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Posts posted by Balthazzarr.1349

  1. You can’t get balance when transfers are still allowed. Right after relinks you typically get bandwagon transfers. ANet isn’t doing anything about those and probably won’t.

  2. > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

    > You're not going to like the notes in what they said in the latest WvW with developers - they are basically going to make it easier for attackers now to all gates and walls and also there will be potential restrictions to repairs on walls while it is being damaged. There are even plans for rewarding attackers [on higher tier objectives I am guessing], so all you need is a bigger zerg now and you're golden.


    Yep, the change will be in favor of the attackers and the onus will be on the defenders to get their squad(s) there fast enough to save the tower or keep. Apparently there was a little 'task force' from wvw working with the devs on this one. Frankly I'm not in favor of it for the most part but at the end of the day people will continue to make decisions based on what the vocal groups speak about the most. ... and I will continue to play wvw because also frankly.. I love wvw. Some of the mechanics I don't agree with but after all is said and done just give me some place to run with my friends and destroy as many enemy as I can.... oh ya... and use wp mastery now and then.. ;)

  3. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > People covered the basic points, so I'll sound off on some equally important, but often overlooked suggestions.


    > 1. If you are a member of a guild that has Guild Enhancements unlocked, be sure to grab the +10% WXP buff (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Enhancements).

    > 2. If you intend on spending serious time in WvW, invest in a separate ascended amulet for use in WvW, and insert one of the 2 Wvw Enrichments: +10% WvW EXP or +5% Reward Track XP (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Enrichment) . Personally I recommend the WvW EXP as Reward Tracks are easy enough to complete

    > 3. Food! Don't be "that guy/gal" - bring food/wrench with you and use it! No seriously, they also give you +10% XP...are you seeing a trend here? Depending on what profession/role you opt for, the usual go to foods are ones that give endurance regen + might on dodge, -10% damage reduction + stat, or you can go with more affordable choices such as +stat / +vitality/toughness until you figure out what works best for you.

    > 4. BOOSTERS! Yup, those stack up, so use 'em. Get dem levels!

    > 5. If you haven't noticed already by reading the forums, WvW now has a mount, the Warclaw (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warclaw). It's a big addition to the game mode, and has caused a major rise in the salt levels here on the forums, but if you don't already have it, I'd look to get it as soon as possible.

    > 6. Gliding! WvW does have gliding, but you need to unlock it using WvW mastery points, which you earn by gaining WvW ranks. So until then, don't leap off any cliffs

    > 7. DAILIES! WvW has its own daily list, which also helps to complete the Daily Completionist meta. But even if you don't need help getting that done, the dailies help you to learn the various different types of objectives in the game, while also giving you a boost in Badges of Honor as well as Potions of WvW Rewards (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Potion_of_WvW_Rewards) which helps kickstart your Reward Track...which brings me to...

    > 8. REWARD TRACKS!!!!! Just read the wiki page and choose the one you want to start working on: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW_Reward_Track but of course, you should complete the track for the Warclaw first because of #5

    > 9. Have Fun. If you aren't, no point in playing.



    Nice job! :)

  4. > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

    > > @"Widmo.3186" said:

    > > 1. Create Ranger (if you already have one, log onto him)

    > > 2. Use „B” key and enter any of the Borderlands or EB

    > > 3. Dont forget to use longbow. Second weapon is not important, you want to ALWAYS use longbow

    > > 4. Your armor should be zerk. Nothing else matters, just the z e r k

    > > 5. Find a guy with tag and join squad

    > > 6. Have fun, now youve joined WvW community as a VIP, you will be always considered as valuable and important person just dont forget to follow first 5 steps.


    > 1. That's fine if he wants to be a Roamer.

    > 2. Yep.

    > 3. Second Weapon can be important, GS helps with mobility and Sword/WH is great for damage.

    > 4. Depends on if you are really good at playing Ranger and can kill first, otherwise Marauder mixture would be more beneficial.

    > 5. Rangers never get into squads. If they do somehow get into squad, usually kicked shortly after.

    > 6. Rangers are never considered valuable and important.


    > This sounds like someone writing because they are salty they got killed by a Soulbeast Ranger. Probably a Necro player?


    5. absolutely untrue. Rangers might not get into squads if they are not known to the people and don't know how to play the class... but they get into squads that KNOW the value of a good ranged player.


