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Posts posted by paShadoWn.5723

  1. "Meta human" is a term from DC Universe meaning "human who got minor empowerment and by the virtue of this acquired strength feels obligated to boss ordinary humans and tell them what is best".


    What is "best" is the lack of surprises for meta humans because if everyone runs the meta build the game environment is absolutely predictable and meta humans can lord over without being rudely surprise defeated by upstart muggles.

  2. What i observed was happening in Heroes of the Storm, the f2p game, had happened now in GW2 as well.

    The f2p inevitably opened paygates for various scum, and they have dominated ranked as multiple complaints attest.

    Then players that cared more about fight itself than superficial rewards and to avoid AFK, wintraders and other scummy stuff, had inevitably come to the same conclusion as HotS playerbase and promptly left the ranked to fester.

    Since start of season i played unranked only and had quality, challenging games (albeit some one-sided) with none of what ranked players complain.

  3. In Diablo III Pool of Reflection gives a certain quantity of bonus XP you can acquire in any amount of time.


    Laurel XP booster lasts 1/2 hour which is 2-3 sPvP games giving 1-1.5 bonus games worth of reward track per booster, not very incentivising and forcing you to play without break.


    If instead it would last some points of XP/reward track it would be much more convenient.


  4. Thief gets nerfs because many players are unable to make a build with some toughness and complain about "oneshot".

    They are kill-hungry too and when thief escapes with stealth it frustrates them.

    And they are most vocal and complain a lot thus bullying Anet to make those nurfs.

  5. > @"Jinks.2057" said:

    > > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

    > > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

    > > > Just run away from a SA stealth abusing DE. It's that simple.

    > > >

    > > > Rule of thumb vs any thief who is abusing stealth excessively:

    > > >

    > > > They are bad players and you just walk away.

    > >

    > > They are not bad players. They just have a different play-style you are not fond of. There is nothing wrong with using stealth a lot then ambushing people. It is a valid style just like rushing head long into the enemy. Both styles work for different people.


    > Answer this:


    > What happens if you take stealth away from that thief player?


    > There's your answer


    Answer this:

    What happens if you take oneshot combo on an unaware player away from you?

    There's your answer.

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