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Posts posted by Farohna.6247

  1. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Farohna.6247" said:

    > > I enjoy weapon collections, tedious as they can be


    > There are collections that take you places and have a story attached to them - those are fun.


    > And then there are those collections we have seen a lot of lately that are mere grinding for materials - that doesn't qualify as "end game content" in my book.


    I agree, it should not take the place of actual content, but should compliment it. I am rather annoyed that I'm having to craft multiple sets of what is essentially the same weapon. I presume it's all "filler" for now as hopefully they are working on the expansion.

  2. I enjoy weapon collections, tedious as they can be, gives me a reason to go revisit things. Since I don't have the time to commit to group content, it's a nice something to work on solo. More variety in design would be nice yes.


    I would like to see a new title, more legendaries are always welcome but I expect more of that with EoD, so I'll wait. Legendaries are typically a longer work in progress, something to do gradually. The weapons, like in DRMs, are meant to get you doing some dailies and repeating content. It's not for everyone, nor are raids or strike missions, and that's fine.

  3. I don't think it's so much at matter of absolute hatred as a matter of fine I'll accept my fate and do the underwater stuff since I have to. Doesn't mean they necessarily want more of it. I'm sure with Cantha, and as mentioned the deep sea dragon, we will see more of it. Hopefully some refining of some skills, underwater weapons are fine. Wouldn't mind an underwater mount race for kicks.

  4. I loathe underwater combat in other games, it's a chore to go through, it's not fun. When I started GW2 I dreaded once again underwater combat. However, it's honestly pretty good, and some interesting places and artwork under the water.


    That being said do I want more underwater combat or areas? Absolutely no. My sylvari isn't made of seaweed. Improving the experience or skills would not help, it's just....underwater.

  5. I enjoy playing mostly alone with the option to play with others, jump into an event, help each other, that kind of thing. I like joining a group if I'm on a map and there is a commander tag doing the same things.


    I like seeing people in the world because it gives it a more vibrant, alive aspect than a solo player game with just NPCs. The casual interaction is nice without feeling forced, and helping each other out is a delightful part of the community. That being said, I like doing my own thing at my own pace, but sometimes it's fun to see what others are doing and hop in.

  6. > @"vicky.9751" said:

    > Who is drawing these skins?:X

    > is there no quality control ? the recent springer skin was also very cringe.


    Lol the springer grows on you, after it's dyed. Unintentionally received one from a chest... surprise. Now I find it quite whimsical, like a kangaroo rat.


    I will be interested to see more of the new skyscales flying about, curious to see how they look in action.

  7. > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > I muted my hues from my previous post. The dyes super-saturate, and the horns and main body/wing sections share a channel so making the horns look right can be tricky. I noted the red eye liner issue Solanum reports; it's also traced through the collar. I don't see any ground clipping, at least not on flat pavement. It is definitely a slightly small mount for a norn though. New dyes: Tar, Frostbite Blue, Old Jeans, Spirits.


    > Dyes https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/405207401315434496/813851049562734592/IsskaldrLunarDyes.JPG

    > Above average height norn https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/405207401315434496/813853113072484362/IsskaldurSize.JPG


    > A note, it breathes standard orange fire.


    > And putting it on my sylvari warrior, with his standard skyscale hues of Swampblack, Glint’s Ambition, Enameled Longevity, Toxin, seems to work nicely.

    > https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/405207401315434496/813855721640427600/AndretLunar.JPG?width=566&height=644


    Very helpful and I like your dye choices! I like it better now seeing it with some colors and so I'm not just frowning at the doggish face.

  8. Sorry Happy, afraid so. Can always use karma to buy tools (granted breakable ones) if you want to farm specifics and give them a try. Not the greatest use for karma but sometimes a nice way to get some extra mats or just to see how you like the idea of it.

  9. > @"Lucio.4190" said:

    > > @"Astyrah.4015" said:

    > > > @"Fuchslein.8639" said:

    > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

    > > > > > If you die in Guild Wars, you die in real life.

    > > > >

    > > > > Yeah, that's not true. I've died a LOT in GW2 and I'm still here.

    > > >

    > > > I doubt that he meant that literally.

    > >

    > > Guild Wars 2 VRMMO version ---- but you can't log out.....


