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Posts posted by Burtnik.5218

  1. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > What's the trick to Shiro 1? When I use it in WvW it seems to work only half the time and has a short range, it certainly would never teleport me like it did you at 3:45. Most of the time when I use it I get a "you must have a target selected" error which is bonkers, since I do...


    > Some locations are more polished for teleporting than others. Phase Traversal is a garbage shadow step, there is no denying that. I have a lot fail on me as well, not including every time I unintentionally swap cancel it before the actual teleport.


    Still waiting

  2. > @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

    > > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

    > > > @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

    > >

    > > > All your argument is - "This is trash, it is unplayable, I don't like how it works, I can't spam my skills."

    > >

    > >

    > > That's because the burden of proof is on you to name one thing about it that would make it OP. And a 10s recharge on EtD has absolutely nothing to do with spam and everything to do with intelligent energy management. It makes you waste energy because people can hard punish it by simply disengaging.

    > >

    > > >10 seconds has to stay as this skill is very strong. If you want 3s CD or 0, this is straight powercreep to the strong skill, so cut the bs.

    > >

    > > You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

    > >

    > > The current new version of EtD is actually an overall NERF due to the removal of the 15% stat boost and addition of cooldown. Dark field is not as effective in PvP as you and Crab are making it out to be, and certainly not worth the loss of these two previous benefits. Removing the cooldown would make it a sidegrade, not powercreep. Mallyx has been meme tier in PvP for years.

    > >

    > > >It allows Revenants to benefit from Dark Aura (finally) but you can't spam it because it's strong.

    > >

    > > You wouldn't be able to spam it with or without a 10s recharge because the skill that grants the aura is not EtD, it's CtA at 35 energy. Moot point.

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > I like how you dodged all the rest I said just to make your point. Well, if 10s CD doesn't prevent this skill from being abused, then idk what is your logic. I gave you a clear explanation as to why the things should stay as they are

    > - while your argument: You have no idea what you're talking about.


    > Hmph, good luck moaning about Mallyx in your adoration circle as this is clearly not a place to discuss, if you ignore what others say, just to make your arguments.


    > Tyvm


    Dark aura is useless. Idk why someone even asked for it when we have resistance lol

    Dark field itself is a potato as well. One of the worst fields ingame. Gimme smoke field and then we can talk about "abusing". Either way it is not the rev i picked up anymore, last bastion called Mallyx got destroyed and i refuse to play with cd+energy on top of it. Mallyx was nerfed for no reason.


    It also shows their future direction where all next elite specs will have cooldowns and im pretty sure other utility skills of this class will get cooldowns as well including stunbreaks. Matter of time.

  3. > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > > @"Burtnik.5218" said:

    > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > > > > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

    > > > > The UA change isn’t particularly good though. Mallyx didn’t need CC and it surely didn’t need the worst pull in the game with a 35 energy cost and a 5 second cooldown. It cost Mallyx a spammable movement/damage skill for a terrible pull that has no damage pressure and worse movement

    > > >

    > > > Having something to retaliate with that can disable players and benefit from AoE typically being Dark is much better than something that has on a regular basis no impact because it is often blocked or moved around which only the most ignorant players would even try to stand into them.

    > > >

    > > > Not just in practice either, the new elite modification allows for better condition output than the old long and slow damaging AoE of both skills.

    > > >

    > > > The old one might have granted more mobility if the energy was available but it was in no way good at applying conditions to players, at best 4 torment stacks while here it's possible to setup bursts more safely and efficiently with less risks.

    > >

    > > What burst tho? Condi rev doesnt have any kind of burst or am i missing something?


    > Starting with Embrace the Darkness at a good time and tease players with attacks to evade before CC then add whatever follow up such as Banish Enchantment/Precision Strike/Searing Fissure then swap legends with Song of the Mists to follow up with Elemental Blast and such.


    > That's just one out of like 10 if not 20 different kind of follow ups that inflict at least 10k damage overtime if landed.


    > Also peoples pressure can be yours as well.


    I am landing that stuff without setup. Banish is wasted cuz you actually want ppl to proc the 2second long confusion. Theres no real burst in condi rev. We dont have anything like shades

  4. Anguish feels odd after the change and possibly as one of the worst utility skills in game. It also hurts Mallyx mobility hard af. And its so easy to interrupt as it ever was but now you just lose more energy and get put on cd. What made them think that it even need cost increase and cd is beyond me. The way it works now that joke should have no cd and 20 energy cost top.


