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Posts posted by Will.9785

  1. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > The Drizzlewood meta (the southern part in particular) is way more exhausting (with all the jumping across the map and the treasure spawns at the end^) than any of the DRMs, which are just tedious if anything from having to repeat them daily if you want to do all the collections.


    > P.S. CM = Challenge Mode = you are being challenged, hence the time limits and mechanics are fine.


    > ^) _before it was updated at least_


    You know, come to think of it Drizzlewood was pretty exhausting as well... especially when the north meta first arrived. Good point.

  2. I agree that something needs to be done. Its blatant market manipulation by 1 or 2 guilds with very rich players (i.e. hundreds of thousands of gold).


    This is harmful to the game in the long run. A new player would instantly be turned off by this if they wanted to go for a legendary. It puts what is already a daunting task for many players even further out of reach. Many may not find it worth the effort and leave the game. People need long term goals like this to stay invested in the game but they need to be reasonably within reach. The carrot on the stick approach only works if the person chasing the carrot actually believes they can get it.


    A price of 2-3 gold is not fine. You need around 500 for gen 2 legendaries. That's over 1k gold JUST for the coins.


    Even if you feel like 2-3 gold is fine, at what point does it start to become a problem? Because it can/will reach 3-5 gold before you know it given the manipulation we are seeing right now.

  3. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Will.9785" said:

    > > I agree that the CM for this is too difficult. The timer is too short.


    > Get good teammates and it's easily done. Just focus, don't stand in the various AoE (there are safe spots) and dodge the growing circle on time.


    I've had better luck soloing the CMs to be honest. LFG is been very hit or miss (mostly miss) for me. I've got the mechanics down, I just think the scaling is a bit too high for solo play given all of the things you have to deal with.

  4. End of Dragons could be a reference to the Empire of the Dragons aka the Dragon Empire aka the the rulers of Cantha. They might be trying to trick us into thinking it means the end of all the elder dragons when in fact it means something completely different. Of course, we will probably end up killing at least 1 elder dragon along the way but I'm just saying it doesn't necessarily have to be the end.

  5. I just did the Brisban Wildlands DRM with all of the CMs enabled 3 times. I did Snowden Drifts yesterday and Gendarran Fields the day before that.


    The Snowden Drifts time limit by the way is too short. By the time you get the kodan down the path there are only like 6 minutes left.


    That point aside, every day that I've done them, I've just felt exhausted.


    Maybe it is just me but I've played though all of the content this game has to offer from Shattered Observatory CM, to Dhum CM, etc and I have never felt so wiped out as I do from playing these and its not even close. They are very tedious and very taxing on you physically. You are constantly dodging or breaking cc or ripping boons or running or jumping while trying to maintain a proper rotation to clear the content within the time limits. Its a bit much.


    Why they decided to make you repeat the CMs 5 times is beyond me. I've tried grouping up but its virtually impossible to find competent people in LFG. I've had better luck clearing them solo so far... but man do they wipe me out.


    I can think of a million other things I'd rather be doing in the game than playing these but they force you to grind these for the achievements and usually if you want to craft the legendary trinket at the end of a season you will need to do most of the achievements so that's the only reason I'm doing them.


    Am I the only person who feels this way about these missions? I hope this isn't a sign of the sort of gameplay we can expect in EOD.

  6. Player housing that combines elements of guild halls and home instances. Bank, vendors, nodes, etc. I want to place all of my home instance nodes where I want them and have more control over decoration placement. I would also like to be able to rotate and resize decorations.


    The ability to work towards every infusion in the game.


    Gen 3 legendaries


    A legendary armory that isn't monetized out the wazoo.


    An unlimited flight mount that is FAST, like a jet. Maybe make us do full exploration on each map to unlock the ability to use it on said map.


    Mercenaries (including letting us hire our alts)

  7. I hate when commanders do this because sometimes the game disconnects you. Imagine doing a meta for 2 hours, then disconnecting and not being able to get back in because the commander left the squad in LFG and some rando joined and took your spot. They should lock the map after a set period of time like in Dragon's Stand or make it so that once the map is full the LFG only works again when the map is down to like 85% of capacity, which is still more than enough to do any meta in this game.

  8. > @"Locce.8405" said:

    > > @"Will.9785" said:

    > > > @"Locce.8405" said:

    > > > I am glad they reconsidered, and hopefully they stay away from having us hoard whole weapon sets for months to craft the next tier out of them. That's almost a whole bag slot gone just for skins and with that a pretty inefficient way of using said bag space.

    > >

    > > I'm fine with them reconsidering for the next weapon set... but they cannot be doing this mid-stream. They screwed over a lot of people with this move.


    > How? I mean, sure, they blocked those bag slots for no good reason now, but if the devs hadn't changed it they still would have blocked the very same bag slots, just for a better reason. All the skins they unlocked are still unlocked. All the achievement points and the mastery point gained by crafting them are still on the books. All the upgraded skins they want to unlock they can still unlock.

