for builds and tactics in all modes)

    2. https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/revenant/renegade/condition/ (SnowCrows is regarded as a top-notch source if you start getting heavy into raiding)


    These sites have more detailed guides than what I can provide, but they are geared toward players with experience in their class who want to optimize.


    For now, I recommend the following in PvE until you get your mist legs:



    I prioritized inexpensive options for gear that don't cause you to lose much statistically. Some notes:

    - I've taken away your shield. it's just... not very good in most situations, as the root from the block will likely leave you in harm's way for a worse attack. Instead, you have an offhand sword for big damage and can use your Staff 3 skill to block. If you're sentimental about the shield like me, take it in place of the staff.

    - As for armor, I've set you up with full Berserker gear. Revenant (especially Herald) has a ton of built-in survivability that should make other gear unnecessary. If you want to err on the side of caution or don't trust your timing, swap in pieces of Marauder gear until you are comfortable.

    - Rotation: In PvE, mostly just keep Facets of Light, Darkness, and Elements up. Use Sword 2, 4, and 5 off CD.

    - If you get mobbed, swap to Jalis, drop Inspiring Reinforcement, and channel Vengeful Hammers, but swap back to Glint as soon as it's off CD. Feel free to quickly channel and consume Facets of Strength or Chaos for the extra damage or knockback, respectively.

    - In the Devastation line, Vicious Lacerations is strictly better than Ferocious Strikes if you're wielding a sword. Maybe even if you aren't.

    - Devastation, Assassin's Presence usually beats out Notoriety in group play.

    - Invocation, Fierce Infusion is rarely necessary as you have better sources of Fury. Take Rising Tide for more damage or Cleansing Channel for condi removal (as you have very little cleanse in the Rev kit)

    - Invocation, Incensed Response in incredible with this build. Just channeling Facet of Darkness is enough to keep you capped at 25 stacks of might while in combat. The other options don't give you anything you don't already have in abundance.

    - Invocation, take Roiling Mists. You'll thank me. Charged Mists is technically superior if you run a perfect rotation with perfect gear, but R.M. will make every hit a crit without you having to think about it.

    - Herald Line, Core Value doesn't give you much, as the Facet of Nature skill doesn't see much use in the current skill balance. Instead, I recommend the extra in-combat speed from Rising Momentum, though Elder's Respite is not bad if you're feeling like you need the extra heals.

    - Herald Grandmaster traits vary greatly depending on the utility you want to provide, but I find the extra damage to be the easiest way to stay alive. Kill it before it finishes winding up that big attack.


    And that's it! Hope this helps get you started.

  5. > @Cinnamonfox.4965 said:

    > > @DKShang.8792 said:

    > > From a PvE perspective, I have to respectfully disagree. Revenant is limited by having only preselected utilities, yes. However, in combat when the people fighting with me are limited to 1 heal, 3 utilities, and 1 elite; I have double that number. When the revenant was first released I was pretty frustrated by this very same thing. Over time though, I have come to see that this isn't a limitation at all. The trick is to pick the best legends. When other professions are changing utilities between encounters, I am changing legends.


    > I second @"DKShang.8792". In addition to what he said, revenant has the privilege of swapping out skills that are on cooldown, since we are actually swapping out the legend. While others have to wait the full cd before they can reslot a skill, we have the freedom to swap out immediately if out of combat. This is particularly noticeable advantage when it comes to elite skills that can have long cooldowns.


    > In practise, playing condi renegade I keep my mallyx always on but regularly alternate between jalis and kalla as the second legend depending on encounter and allies. Or, when escorting dolyaks in wvw, I blow herald elite to give superspeed and instantly swap on jalis to blast swiftness on the road - without putting legend swap on cd and being able to keep mallyx available in case an enemy comes and I need to fight. Whereas, if I play tempest and want to give superspeed I must slot the shout and be without my usual utility on my bar for the whole cooldown duration.