    EtD slapped cd ruined the legend for me so basically (cant manage energy anymore, its either all or nothing till next legend swap), im rerolling bc Mallyx was the last thing i enjoyed about revenant. Not sure if i should return to warrior or get some fun with reaper/dh.

  5. > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

    > > The UA change isn’t particularly good though. Mallyx didn’t need CC and it surely didn’t need the worst pull in the game with a 35 energy cost and a 5 second cooldown. It cost Mallyx a spammable movement/damage skill for a terrible pull that has no damage pressure and worse movement


    > Having something to retaliate with that can disable players and benefit from AoE typically being Dark is much better than something that has on a regular basis no impact because it is often blocked or moved around which only the most ignorant players would even try to stand into them.


    > Not just in practice either, the new elite modification allows for better condition output than the old long and slow damaging AoE of both skills.


    > The old one might have granted more mobility if the energy was available but it was in no way good at applying conditions to players, at best 4 torment stacks while here it's possible to setup bursts more safely and efficiently with less risks.


    What burst tho? Condi rev doesnt have any kind of burst or am i missing something?

  6. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @"Burtnik.5218" said:

    > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > > > @"rdigeri.7935" said:

    > > > > Rev got a different treatment, they gave core a unique mechanic so there shouldn't be any elite tradeoffs.

    > > >

    > > > That energy gain is a nice boost lol

    > > >

    > > > Maybe issue is player cant find a rotation and most don’t know how to use legends due being searching for the rotation gimmick key order rather than see how rev legends are to be played according the “need of the momentum”.

    > >

    > > Useless energy when everything has cooldown




    > Well deppends, rev mechanics are gw1 based só imo that’s ok, some skills actually are energy heavy and weak, for example shiro skills m8 needs some energy cost slightly reduced and it’s heal skill needs improvements.




    Its not ok when the class was never supposed to have cooldowns on utility skills in the first place, save for small cds on powerful ones like Jade Winds. That was the whole point of energy system, to have reverse mechanic to thief weapon skills having no cooldowns

  7. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @"rdigeri.7935" said:

    > > Rev got a different treatment, they gave core a unique mechanic so there shouldn't be any elite tradeoffs.


    > That energy gain is a nice boost lol


    > Maybe issue is player cant find a rotation and most don’t know how to use legends due being searching for the rotation gimmick key order rather than see how rev legends are to be played according the “need of the momentum”.


    Useless energy when everything has cooldown

  8. > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

    > > @"Burtnik.5218" said:

    > > > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > > Shiro has been gutted over the years, and despite that, remain popular because he is the only Legend which actually feels like he has a role and place in the game (as an assassin)

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > Shiro is popular bc he has reliable stunbreak (with free dodge) unlike other core legends and mobility. Give mobility to any other legend+reliable stunbreak and nobody would pick Shiro ever again.


    > Exactly this, lets just see.

    > -You use shiro stunbreak+move away+evade while doing this+25endurance for free+gets fury+cure movement condis=30 energy

    > -You use mallyx stunbreak+get resistance2s+1s for every condi on you=30 energy



    > Shiro utilities work even if you fail.

    > -You use Jalis taunt and enemy dodged that? You losed cc skill and 10 energy.

    > -Did you use shiro blink and enemy dodge that? Its ok cuz you still moved 1200 units.


    > Same reason with sword offhand×shield. For surviving sword is better because even if you are out of range you move. You use shield, you most likely die, because enemies catch you.+ sword gives you more preasure to force enemies to be defensive.


    > And those mightgeneration nerfing only kill all meme builds like devastation/retribution/herald and force you to play that exact burst +1 meta shiro glint build. Because no 25might on rev = no dmg on rev. Bye bye build diversity.



    The answer is obvious. Time to nerf Shiro


    Balance team :)

  9. I am just waiting for cooldowns for weapon thief skills. If you can slap cooldowns on rev utilities that use energy then for sure you can slap cd's on thief skills as well. Enough of it. Its time to make it fair. Just a reminder that revenant was never supposed to have cooldown for utilities. Thats what energy system is for. Especially on a upkeep skills. If you plan on adding cooldown just get rid of energy system altogether bc this is no longer the class i decided to play back at HoT.