    > Nobody lost anything here that they would not have lost otherwise. I don't see how that could possibly equate to anyone getting screwed over. This is not even crying over spilt milk since the milk would have been spilt either way. This is just wanting a special thank you for spilling the milk.


    The new skins make the old ones worthless. Seriously... why would i bother crafting the old ones when the new ones look better in every way? Had I known then what I know now (i.e. had they not misled me) I wouldn't have crafted them and I've still have my gold and materials.

  9. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > @"Will.9785" said:

    > > There should be cheaper recipe that uses the tier 1 weapons. They went around for months telling people these would be needed to upgrade to tier 2. I spent a lot of gold and materials to craft them because of that, and now all of that gold and materials were basically flushed down the toilet and it was a complete waste of time. They shouldn't do that to people. Please give us a cheaper recipe.


    > Where did ArenaNet exactly say you would need the T1 to upgrade to T2...certainly not by putting a little description that says: "Stormcaller weapons are the legions' first attempt at harnessing the elements to battle Bangar's renegades. Expect these weapons to be capable of upgrades in the near future. " All that says is to expect the weapons to be upgradable in the near future, now you can argue that including the word "upgrade" means you need the original to improve it, but that's not necessarily so, it's all in how you interpret the word upgrade. Had they said you need the T1 to upgrade to T2 in the near future then I can see the argument, the way it was actually written...I disagree it made it a complete waste of time. There was a purpose to it, to have you make the T1 weapon(s) before you could make the T2 whether you actually needed to use the T1 or not.


    The fact that it says "expect THESE WEAPONS to be capable of upgrades" is argument enough. It explicitly says "these" - as in these ones right here. And it doesn't say "replaced", "superseded", or anything like that. It says upgrade-able... as in "these weapons" are upgrade-able. Seriously, don't try to argue semantics. It's pretty clear what it said.

  10. > @"Locce.8405" said:

    > I am glad they reconsidered, and hopefully they stay away from having us hoard whole weapon sets for months to craft the next tier out of them. That's almost a whole bag slot gone just for skins and with that a pretty inefficient way of using said bag space.


    I'm fine with them reconsidering for the next weapon set... but they cannot be doing this mid-stream. They screwed over a lot of people with this move.

  11. Imagine going into a casino, gambling, and coming out ahead and then as you walk out the door the house takes away your winnings and say "well now that didn't really count let's try that again". People would be livid and it would be illegal. But somehow ANet thinks that's OK when its loot boxes. Granted, this is a bug and it was not intentional, but the end result is the same. They should restore those items. If people feel cheated they will be less likely to purchase gems in the future.

  12. They are purposefully making legendaries cheaper to craft so that when the armory comes out people can actually make use of it. They are planning on monetizing it probably (which sucks) so they want to try and sell it to as many people as possible.


    Now if only they would do something about mystic freaking coins!!!

  13. There should be cheaper recipe that uses the tier 1 weapons. They went around for months telling people these would be needed to upgrade to tier 2. I spent a lot of gold and materials to craft them because of that, and now all of that gold and materials were basically flushed down the toilet and it was a complete waste of time. They shouldn't do that to people. Please give us a cheaper recipe.

  14. Can we please get these updated to Firebrand levels? They really look quite bad. Heck you can even re-use the same ones from Firebrand, just scaled up or down, I don't think most people would care. It would still be miles better than what we have currently.

  15. I hope whoever is responsible for the thief changes gets moved on to another class. Deadeye is complete garbage and now they seem intent on ruining Daredevil as well. I'm very close to quitting the game as Daredvil is literally the only profession I find fun to play.


    Setting my issues with thief changes aside.... when are we going to see support classes get some REAL buffs to make them viable alternatives to the current meta? We keep getting nerfs, nerfs, nerfs, and occasional changes to things like Tempest... but it hasn't been working. Firebrand and Renegade should both be able to give both quickness and alacrity so that we aren't so tied to Chrono in the meta. We should have more classes that can heal and stack might that could slot in for druid. These are the changes we need to see.

  16. Does this mean that we can now salvage stacks of UNID gear directly without having to open them first? Or will it still be better from a loot perspective to open them and then salvage? It would be nice if when you salvage a stack it would open the box, salvage the contents, open the next box, salvage, etc (or have the same effect as that). The exotics can be set aside.

  17. > @"Rod.6581" said:

    > I agree, instead of limiting, expand options for all classes.


    > Don't make the changes so we have composition that must have classes A, B, C, D, E in it.

    > Make it so we need role X, Y, Z, H and classes A, B, C, D can do role X, but classes A, C, D, E can do role Y, classes B, C, D, E can do role Z and classes A, B, E, D can do role H.


    > Don't restrict us, make it more versatile!


    Listen to this person. You can start by making everything that buffs 5 allies buff 10.


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