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Posts posted by Adonan.8356

  1. I just finished the Tyrian storyline a few days ago, and just started the HoT story. Everyone seems to be worried about Destiny's Edge while I'm here cursing their names and screaming, "We don't need them". Maybe I shouldn't hold onto a grudge like this, but those fools were so blinded by their hatred for each other that they watched the bloody world burn around them. They only came together in the final hour, after Trahearne, the Pact and the player already did most of the work. Sure, their help was welcome in the end, but I'm inclined to think we could have handled things without them. As far as I'm concerned, they can go know themselves, because we handled things just fine before they came along. I'm not sure if this should go into Lore of General Discussion, but I'll move it if needed.

  2. > @"Cuks.8241" said:

    > With the latest expansion we got new instanced PVE content with again slightly different format. They are not that much different to what we already have in forms of dungeons, fractals and strikes and could just as well be one of these.

    > Instanced PVE doesn't seem as popular in this game as with other mmorpgs. Maybe I'm wrong on this one but Anet is constantly trying to invent a new format that would get more players to play this type of content but I am not sure it is working. In my opinion fractals have the best format but still have some problems that I will ge into below.

    > They also added a public instance with strikes which I think is a great idea but just got deserted after a few days and I think not much will change with DRMs.


    > What I think is the biggest problem is the accessibility in the game, the interface that is holding all these content back. It is not the difficulty, not the required player amount for a full instance and not the toxicity which is really low in this game compared to games that have much more popular instanced pve.


    > What this game need is a common interface window that can be accessed at any time and any place in the game and throgh which we can enter the requested instance. A button on the main screen would open a lobby window thought which you could enter either a public instance or join a party (incorporate the existing LFG systems) or a squad and also enter the private instance.

    > Most importantly we should be able to enter any instance from anywhere in the world. No need to travel to a certain map or even worse a certain instance of a map. This way I can play in open world, check the lobby if there is a party for a dungeon of my liking and in next moment I am in an instance.And once I am done with an instance I am back to where I was before.


    > I excluded raids from this post since those are harder and need more organisation. Anything else can be tackled by any average player without much organisation.


    I don't know, that sounds a lot like what WoW has, and many attribute the insta-queue to the fall of that game. Although, to be fair, other MMOs have that feature and are doing fine.

  3. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > I hear people compare Trehearne to Kormir, because they feel their accomplishments and glory are being stolen. Though any sort of critical thinking would make you understand why these characters are needed, especially in an MMO.


    > I still hear complaints of how come the player character was not allowed to ascend to godhood in GW1... I mean come on people...


    > @"borgs.6103" said:

    > Some say because he was just suddenly introduced in their personal story. Sylvari characters have known him from theirs at an early stage. If you played the Sylvari story, you _may_ hate him less or not at all.


    > Some say he stole our glory. But that's the price you pay for having a branched-out storyline that eventually merges at the end with a VIP character that has so many variables i.e. - the Commander's gender, race and class ranges from a male Norn Mesmer to a female Charr Thief. The whole Personal story, the dialogues and interactions has to have a character that NPCs can interact with and address as a static entity, and not just "Commander without a Pronoun." Trahearne is that anchor.


    > @"PseudoNewb.5468" said:

    > He was originally voiced to be awkward and unsure. Being a firstborn sylvari, he also never learned to socialize like other mortals do and does not express his emotions with his voice. He is a bookworm and not actually very comfortable with going out into the field, however, he is guided by the sylvari's wild hunt to do these things.


    > Basically his voice matches his backstory just fine. People just don't like that he is an awkward character.


    > And stealing glory. He never does that. He becomes the pact marshal and that is pretty much it. And he didn't even become pact marshal out of popularity. He is appointed that position exactly because he seems so aloof. He is neutral, so he brought the least complaints from the three orders.


    > Some players are just paranoid.


    See, this all makes sense to me. In fact, I'll probably make a Sylvari just to learn more about Trahearne. He seems dry to me, but if what PseudoNewb said is true, there's probably more to him than what I see.

  4. Really? I never got that impression. The annoying voice thing is subjective, but he's with us through most of the events after the attack on Claw Island. I would agree that most of the NPCs seem to congratulate him more often than not on a job that took a group of people. Still, he acknowledges our role at the very least.

  5. I just finished the cleansing ritual of Orr, so maybe I haven't seen everything yet, but he doesn't seem too bad to me. I've heard that people think he's a Gary Stu, and while I would say he's dry in terms of character, he doesn't seem like a Gary Stu. The dialogue never gave me the impression he was the greatest necromancer in Tyria or anything like that, rather he was just competent. To me, he's like a tradesman with several years of work experience under his belt. He's probably rather special in the eyes of the Pale Tree, but nothing too extreme. His Wyld Hunt consisted of him cleansing Orr, but that's it.


    He'll probably join the forces in taking down the dragon, but he's certainly not doing it alone. As such, I never got any kind of, "chosen one" vibe from him. If anything, the player character is closer to that niche. The only negatives I can think of is his marshal status and his lack of character development. He never goes through any kind of struggle, and he picks up his role as marshal with ease despite never leading such a large force before. As far as I remember, he's never made any mistakes, which is unbelievable. Overall, I do think he's a rather dry and boring character, but I don't hate him. Does he do something later to earn that ire?

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