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Posts posted by Alchofas.8243

  1. You have bad luck. Just attempt to join all the groups you see, make sure you know the mechanics of the raid you are joining, even a single player not knowing the mechanics will result in a wipe and a kick.


    It's not that the door to raid is locked for you, you're just plugging your key to the wrong butthole.

  2. > @STIHL.2489 said:

    > > @Alchofas.8243 said:

    > > Will we get any sort of privilege or status as one of the sponsor? But then, still no.

    > >

    > > Based with my understanding, it seems like you're trying to tell us to pay anet's development for some certain system we would like to see, that's more or less the same as sponsoring them and if i were to have the power to sponsor any games, i would have just started a project for my own game and use those money for its development instead.

    > >


    > I don't view buying a product as sponsoring someone, because I am sure not sponsoring Walmart.


    Except you're not really buying products here. You're paying the team to focus on its development on a single point, it's something that's not a product yet soon to be one. When you're paying the devs to make or focus on a particular feature that's not there yet, that is the same as sponsoring them.

  3. Will we get any sort of privilege or status as one of the sponsor? But then, still no.


    Based with my understanding, it seems like you're trying to tell us to pay anet's development for some certain system we would like to see, that's more or less the same as sponsoring them and if i were to have the power to sponsor any games, i would have just started a project for my own game and use those money for its development instead.


    The thing is, we are now playing anet's game and how the game will grow and change to will be up to anet's decision, it is their game so they should be the one to decide, if we were in any way to be the one to decide its growth, then how would this be anet's game anymore? MMORPG is only interesting due to the enjoyment of seeing the developer's next move to the changes for their game, if we were to take that away, it would be better to just create our own game.


    We sure can support them by buying their stuff, but not paying for what they should do.


    I apologize before hand if this is just a for fun thread, sorry for being kill joy then.

  4. What's wrong with some people in this thread?


    What's with the "if you do this instead of doing this, you'd be there already" ? You guys are saying as if the airport service was down and flight delayed for 5 days, you should have swim or ride a boat over to the next country instead of waiting for 5 days, you'd be there already.




    This is a post that constructively tells us and anet that there is currently such issue of inconvenience that people could exploit to further inconvenience the people in the future. This is so that changes will be made so this issue will not happen again.

  5. The reason there is no portals in core is because anet want the core game to be experience-able and explore-able to all the players without expansion. Having a single portal there or any updrafts or mushrooms even if it's for convenience purpose would ruin this as non-expansion users won't be able to use them thus they won't be able to fully experience core game.


    Now, If your post is not about having Sand Portals in non-pof zones, what exactly is the point of your post? why did you name your thread title like that? It would be nice if you can expound and elaborate instead of raging and telling us to reread your post.

  6. I agree.


    What exactly is the point of remaking this forum if the staffs aren't actively participating on it? Why would they choose reddit over this forums for AMA? If reddit is in any way better, why did they not make the exact type of forums as reddit is for the official forums? I actually died a little inside when they said they were gonna do the AMA in reddit and not here, it makes me feel dumb to stay in this forums actually.


    It's like telling us to leave this forum and go to reddit instead.

  7. I agree.


    Before i even started playing Guild Wars 2, the Guild in the game title just made me expect that the game would have awesome guild contents. Of course it did, but it never get better from there on.


    Would really love to see more new guild contents. It's probably the only thing that makes a guild fun aside from normal conversations.

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