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Ayumi Spender.1082

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Posts posted by Ayumi Spender.1082

  1. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > It still costs like 50+ gold to simply get 7 levels per craft.

    > [Not anymore](http://gw2crafts.net/total.html).

    > Total of 151 gold to rank all of the traditional crafts to 400.



    That's still terrible.

    151 gold to get 63 levels.

    The level amount is not bad, but... I think leveling even from 1 to 63 I couldn't even get 151 gold like that.

    And also "New player" having 151 gold unless they bought from the gem conversion (and in that case I think it would be even cheaper to just buy a level 80 boost) doesn't help.

  2. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > Are you asking for all characters on each account to be able to have access to the same crafting disciplines?

    > > >

    > > > It certainly would be less trouble for me personally and I'd probably be willing to spend gems to unlock such a feature. However, I doubt it will happen.

    > > > * There's a gem shop item to expand disciplines per character from two to three or four.

    > > > * It's a significant materials sink.

    > > > * There's an existing work-around: the Mistlock Sanctuary pass. Allows you to warp to the crafting stations, do your thing, and boomerang back to your previous location.

    > > >

    > > > Seems like a big cost to ANet with a minor benefit.

    > >

    > > And on top of all this a lot of people do still use crafting as a quick way to level. You can't go from 1-80 just by crafting any more, but it still gives a significant chunk of XP for what they consider a reasonable gold cost. I think there would be a lot of anger if that was taken away. There was enough of a fuss when they made learned recipes account-wide, because some people thought it meant you wouldn't be able to discover recipes another character already knows and therefore wouldn't get the XP.


    > Right. That wouldn't affect veterans much, since many have huge stockpiles of tomes of knowledge. But it would impact newer players.


    I really can't see it impacting new players much.

    It still costs like 50+ gold to simply get 7 levels per craft.

  3. > @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

    > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > Asuras or Asurans?

    > >

    > > Edit based off of comments- So what would we use for this sentence?...

    > >

    > > A group of (Asura or Asuras or Asurans) stole my lunch money?


    > Per game and Taimi: Asura.


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Buried_Insight

    > : Tizlak was right. The city appears long dead. I guess we won't find any allies to rally for our cause.

    > Taimi: Such a pity. All those asura.


    > For stuff created by asura : asuran.


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Way_In

    > : I’m looking for Rata Novus. Ever heard of it?

    > Tizlak: Rata… Hmm…

    > : That doesn’t sound promising.

    > Tizlak: I’m assuming you mean an old asuran city?


    Aha. Good. So I've been saying it right all along.

  4. Yesterday right after the patch me and my friend was going for the jumping puzzle in Lion's Arch. They were bugging out on my screen and I was bugging out on theirs.

    Wasn't my connection and it wasn't theirs either.


    After a while I saw them running into the wall and they saw me floating in the air near the water in the beginning.

    During this time They were standing next to me floating near the water on their screen while I was near the shark within the jumping puzzle (was trying to lead them to the shark as they were a Ranger and didn't have the pet yet).


    We both decided to log out and log back in to see if that helps (seeing we just patched, there was nothing to download).

    Their character loaded where they were on their screen and I was in the water near the shark of course.


    They asked if I moved and I said "Nope. Same crap as usual."


    I've seen this happen in full force in an HP train about 2 days ago also. Or a day ago... forgot.

    The leader for so many people kept running into walls, falling down pits and holes, but the little markers he put down were just fine.

    So many people fell down where they thought the leader went and so many got lost.


    A few times the leader would go, "Lol... where is everyone?" and when you check the map it was like block chicken pox all over Tangled Depths with how spread out everyone was.

    The leader wasn't lagging either from what he was saying and no matter how many resets or relogs he did it never fixed.

    After that patch that day it was a bit more stable and haven't seen more lagging or bugging out since when we all went to Dragon's Stand for both the meta and the last of the hero points.


    So yes... the game is very buggy and glitchy for quite some time now and I want to say it all started since around Halloween and it's just been getting worse since.

  5. Thinking about it. It should be scaled like PvE stuff.


    Someone in a one person guild being able to take on 50 people from one squad and their stats are buffed for a 50 on 1 fight.

    That would make for some awesome videos.

    The one person would get Legendary status.

    Same for if someone is against let's say 25 vs 50. The 25 get a Veteran status or something.

    10 against 50 would get Elite statue maybe.

    5 against 50 are Champions.

  6. > @"Stevethetrain.5170" said:

    > But would it kill Anet to post this even if dates are subject to change?


