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Posts posted by veslarius.8425

  1. Why nerf core guard? It's already countered by Core War, Spellbreaker, Bunk Druid, Boonbeast, Condi-Mirage, Holosmith, and Scrapper. The only thing its good at fighting is all Thief classes, Necros, Condi-Engi, and Power Mes. It used to counter Rev but not since their dps buff.


    If you want to nerf something nerf the pet dps of bunk ranger builds especially referring to Bunk Druid and Boon Beast. Nerf Deadeye stealth, engi turret heal, Mesmer damage mitigation aka -Blocks-Blinds-Invuln-Evades-Stealth-Teleport- all these together are a bit much.

  2. I'm having constant DC's as well but I have 2 PC's in the same room with roughly the same builds spec wise and only one is DCing. I can always get right back on, but I'll DC in under 15 minutes every time that I do. I makes it so that I don't want to PvP because I would hate to DC and cause my team a loss.

  3. JQ was closed for a very long time with a low population. It was kept closed for so long that most just transferred out. Now it has a "medium" population and has to fight servers like Maguuma with linked servers and a population that JQ just can't compete with. Is there some reason why JQ can't be linked with other servers in the same way to even out the population? It would likely make WvW less of a train-wreck. I've seen servers fall off and come back and its usually just a waiting game, but JQ has been through Anet's hate list and is likely fubar.

    Link us up please and give us a fighting chance so that way WvW isn't an outnumbered snore-fest until the new system gets implemented in the year 2050 =p

  4. With all the bad things happening to us in the game PvP (DCs, Win Trades, Bad Match-ups) , PvE (Bugged Achievements like Fancy Flying then get stuck in a wall or DC after earning it but before getting credit), and WvW (No commanders, huge zergs vs your little 15 mam group you managed to scrape together. Annoyingly time gates reward system), do us a solid Arena-net and open the servers so we can at least WvW with friends.

  5. ![](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/5dc70d_9bf9be6d3aec48d1be16fae073ecaa06~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_575,h_325,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/5dc70d_9bf9be6d3aec48d1be16fae073ecaa06~mv2.png "")

    This is my alt that I mentioned that I use to test guys who want to duo Character name Xeroghoul Malak. The top 2 on the right hand side (blue team) are 1890 rated

    Below is a pic of the same two from the upper right on blue team at 1890 vs my alts 1470



    Did I actually have to make a website to put images on this forum?


    Seems like there would be an easier way. Regardless, ranked 1v1 would eliminate ungodly match ups like this.

  6. I think ranked 1v1s would be a very good way to bypass carries and some of the current win trade methods being used. There would still be some that would just queue into each other with dummy accounts for free wins but that would happen regardless. There are also issues with current builds that could cause problems if not handled carefully. I think that Arena Net should control selectable 1v1 builds to solve issues with having to fight in boring bunker or stealth matches.


    Eliminating stealth is reasonable as a 1v1 is pretty much a "duel" and in a duel one doesn't hide behind a boulder or tree to surprise their enemy during the fight. Its basically just a crutch used by thieves, rangers, engi, and mes to recover from mistakes and reset during fights. I've seen a few very good thief duelists, mostly daredevil. I think the class could use a small nerf on the evade spam but I have seen some really good matches from some skilled daredevils in 1v1 rooms. The perma stealth trapper and the sword 2 (usually condi) through wall thieves though, that's just garbage in my opinion.


    Removing healing amulets could help with bunker issues. If pre-set builds are used just don't include healing ammys in any of the builds. The goal isn't to hold down a point, its to kill your opponent so a bunker would likely just make for a boring fight that would force the game to chose a winner based on damage done if there are no deaths. In this situation, the bunker would likely lose every match as their damage often suffers in exchange for sustain.


    I personally would love the chance to not depend on pugs given to me by Arena Net as I am almost always screwed over by it. I took screen shots and posted them in the old forums of the earlier system where I was placed in a team with a legend and 4 diamonds vs me as a Ruby at the time and I was armed with a sapphire, two emeralds, and an amber pre-made if i remember correctly. Last season on an alt with a rating of like 1480 or so I took a screen of me being placed with a group in there 1530's or so versus legend players in 1880 and higher.


    I usually use that alt to queue with people I am unsure about so they don't lower my main accounts rating so I didn't care as much, but it is a pattern that Arena Net can't or wont break. The only difference is that now they don't show the divisions at the end of the match, most likely to eliminate screen shots and complaints like mine. So yes ffs, finally please give me a way out of that horrible match making. I killed several of the legend players that I've fought in 1v1s during those wasted matches so I would much rather be rated on that. Last season my main account with mostly solo queue landed at 191 but if this system was in place, I'm sure that number would be looking a lot prettier. I want to put the screens on here but they aren't on a "URL" anyone know how to just load on from desktop?

