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  1. Just so you know even tanking in this game is different. In PvE for most content you don't really need a tank since either you are killing solo and need some sustain yourself, or it is a massive group fight, in which case tanking is kinda unimportant. The only content that really needs a tank are raids (10 man content). Raids have a mix of agro methods. For some raids the person with the highest toughness becomes the tank no matter what, so so long as your abilities and traits do not increase your toughness mid battle you can do practically anything and not have to worry about the tank changing. In other raids that tank essentially pick something up and so long as they are alive, they will remain the tank throughout the encounter. Another mechanic is for the agro to focus on the furthest player, this is all about positioning and so once again what moves you use (besides movement moves) does nothing to affect the agro. Since agro does not need to really be managed tanks instead focus on positioning the boss as well as forcing the boss to face certain directions since fights tend to be somewhat mobile. For a long time the best tank was actually a light armor mesmer because it could evade most attacks while also supplying a ton of buffs. Now there tend to be a greater mix of professions that tank.
  2. Not sure if related but I all of a sudden have massive ping issues that I have never had before.
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