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Posts posted by Tukaram.8256

  1. > @"Cynder.2509" said:

    > I know it's kinda offtopic and i already have given my answer previously in this thread but I just had a neat idea since I picked up in gw1 Factions story again. The idea involves a new mastery point system which will allow us to further develop a new thing that previously existed in gw1. Heroes! The masteryies could be that you can purchase new skills and recruit new unique heroes for your team. Couldn't find the EoD suggestion thread right now so I picked this one.

    > I actually enjoyed the heroes system and it would be cool to see it return somehow.


    I would LOVE to have Heroes again. I have asked for it many times, myself.

    As for difficulty I voted for PoF. I really enjoyed PoF, and never warmed up to HoT. Too many things I disliked there. PoF was great fun to explore. I just do not like the hearts that reset - once I unlock it, it should stay unlocked!

  2. I cannot think of any maps I want more of, but definitely less. I am sick of the deserts. They are visually unappealing. GW pre-searing was beautiful, probably the best game ever. Then the searing came and the map was horrid. It got better later, but I barely made it through the boredom of the first desert.


    GW2 is not as bad on deserts as GW, but is still too desert heavy. I love PoF, but was glad to get out of that desert ha ha.


    Maybe more like Grothmar. It was reminiscent of GW pre-searing. A gorgeous landscape - which is where GW has always shined.

  3. > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

    > How does this....."discussion"....belong in the lore subforum.....


    Because only people who know the lore will know who any of these critters are. ?

  4. > @"Samnang.1879" said:

    > ...but I'm bored of the current story (and the talking dragons don't help....


    > If you didn't hear me... let me say it again, no outfit with buttcape!!!


    There is a story? I could not possibly care less about a story. This game has almost none, and it is easy to skip. If there is an un-skippable cut scene - that just gives me time to mix a drink ha ha (I am just here for monster bashing)


    Unfortunately you can probably be assured of more butt capes, though ha ha

  5. I never thought about it in GW2, but it could not be that hard to add. Ultima Online is an antique game and it has had hotbars for years. Add as many hotbars as you want, put up to 12 slots on each bar. In each slot you put pretty much anything you want. Skills, spells, macro, item, mount, whatever. If it is an skill/macro/item (like a consumable) it gets used when you click it. If it is just an item, like bandages, you can click to use it, or just monitor how much you have. Extremely useful bar.


    I have never tried... but can you keybind a consumable? Make a macro out it? I do not bother with food in this game, so I do not know.

  6. > @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

    > > @"Tukaram.8256" said:

    > > I was going to answer 'don't care', because I do not. But for the sake of the poll... I answered 'no'. Because it is not an issue that I have ever noticed enough to care about. It would have absolutely no bearing on my purchasing the expansion, one way or the other - I am buying the expansion - in what ever Deluxe package they offer.


    > What do you mean by this? Do you actually not care one way or the other? Or do you mean you don't care to see an ultimatum? Should I have not put in a don't care option?


    I mean it is not an issue to me in the least. I do not care about the issue, or the ultimatum. It is not an issue to me in the least. So the 'don't care' option would work... but in regards to the poll/"ultimatum"... 'no' is a better option for me.


    I would be fine with a toggle on anything you want, but my purchase will not be affected in any way by the addition or non-addition of it.

  7. > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

    > Such a drag i haven't even completed half of it. Sure i unlocked them, but haven't bothered to partake. Story can't be salvaged anymore. Yeah, i still despise aurene. Drizzlewood was when i stopped bothering. UGH!


    Yeah. Drizzlewood was when I bailed out. The prologue was awesome, Bjora was boring, Drizzlewood fizzled out completely. I have not bothered to see what came after.

    Would anyone say I missed anything fun?



  8. It started out so strong. The Prologue was the most fun I have since GW2 launched. The prologue was almost as good as GW pre-searing!

    Then each release just got worse. Well, not sure about the latest, I have not even bothered looking at the latest one. I quite frankly do not care to go wherever it went...

  9. I completely agree.

    A lot of games let you move any part of the UI around the screen. On GW2 everything is thrown on the screen higgledy-piggledy. I end up ignoring it all, except my health bar, and the critters health bar. I do not have time to be looking all over the screen for misc timers boons etc. Too much junk and no way to organize it.

  10. I gave up on jumping puzzles years ago. I do not have the depth perception needed, and simply cannot see the jumps. There are just some parts of the game I do not do. But I also do not care in the slightest about 'achievements' in the game...


    Games are made for the majority of people... that is just the way games are.

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