    Weird split here. I agree with Cinnamonfox that the swap not being limited to cooldown is convenient (though my guess is this is unintentional but deemed not worth fixing due to its very limited scope of uses), but I disagree with DKShang. Not counting the heal (which have lengthy cooldowns or low numbers anyway to account for us having two skills), I find that only 1 or at best 2 of the skills on my legend bar are worth using in any given build.


    So in a _best-case_ scenario, that is 2 skills per legend or 4 total skills, the same as any profession that has a normal bar of utilities/elites. That is before factoring in any energy limitation, glyphs, or kit/bundle skills. Considering having access to additional utilities is _literally the base mechanic of our profession_, it makes sense that we should be able to customize to get the number of usable utilities in any build to be more than other professions, limited in quantity usable at a given moment only by our energy mechanic and by the cd of our legend swap.


    Otherwise, what purpose does the swap serve other than as yet another limiter giving us access to only half a full utility bar at a time?


    [strange phrasing, but I hope that all makes sense]

  6. I have little experience with Ranger.


    Mesmer skills are pretty finesse-y. Their skills tend to not pack that punch that comes with strong animations and sound, but they generally aren't meant to within the flavor of the profession.


    I main Revenant largely _because_ the skills feel impactful. Play around with Condi Rev/Renegade a bit with Mace/Axe and Mallyx stance. I'm quite sure it will fit the bill.

  7. A lot of good suggestions here. Some I love, others I disagree with, but that's to be expected.


    I think the number one flaw of the Revenant is that energy is tied to legend swapping.


    Revenant seems meant to be able to swap roles to a greater or lesser degree by swapping legends. This design is interesting and makes for great gameplay. However, in the current iteration it is basically required to swap legends every ten seconds exactly to avoid losing out on a significant amount of power/healing/effectiveness. Even if I need the defensiveness of Jalis to get me through the current engagement, once that ten-second clock runs out, I need to swap away to get my energy back to do anything at all. This is clunky, causes predictability, and takes away a great deal of choice in the moment-to-moment gameplay.


    My suggestion would be to remove the energy reset from legend swap and add some other functions (through traits) to return my energy. An example return mechanic might be "gain 5 energy each time strike a foe affected by Torment (icd 3 seconds)" or "Gain 2 energy per second while affected by Alacrity." After doing this, I would reduce the cooldown on legend swap to the 3-5 second range to allow me to react to the situation as I need to in the moment. This would allow much more interactive play and diverse builds.


    The second greatest issue is the lack of variety in skills 5-10. It limits our ability to vary our rotations, so it makes us predictable.


    My suggestion would be to add a number of basic skills that can be put on the bar regardless of the legends being channeled. An alternative method to this would be to make them glyphs so that the mechanics vary slightly from legend to legend. Another alternative would be to add 1-3 skills to each legend that can be swapped in, but it would be important to also have alternative healing skills.


    Make those two (massive) changes, and this profession would be amazingly fun and unique without overdoing the power scale. My 2 cents, fwiw.

  8. > @narcx.3570 said:

    > > @Milan.9035 said:

    > > > @"Ardent Heretic.8216" said:

    > > > It is part of the meta rotation for raids, so I doubt Anet will be willing to buff it.

    > >

    > > If it was 0 energy would it change anything for raids?


    > > @"Ardent Heretic.8216" said:

    > > > @Milan.9035 said:

    > > > > @"Ardent Heretic.8216" said:

    > > > > It is part of the meta rotation for raids, so I doubt Anet will be willing to buff it.

    > > >

    > > > If it was 0 energy would it change anything for raids?

    > >

    > > Absolutely. It would allow us to use additional skills in the same period of time, which would directly increase our dps, which is already competitive. If the energy is taken away, it has to be added somewhere else in the rotation to keep the balance, and I personally like where the other skills are tuned.


