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Posts posted by santso.9201

  1. > @"SerenNovah.2510" said:

    > The changes for Ranger sound so good especially since I've started using GS a lot now. I have been relying a lot on that auto-evade in the chain sequence for skill 1, but it sounds like it's being changed to give more control and opportuninty of evading. I won't know how well that works until I can test it.


    > The skill 4 change sounds great especially the increase of targets knocked back, but the only thing I'm curious about is whether I can still block multiple ranged attacks and projectiles during its duration or if it will only block one and then disable the blocking animation?


    You can Even block multiple melee attacks with old gs4 If you turn away from target and keep jumping...

  2. scourge changes are meanigles, they wont change a thing, just make class to feel even worse to play compared how it is now. if you really want to adress the issue randomly nerfing dmg of certain skills wont do it.


    SAND SAVANT needs rework, i mean full rework not just nerf to target cap. it needs to be made full support grandmaster that takes all damage away from all shade skills and turn effects into healing/boonsupport/cleanses/more barrier(which would allow scourge work as healer without taking blood magic which honestly is garbage traitline even for support in wvw.


    feed from corruption should be changed to allow mass corruptions with small shade and demonic lore should get some dmg modifier to allow dps builds to benefit from it with small shade.

    those changes would open up build diversity and increase skillcap of the class.

  3. i would like to see The bm+marksmanship oneshot build that actually has bruiser sustain. Or The ws variant that can do oneshots against anything but full zerker ele or thief.

  4. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > It's pretty simple 40% strait damage modifier is to high. It should be dropped to 15 or 20% to be in line with other professions. 40% is fine on the pet though which is what it was intended for when It was created.


    I mean its not 40% when used in beastmode, its closer to 25% actually. Problem is ranger dmg is shiet without those insane modifiers because weapon skill scaling is Bad compared to lets say warrior who can run 2 qol/utility lines and still do oneshot dmg with one skill.

  5. > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > The 0.75s Dodge for Mirage is going to effectively kill the spec in PvE, PvP, and WW


    > Not sure how that's going to kill the spec in PvE, but if it does in PvP and WvW, then hallelujah.


    > That said, it will probably still be overperforming actually. But will have to see.


    Its still too strong, they should Make IT behave like normal Dodge when cc'd, i mean thats The real problem, not The duration.

  6. I dont think that unending corruption change does The job. Itse just not gona get picked on wvw because of changes to desert shroud( which would become unplayable, i mean 3s delay? Its unusable ) like The problem with scourge when it comes to wvw is how big shade Works, weak support options and The fackt you dont want to drop shade on top of your allies because it doesnt really do anything. Like designwise when your supposed condi/support spec is used as Power dps spec then there is something fundamentalismi wrong with class design...

  7. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"Belorn.2659" said:

    > > > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > I decided a long, long time ago, this kind of kitten is not for me, and sometimes I meme about the dps meter to friends when we do fractals or something. Who really cares about it? Why not make some actual friends that don't care about srs bzness, and actually play the game?

    > > >

    > > > Saddly hard to do when it comes to raids. Even my actual friend that i do raid with from time to time gives me kitten for being lower than 10k dps.

    > >

    > > If the other players do 20k dps then 10k dps is half a raid player.

    > >

    > > If all 10 players only count as half a raid player then you are practically 5 manning 10 man content. That will most time not work for pug runs, so it is understandable that your friend might complain a bit if they don't feel confident in low manning the content.


    > He sends me the logs so i know thats not the case. The highest in our group is 12-14k, im usually third at either 10-11k(Condi sb, so some bosses i cant break more than that), on the ones i can i get 12k usually. The lowest ive seen in the group was 6k from a dps class. As to pugs, i stay out of pugs simply to avoid the idiotic levels of toxicity ive seen in them, and usually they dont want Condi SB's in their raids.


    Are you using shortbow/shortbow? If so, does The tank turn bosses away from The group? If you have Access to The logs, check boon and Buff uptimes on you and rest of The Squad. Like you should sit comfortable around 15k If you have flanking bonus, Max might+Fury and some quickness and alacrity.(and ofc banners and spirits). And ofc you could check your simple rotation to see how much it different from optimal.

  8. > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > At the moment I think the issue is the convoluted nature of DPS in this game. Back when City of Heroes was a thing, the maximum DPS a build could do was usually just using 3 or 4 skills on repeat, with one of them on auto. In Runescape, it was having high stats. In Phantasy Star, it was about spamming the right skills over and over and having the right gear for the encounter. In DCUO it was about having a preset order of combo attacks + special attacks, and DPS wasn't really heavily emphasized (at least not for lower level raids).


    > The point being that, for all the games I've ever played online, Guild Wars 2 has _the most difficult requirements for good DPS_. I've never seen a game that can have multiple hidden timers on multiple skills in a high action RPG, wherein merely breaking order creates severe deficits in damage. I've never seen a game where the goal of doing damage was to avoid using your auto attack as much as possible, because the auto attack is nigh useless for sustained DPS. I've never seen a game where the damage rotation took longer than 30 seconds to complete. I've never seen a game where high-end content is based around having a boon that makes all actions 50% faster and all skills recharge much faster. Doing damage in this game is almost like playing a symphony, except you have to dodge thrown bricks while conducting.


    > This game really sets you up for failure. It is really easy to be bad at GW2. There are some classes that are worse than others, but I wonder why it has to be this way. I mean, who looked at the engineer and said "Yes, having to constantly swap in and out of kits to use DPS skills with hidden cooldowns is a good thing." For awhile, we could just camp bomb kit and do nearly 30k DPS. But, Anet changed that. The renegade currently has to weapon swap AND legend swap to do good DPS, using 11 different skills with precise energy timing. It didn't use to be that hard. Don't get me started on staff weaver.


    > The easiest way to resolve this issue is to massively increase the DPS that auto attacks do in PVE. The base auto attack shouldn't be 1/3rd of our possible DPS. The auto attack is the default, and if it is terrible then the default performance of a player is also terrible.


    I mean you could play dedeye or staff DD and mostly aa to have good dps?

  9. On sure If larger Part of playerbase would know about dps Golem and would have realistic picture of their Max performance this wouldnt Be huge issue...like no one gets kicked because they did few k less dps than other dps, most likely what gets ppl kicked is them failing key mechanics that get group wiped. If ppl kick you because Bad dps then its More than 1-2k less, you have Been dps racing with druid on that point(for ppl who dont run arc that would Be like 3-5k dps when dps should Be like 15-20k) in that point, yeah you have Been leeching and should Be kicked.

  10. > @"Applejuice.4083" said:

    > ArcDPS is the problem, it is a third party program that breeds toxicity among you elitist individuals. Attacking players who do 1k damage difference from what is meta. I have seen people who use this program go as far as to issue out IRL death threats or making snarky comments like " My grandma can out dps this kid" etc, etc. I have seen people who get DC'd from a raid because of ArcDps then leech the boss at the end by coming back.


    Well i got flamed by one Guy because i was playing condi scourge in fractals, that person was playing dh, i checked My arc after each encounter and i did around 20-22k on each boss and double his overall dmg compared to his 10-12k he was clearly not using arc and he was clearly The toxic one.


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