    You tell the internet... I don't care how less toxic GW2 community is as a whole compared to online games... you tell the internet that something is coming as soundso date.

    The moment you do that and anything happen and needs to be pushed back... you might as have killed their family and ate their pets as they will treat you the same if you have done the same... AND set back the release date.

  7. > @"Healix.5819" said:

    > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > Can you elaborate? I thought LaunchBuddy did exactly this, plus offer ways to save different configuration options and control the launch of various AddOns.


    > LaunchBuddy started out as a command line assistant, then later added basic support for launching multiple accounts. I've never used it, so I only know what it can do from the reddit posts, plus the complaints about it sometimes not working and problems with patching / having to manually update. I thought they added this feature, but I didn't see it listed, so fun fact, for every launch, GW2 will create a new %temp%/gw2cache folder, which can quickly add up.


    > Gw2Launcher is my personal launcher I made back when they did the $10 accounts, which is specifically for running multiple accounts. As such, I have features built around that, such as pre-configuring window sizes and positions, individual volume control (because the in-game master volume is bugged and applied twice to videos), the ability to cache patches (because each Local.dat file needs to be patched for ~30 MB) and download them while you're still playing. I just don't advertise.


    Tried it out. Really awesome exe.

  8. I do hope there's enough people out there that would want the race they add to play and hope they release the race for those people.

    I personally will not play the new race because I know the races I want playable Arenanet will not make playable.

    No, I don't want to play as a Tengu.

  9. > @"Quarktastic.1027" said:

    > It really helps to drive home the state of the revenant in general. When even a weapon set related to the revenant is unfinished/missing, it doesn't paint the devs in a good light.


    More of how they care for Revenant in general how it was kind of feeling unfinished/incomplete.

    And now the weapons that it had in the beginning are "lost".

  10. Weird as except for Auric Basin, I would never set foot in HoT maps unless I have to.

    They're boring and unfun to me personally.


    PoF feels more rewarding to me merely on the fact that I like the maps, have a bit of enjoyment getting and doing things on there.

    My only issue with PoF maps is the repeatable hearts which I wish could've went away or at least stay completed unless I needed them reset for something.


    Brink just very bleh to me. Daytime isn't fun and night time is usually really boring. Have to wait for so long for the bosses to happen and even then they're just meh.

    Depths feels the most unrewarding of all of the HoT maps. The meta isn't fun, it doesn't really give much and the map itself is the worst thing I've seen in this game map-wise.

    Dragon's Stand is at the mercy of a timer. Can't do anything there without the meta, after the meta you have to rush to see or do or get anything until the map closes or kicks you off.

    I want to be able to look around and explore. Up to now, I still don't truly have Dragon's Stand memorized (I can get around fine, but don't really KNOW anywhere there) because I'm always rushing either to 100% the map or to get the Noxious Pods before those areas are closed off again. Not cool.

  11. > @"akenoyuki.8210" said:

    > **Available for 3 days**

    > > [Lord Caudecus's Sword Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lord_Caudecus%27s_Pistol_Skin "Lord Caudecus’s Sword"): 600 gems

    > > [Lord Caudecus's Pistol Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lord_Caudecus%27s_Pistol_Skin "Lord Caudecus’s Pistol Skin"): 600 gems


    > **Also, for the future:**

    > > January 25 — [braham's Mace Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Braham%27s_Mace_Skin "Braham's Mace Skin") and [braham's Shield Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Braham%27s_Shield_Skin "Braham's Shield Skin")

    > > January 26 — [belinda's Greatsword Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Belinda%27s_Greatsword_Skin "Belinda's Greatsword Skin")

    > > January 27 — [God-Slayer Bow Pack](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/God-Slayer_Bow_Pack "God-Slayer Bow Pack")

    > > January 28 — [Kasmeer's Staff Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Kasmeer%27s_Staff_Skin "Kasmeer's Staff Skin")

    > > January 29 — [Marjory's Dagger Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Marjory%27s_Dagger_Skin "Marjory's Dagger Skin") and [Marjory's Axe Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Marjory%27s_Axe_Skin "Marjory's Axe Skin")

    > >

    > > Link: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/match-your-mount-with-jackal-rune-greaves-and-gauntlets/ (The bottom most part)


    You linked the pistol skin for the Sword Skin by accident, linking them both twice:

    [Lord Caudecus's Sword Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lord_Caudecus%27s_Sword_Skin "Lord Caudecus’s Sword")

  12. > @"Chickenooble.5014" said:

    > When you use a Level 80 boost you're taken to The Silverwastes with decent gear and a Level 80 character. Play around there and decide if you like the character and find the Level 80 experience worthwhile. Once you get a feel for the class, do one of the following:


    > 1. You love the character! Keep the character boost and enjoy your open shared inventory slot!