  10. > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > Shiro has been gutted over the years, and despite that, remain popular because he is the only Legend which actually feels like he has a role and place in the game (as an assassin)




    Shiro is popular bc he has reliable stunbreak (with free dodge) unlike other core legends and mobility. Give mobility to any other legend+reliable stunbreak and nobody would pick Shiro ever again.

  11. > @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

    > It's pretty funny to see people's outrage about these changes and the catastrophy-and-totall-annihilation -of-class predictions without knowing a single number in the skills.


    > Lol, All of a sudden everyone is a total Mallyx main and cares about it so much that every single change is definitely going to kill the legend and make just completely trash and our beloved most playable legend is now going to grave, that's the end.


    > At this point these aren't even rational arguments. It's some kind of a hate towards the Devs who dared to touch this precious legend. It's hard to even call it one's opinion.


    > Wait and see, if it's trash - suggest solutions, if not - play it.


    Ive been roaming with Mallyx for like 3 months. I know Mallyx like noone else does and these changes are horrible and not what was needed. Also as mentioned it even guts him in pve. No core legend should have cd's, especially not on a upkeep. And reworked Mallyx field better come with 1200 range if they wanna slap 5cd on it and increase cost.

  12. > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

    > > @"Burtnik.5218" said:

    > > > @"Buran.3796" said:

    > > > > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

    > > > > > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

    > > > > > No need to theorycraft with mallyx in pvp. Too energy consuming for what it does. Shiro still better.

    > > > >

    > > > > RIP, variety.

    > > >

    > > > Hardly. The class uses the same build in PvP from 3.75 years ago; everything else remains mostly useless and this patch doesn't change it. If all, widens the gap between power Herald and everything else, but any perceived "variety" related to Revenant in PvP was (always have been) ilusory. You can't "kill" something that doesn't exist.

    > >

    > > Mallyx was playable in wvw roaming. Not anymore once the patch goes live tho.


    > Yeah I am pretty bummed. I run Charged Mists a lot and a triple UA disengage or reposition was a godsend to my success in WvW. Not to mention the insane cleave potential it had, which IMO is totally valid if that is how I choose to use my energy.


    Pretty much. I loved dropping 3 ua fields on ppl that tried to rez or use it to escape along with Shiro superspeed if there was no target. Rev is not allowed to be fun tho, at this point i am pretty sure that even our stunbreak and other upkeep skills will get cd's in the future. Whole class will be locked into cooldowns along with energy on top of it. I tried to get away with this kitten joke split dmg on sword, and they nerf the last thing i enjoyed on rev..lol


    Hopefully they will make double sword condi necro on the future so i can drop this joke class for good.

  13. > @"Buran.3796" said:

    > > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

    > > > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

    > > > No need to theorycraft with mallyx in pvp. Too energy consuming for what it does. Shiro still better.

    > >

    > > RIP, variety.


    > Hardly. The class uses the same build in PvP from 3.75 years ago; everything else remains mostly useless and this patch doesn't change it. If all, widens the gap between power Herald and everything else, but any perceived "variety" related to Revenant in PvP was (always have been) ilusory. You can't "kill" something that doesn't exist.


    Mallyx was playable in wvw roaming. Not anymore once the patch goes live tho.

  14. Just delete the class already. Or at last delete energy system as it stands right now it no longer makes any sense. They literally gutted my condi wvw build with these 2 changes and nerfed it in pve as well.


    At this point i rather have regular cd's with no energy system. What a joke. I literally dont understand how they could slap 10cd on a upkeep skill?!

    Time to roll something else but idk what could replace revenant theme either. Guess its time to leave the game again.


    Rip Mallyx. Rip pre HoT Mallyx. Its time to let you go. :'(

  15. Old Mallyx.. i still remember that day when shatter mesmer tried to immobilize me and ended up with 12seconds of immobilize himself. Or that necro who ended up being in fear for 9 seconds somehow. Or when i was walking over ranger traps on purpose to get as many condi on myself as i could then wreck him. Yeah bring it on, time to murder these skilless condi spammer bots.


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