    > Sort of... You're limited by cool downs to only drop 3 Searing Fissures, 1 Echoing Eruption, and 1 Temporal Rift while in Kalla and you already have ample energy to do this including Citadel Bombardment's 35 energy cost, so you'd really have nothing else to spend that energy on.


    > Soulcleave's out because it's -9 upkeep would end up costing you dps (even if CB cost zero you wouldn't have the energy to use everything if you had an upkeep skill stopping your energy regen.) I suppose you could drop Icerazor for some RNG torment procs... Or you could just bank the 35 extra energy to cc with Darkrazor, use your heal spirit, or pulse some Might or Alacrity or something, but those are also all extra cast times that you're using where you could have just been auto attacking for more condis.



    The cooldowns are certainly a consideration. I'd wager at least one of those options is worth losing one full AA chain, but I may be wrong.

  9. > @Milan.9035 said:

    > > @"Ardent Heretic.8216" said:

    > > It is part of the meta rotation for raids, so I doubt Anet will be willing to buff it.


    > If it was 0 energy would it change anything for raids?


    Absolutely. It would allow us to use additional skills in the same period of time, which would directly increase our dps, which is already competitive. If the energy is taken away, it has to be added somewhere else in the rotation to keep the balance, and I personally like where the other skills are tuned.

  10. > @Squeesidhe.4761 said:

    > I think part of the issue might be I don't have either elite specs unlocked yet. Sounds like that might make life easier.


    > ANet, are you reading? It might be more fun to get access to the elite specs early in an expansion so we can, you know, actually play with them. Just a thought. :bleep_bloop:


    > Thanks for the feedback everyone, much appreciated.


    I personally find the experience of unlocking the spec as I go quite enjoyable, but Rev can't really use the new stance until it's fully unlocked due to the inability to fill the skill bar with existing skills like in other professions.

  11. > @Squeesidhe.4761 said:

    > On my Rev though it was: heal, heal! Agh, switch Legends, heal, hit hammers, back to other legend, heal! Might boost, might boost, heal! It's just tedious when it's EVERY mob, you know? I wasn't fighting Balthazar himself, just some stupid lions. I like the class, but maybe the mechanics are just too fiddly for me.


    This experience makes sense to me. I suggest you look into the optimal/raid rotations. Revenant, more than any other profession I've played, relies on rotating through all your available resources. You lose out on potential much more when camping a single legend than an ele does on a single attunement. Rev skills are very strong individually, but they are limited by energy and therefore do not forgive spamming. It's very much about planning out the next 10 seconds every time you swap legends to balance your damage, survival, and utility for what will be needed in those 10 seconds.


    That said, many people have fun camping a legend to full energy and spamming a bunch. It's just good to know how to really crank it up a notch when you get caught off guard.

  12. I play guardian very little, but it looks like scepter is considered superior to axe for damage. When it doesn't make sense to weapon-swap during a rotation, it can often be beneficial to open with a different set to blow a good cd and then swap off.


    My guess is you could ignore that opener and not lose very much, especially over a long fight.

  13. > @Astralporing.1957 said:

    > > @"Ardent Heretic.8216" said:

    > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > > I mean 1 onion is worth more than 1 gold ore in Tyria.

    > >

    > > Economically speaking, this makes perfect sense within the rules of the world we're presented with. Gold is not as rare in Tyria. It an be found by many people in many areas and "grows" back within a day. These onions cannot be farmed the way they are on Earth, and they are found in much the same way gold is, but they are found fewer places with less consistency (as each node _might_ have a single onion rather than a guarantee of three ore). This relative scarcity is a large part of what drives the market value.


    > Not quite, seeing as the value is still counted in copper, silver and gold. What is inconsistent here, is that gold (ore) is worth far less than gold (currency). And on a scale that can't really be explained by ore impurity.


    The same is true of real-world currency. Bills and coins are worth significantly more than the resources used to make them. Currency has imbued value. There is a reason we cannot blacksmith gold ore into gold currency.