    > 2. You love the character but want to level it up so you learn how to play it! Refuse the character boost and level your character. You can use the boost on another character to see how they play at Level 80 in PvE content.

    > 3. You hate the character. Refuse the boost and delete the character. Use it on someone else.

    > 4. You hate everything. Just use the boost on something and keep hating everything.

    > 5. You have a Level 80 character you like but it doesn't have Exotics... and because you make terrible financial decisions you don't want to pay for exotics. Use the boost on that character to get a full set of Exotics.


    I still say Silverwastes is one of the worst trials in existence.


    1. You only get 2 sets (or 1) of weapons. Let's say Thief I think it was Daggers and Shortbow? Engineer I think it was the Rifle. Warrior was Twin Swords and Rifle and such.

    The issue here is what if you like another weapon? Yes, you can buy one of the very weak/lame ones from the NPC or if you have the money to waste to buy a "decent" one from the player shops for some gold (which is a risk of wasting gold) to see if the class has potential of you liking it or not. The trial should have at least a little loot box like the demo characters had in PoF with one of each weapon type the class can use so you can see which weapons you might like on it.


    2. The next issue is no elites. You can loathe a core and like an elite. I know I can say that... I loathed Mesmer core to death until I got Mirage and was like "OOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!"


    3. Even if you tell someone to go to the PvP lobby, which I've done a few times, you can't use that to see if you would like it anywhere/everywhere else. If you're a WvW person, your stats and damage and traits/skills are not the same. Same for if you're one that's into PvE.


    I still have my 2 level 80 boosts though so I might be the worst person to listen to. I just don't want to waste it on something I find out on hating and I've seen enough times I like a class I've tried out in PvP lobby just to find out I hated it later after leveling it manually to 80 no matter which elite I've used.

    Or... I did the level 80 trial in Silverwastes and thought "This feels very meh and lame" and in the end I still make that class type later on and then try different weapons and stat setups and going "OOOH! THIS IS NICE!"


    One of the examples of one I liked in the PvP lobby but ended up hating have to be Revenant.

    One examples of one I loathed in the Silverwasted trial but ended up really liking quite a bit (especially recently) have to be Guardian.

  13. > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > Darkness looks like Shadow Abyss, but then I went into a basement or attic of an abandoned house for over a decade and either accidentally tripped or some wind got inside and blue a lot of dust and dirt and ashes on me and I'm unable to get it out of my clothing.

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/aSjaYf6.png "")

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/U5SLvyv.png "")

    > >

    > > Do have to note though, I really like the look on the boots.

    > > Looks like metallic boots that seen a lot of adventures/fights/battles.

    > > To the point the black paint/polish started to wear and tear and scrape off the boots because of it.

    > > The rest though... all I see is dust and dirt and ash.


    > The second screenshot looks infinitely better than your first - you’ve totally demolished any and all textures/details with that Shadow Abyss.



    Not unless I'm specifically aiming for this kind of look:

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/jzE2aWU.png "")


    I do like the um.. what was the other called again? Grave?

    It got a stone-like texture with it. Can see using it on a Sylvari to make some moving statue characters with it.

  14. Darkness looks like Shadow Abyss, but then I went into a basement or attic of an abandoned house for over a decade and either accidentally tripped or some wind got inside and blue a lot of dust and dirt and ashes on me and I'm unable to get it out of my clothing.

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/aSjaYf6.png "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/U5SLvyv.png "")


    Do have to note though, I really like the look on the boots.

    Looks like metallic boots that seen a lot of adventures/fights/battles.

    To the point the black paint/polish started to wear and tear and scrape off the boots because of it.

    The rest though... all I see is dust and dirt and ash.

  15. > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > I think people that's interested in no footwear has never been through the pain and suffering you go through after walking a day without them out in the wild (aka not in your house).

    > > Oh gods, the pain after that.


    > That's because you haven't built up the necessary callous to bare it.

    > Tribal people walk barefoot just fine.


    Yeah but... not sidewalks and asphalt...

    I could see if we're only going in places like HoT, but PoF without footwear in that sand, the cities, the areas outside of the cities...

    Never seen so many scrapes and "air bubbles" and scabs and whatever else under my foot.


    Charrs would like it.

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