  7. Please disable dishonor until you can fix the issues with legacy map DCs, well either that or take the map out of rotation until fixed. I was DC'd from legacy and put back into VB PvE area and had to map to LA to get put back in the match. I got back in, we won. I got second best stats even with the late start and I still got dishonor. Just 6 minutes but its the point =p Hopefully ranting at you guys on the forums took up that 6 minutes.

  8. > @MarkoNS.3261 said:

    > as far as i know 5 people premade was removed because people constantly complained they were getting stomped by premade teams vs pugs 1 v 1 i dont think was ever a thing.


    It also gives ArenaNet's matchmaking much more control over match outcomes. If you can only control two of your players, and ArenaNet can pick three along with all five enemy players, what can you if they decide you need a few losses. At least with 5v5 you can control each player and if they try to get you farmed my a top rated 5v5 team, Qdodge.

    When the rankings were Amber - Legend on my trip through Diamond I actually got placed against 4 Diamonds and a Legend vs me, 1 ruby, 2 emeralds, and an Amber. I would take screenshots of matches like this an post about it. Now I can't-do that because they removed the division icons from the post-match info. Convenient for someone who doesn't wanna deal with complaints from players having to fight legend pre-mades armed with silver pugs. They need to bring those icons back to post-match info.

  9. > @Erzian.5218 said:

    > There is no "forced" 50% winrate. Match making just tries to make teams as equal as possible. This is based on mmr. So, assuming you are not cheating the system, your win/loss ratio should average out at 50% once you have hit the mmr that reflects your skill level. This is how every match making should work. If you are not making progress anymore (without cheating), your mmr matches your skill level.

    > Gw2 has some issues, but neither of them is the match making:

    > Low playerbase makes it sometimes impossible to create fair matches.

    > People are cheating the system and anet does not do anything about it, which renders the top end of the leaderboards completely meaningless as it only shows us who is best at abusing the system. I think less than 50% of the current EU top 10 are actually legit. Last season's rank 1 player has pretty much dodged all other top players and only duo queued at late night to avoid balanced matches (and then actually made a complaint on forums about other top 10 players who were win trading).

    > Some matches are inherently imbalanced, although mmr is about equal, because one teamcomp is vastly auperior to the other.

    > Rating gain/loss seems rather unfair if you solo queue as it is based on your rating compared to the average rating. This means that even if the match is against your favor, you are going to lose more rating than you would gain just because your personal mmr is higher than the average. While it does make sense to reduce the rating gain in such matches, as you should not gain much rating for participating in games that are well below your skill level, you also should not lose much for your inability to carry teammates if the overall win chance is still about 50%. If the match is 50:50, the possible gain should match the possible loss. If that match is below your own skill rating, this gain/loss should be smaller but still equal to each other e.g. +3/-3.


    > The last thing is very important imo, as the current design heavily promotes abusing the system. If you have more rating than 90+% of the population, chances are that your rating is often higher than the one of the average player in your matches (because the low population makes it impossible to only match you with comparable players). Therefore, you will end up losing a lot of rating even if you maintain a winrate above 50%. As a result, there is no incentive to queue for players at the top apart from decay and if they want to gain rating, many of them will resort to whatever yields the best results (more precisely: abuse the system to maintain the ridiculously high winrate that is needed, but should not even exist, to stay in the top 10)."


    I'm pretty sure that the forced 50/50 thing is real. I placed plat after my 10 games on one alt account and on another account, I duo'd with my wife and she is brand new to pvp. Trying to carry her landed me just under gold. I decided to finish leveling this account to plat and during the course of this, I found that when my wins were so many above 50/50 I would get matched with teams that were impossible to win with. I literally had every top stat and aside from me only one other player managed to stay alive. The other 3 would insta die to players that I beat 1v2 and 1v3. In the end, we lost 489-500. I had every top stat and worked harder than I ever had. It wasn't enough, it was an impossible win. There are many such matches that I see when solo queuing and my wins are 60-70 percent.


    On my main account just last night there were certain players that were just extremely easy to kill and seemed more like bots than anything. I was placed against the current number 1 NA slot's duo on his rev. My team consisted of all the easily killed players that I been killing all night. It turned into a zergfest as these guys basically just insta died or walked aimlessly. It was Capricorn map and I actually caught his rev in a 1v1 near far. To my surprise, he was an easy kill. I was power guard and he was power rev. I know hj revs that are much harder to kill. Now did ArenaNet give me all the insta die bot players and put me up against current number 1 duo because I was too far above 50/50 or is it smurfing in action? Either way, something is very broken.

  10. I have been seeing a continuous error while looking at the spvp leaderboard. It shows players with lower rating in a spot that I should be sitting at. It's just 250 at the moment so it's not critical but if I grind down to top 100 or 25 an issue like this could become much more annoying. I have 3 screenshots showing the bug but can't see an option here to upload an image. Had anyone else noticed this issue?

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