    > The NerveGear! :#


    > > @"Farohna.6247" said:

    > > Sylvari dry up and blow away like autumn leaves.


    > They do not! They just moulder... gracefully. Then they're reborn as a beautiful flower. Or, so I've been told by a friend and he knows stuff.


    That's beautiful man <3 I like knowing my sylvari come back as flowers.

  10. New players learning the ropes, and many who still don't help out but sit and wait for metas. Some people don't follow basic instructions well (i.e. auric basin meta...hold at x percentage).


    Mostly I find the maps I join who are actively progressing a meta do very well. LFG groups are usually very successful as well since people want to be there and help.


    Fair question, lots of variables.

  11. It's good fun, the changes this year are nice, just to mix it up a bit. The races are fun, mostly for personal challenge, I like an occasional bout of dragonball, and I enjoy the celestial challenge.


    The celestial challenge, while making some people sad because they aren't seeing their name as highest contribution, is an energetic group event. The extras this year encourages effort and participation instead of just standing there as some do at every event.


    Lower key than the previous two holidays, yes. Perhaps that's part of the complaint from some, as it may feel disappointing post wintersday.


    I came, I saw, I made some gold. Good times.

  12. Agreed that many are over the top, too flashy, but that's a matter of styling. Some people apparently have the I want to blind every one with my brilliance theme going. However, if we bring up things that pull you out of immersion, how about not only armor and weapons, but the cosplaying doesn't always fit in when you see a superhero go past in the middle of Orr. Also character names....if you want to get into lore or staying with the game's theme....


    Yes, for those that do not like all the sparkles and spangles, a feature would be nice. Unlikely however, and more likely it will continue to be over the top. People, try to be tasteful with styling not an eye sore.

  13. They are usually in the gem store at least two or three times a year...and yes they are a useful purchase, I quite like mine. Also have an unbreakable set, also useful in their own right with watchwork sprockets and unbound magic glyphs. Keep an eye out, no there is not an established pattern to the gem store sadly. Possibly won't see them again for a few months.

  14. Join one (or five) whenever you feel like it. Find someone you enjoy playing with? See a guild recruiting at an event you frequent? Join! Are they necessary for anything in the game? No, sometimes handy for help, questions, most chat is in discord so can't say they are very talkative on screen, disappointingly. Guild missions can be a fun thing to try out. Guild halls are a useful and convenient, free port back to lions arch lol.

    Find ones that work for you, that sound like fun, that have players on at times of day you play. Have fun!


  15. > @"Oxstar.7643" said:

    "Yep, might sound childish but that's how it is to me. Music is different to people. What it is to us is individual and hence it's "in your mind" for EVERYONE."


    The first step to acceptance....

    Least you know it. Suggest turning the music off, switching to some decaf or herbal tea, and yes it's only you who finds it condescending and takes it personally.

  16. I understand your interest in wanting more story and interaction with other races throughout Tyria, and it would be interesting for those who would like more to have access to such perhaps.


    For me personally, I don't really find many of them interesting, and am comfortable with just passing by, helping them out, and going about my way. I like not knowing much about some of them, and their suspicions and stand offishness I find interesting in a world of alliances. If they drop by and help me out occasionally, cool.

  17. > @"Smoosh.2718" said:

    > All honesty and being blunt from a personal side. When we have had personal story involving say the Skritt, Kodan, frog men or dumb whales I've had very little interest in them, they always felt like a tacked on factor to the story. Id rather the game focuses on the core races and gets it right, then focus on every single race making the story wafer thin.


    > Knowing how anet will do it will be the ham fisted way like the introduction of the dwarves... 'Oh look dragon attacking, WOW! Dwarf people are here and instant allies, with no build up, no real introduction to them or backing.' This kind of story telling is jarring and feels really weak. If this is how it will be telling the story of lesser races, then there is no point adding it to the game as it weakens what Anet got right in the previous story telling.




    While I get understand that many people have an affinity for many of the side races, I personally agree with this. I'd rather have primary focus on the ones the story revolves around the most and are at the most interesting moment in their histories.


    Also quaggan and skritt conversation just isn't that stimulating. I also have a bunch of frogs that loiter around my home instance and I really wish they would help plant crops or chop some trees while I'm gone.

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