    Edit: Also, when you think of it, this implies that Evan (Evon?) Gnashblade mints his own coins which we all use, lol.

  14. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > I mean 1 onion is worth more than 1 gold ore in Tyria.


    Economically speaking, this makes perfect sense within the rules of the world we're presented with. Gold is not as rare in Tyria. It an be found by many people in many areas and "grows" back within a day. These onions cannot be farmed the way they are on Earth, and they are found in much the same way gold is, but they are found fewer places with less consistency (as each node _might_ have a single onion rather than a guarantee of three ore). This relative scarcity is a large part of what drives the market value.

  15. > @Ashantara.8731 said:

    > > @Haleydawn.3764 said:

    > > By RIGHT clicking it, not LEFT clicking it.


    > Oh gosh, now I am feeling bad. Sorry. I did not see that was possible with the mount skill icon since the mounts list does not look like the other selectable skill icons.


    > (hangs head in shame)


    > Thank you so much.


    I've been playing GW2 for five years and never knew this was an option til now. I don't think we're alone.


    But thanks for pointing this out, Haleydawn!

  16. I recommend the following:


    Corruption 3-2-1 (standard cdps boost)

    Invocation 2-2-1 (reliable fury and stun breaks are very important to damage and survival)

    Renegade 2-2-1 (the might stacks super fast and is much more meaningful to your damage than an extra 5 stacks of Fervor)


    Swap the Berserker runes to Balthazar for big burning bursts at a reasonable price since you won't be getting much expertise from equipment. On that note, grab Smoldering sigils. I find my burning and torment damage run neck-and-neck, but it's much cheaper to extend the burns.


    As to rotations, I can only really speak to Mace. For max dps while in Kalla, use Mace 2 on cd immediately followed by exactly 1 skill, and auto in between. The priority of those skills is Citadel Bombardment>Icerazor>Mace 3>Axe 5. Use Darkrazor as an engage or escape tool or to break bars. For Mallyx, activate elite and use Mace 2>AA>Mace 2>Mace 3>AA>Mace 2>legend swap.


    Unfortunately, Razorclaw just isn't good unless you've got a group of players stacked up. If you do, substitute it in for Icerazor.

  17. > @Redfeather.6401 said:

    > Hi Corwin. I use rampager on my renegade just fine. Eventually I'm going to upgrade to grieving, but that will require doing all the funerary armour collections and waiting for grieving inscription to become available so I can stat change my weapon. Hybrid renegade is really fun and more bursty, so it's better for non-boss fights.


    Just mentioning in case you aren't aware: Viper is a better upgrade to Condi Rev/Renegade than Grieving. Grieving has reasonably better burst, but quite a bit less overall damage in longer (harder) fights.

  18. > @lagrimabendita.8763 said:

    > > @Oshi.9324 said:

    > > I don't like the idea of a backpack table, when i play support i use a ranged build. if the table become a backpack i will have to play as front line and i will be probable more exposed to direct damage. i preffer heal 5 teammates from backline that 4 teammates + me.


    > If you play support with ranged build which weapons are you using because all the "support" weapon are melee


    Hammer has some small support potential. Life steal field which blocks projectiles is not much, but not nothing.

  19. > @LightningWolfTigerBear.6725 said:

    > You leave my tablet alone. Having to micromanage it was a huge selling point of Ventari for me, feels totally different from any other abilities in the game and I love it.


    It's interesting, if clunky, play. I definitely wouldn't mind if it leashed when you outranged it, though.

  20. > @Carighan.6758 said:

    > > @Sarrs.4831 said:

    > > I don't know how much Alacrity you can realistically get out of Ventari Herald but I think that's the only way this would be especially useful; filling a hole in your Ventari Alacrity rotation on the cheap.


    > "On the cheap" meaning 1 second more Alacrity for ~6k less healing done to everyone? :tongue:


    I mean, yeah. It's primarily useful when you don't need the healing or really need the damage.

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