    6. Rangers are ALWAYS valuable and important in many ways in and out of squads. Good ranger support, especially if you have a small group of organized Soulbeasts can take out siege very quickly and cut down enemy groups very well with good coordination and timing between their group and the main squad.


    Many have read my posts now and again in here about Rangers, and no they won't stop. People who disdain the Ranger class as nothing but roaming simply really do NOT know the value of a good Ranger.


    Having said all that.. if you are NEW to WvW don't bring a Ranger. Use Metabattle as was suggested and build yourself a decent class that can survive better. I main Ranger and I survive very well etc etc... but it's not a class for new people unless they already know it inside out. The main zerg classes are the ones like, Guardian/Firebrand - for support; Warrior/Spellbreaker -- for the almost useless dome but decent damage and survivability; Necro/Reaper -- lots of "traps/wells", aka damage.. and enemy on wall support; Engineer/Scrapper -- damage, support, stealth


    I'm sure there's many other features of the classes that other people will be happy to note but truly if you want to get into WvW pick one of those to begin with and run WITH a squad. Look for a group/guild that's happy to take in new people and help them learn and you'll start having fun... and as someone said... prepare to DIE. :)

  5. A week long match up is a whole week long... I don't know if the week could be shorter but... nope 7 days is a week.. and Friday night is the best time for reset since it's the beginning of the weekend. ;)


    After all is said and done the score is a waste of space... it's really only good for the up and down movement of the server groups. When you get to the toxic ridiculous T1 mess you get double blobbed and just wait until you can drop back to T2 for some more normal and fun fights. It is what it is. As long as the bandwagoning continues to the linked servers nothing will change... and we know nothing will change.... alliances? maybe next year???

  6. I’m not typically the negative note on the scale but sure you could read into this anyway that suits you.


    To me it looks and sounds like a bunch of words to pacify but give zero in specifics at all... a year after the alliance proposal announcement.


    Give me an olive branch with at least a bloom on it instead of telling me the tree is still standing and I’ll believe something is actually being done/planned.

  7. Check out the report on what's next for GW2. NOTHING in there about Alliances... However they do say something about WvW... and this is what it says:


    "Further Down the Road

    For WvW, we’ve talked about changing the matches so that scoring matters in 8-hour intervals. This allows us to address gameplay in off-peak hours in a way that doesn’t invalidate the work of the most active populations."


    Seriously? THAT's the future of WvW? Some sort of rework of scoring that doesn't matter anyway because of linked server bandwagoning? Man I'm so annoyed right now I could break something.


    The full notice is here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/72842/what-s-next-for-guild-wars-2

  8. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Lobsters.3869" said:

    > > > What they need is new useful upgrades when u rank up in wvw. Im almost 1200 rank and I have almost maxed everything. At 1700 you gain access to the fancy glowly armors and such. So thats 500 ranks of sheer nothingness. Is there not a person at Anet with one day to propose something for players within 500 ranks?

    > > >

    > > > Don't get me wrong, I like this game its still pretty fun, but wow. And after 1700? I've seen people with ranks over 5000 and these players get literally nothing in return for their enthusiasm for the game and these people are the best advertisers as they are usually the ones creating interesting experiences for newer players.

    > > >

    > > > Couldn't somebody at some point spend one weekend not drinking the beers and try to help these players who have pretty much sustained the wvw aspect which is in the games name but does little enough.

    > >

    > > **As a person who has almost 4000 wxp**

    > >

    > >

    > So you are almost to rank #1??


    > ?



    almost!!! yaaaa

  9. > @"Lobsters.3869" said:

    > What they need is new useful upgrades when u rank up in wvw. Im almost 1200 rank and I have almost maxed everything. At 1700 you gain access to the fancy glowly armors and such. So thats 500 ranks of sheer nothingness. Is there not a person at Anet with one day to propose something for players within 500 ranks?


    > Don't get me wrong, I like this game its still pretty fun, but wow. And after 1700? I've seen people with ranks over 5000 and these players get literally nothing in return for their enthusiasm for the game and these people are the best advertisers as they are usually the ones creating interesting experiences for newer players.


    > Couldn't somebody at some point spend one weekend not drinking the beers and try to help these players who have pretty much sustained the wvw aspect which is in the games name but does little enough.


    As a person who has almost 4000 wxp I'm not sure where the 'nothing' comes from. Seriously I simply don't play WvW for any sort of rewards. It's all gravy at the end of the day. I play wvw exclusively because that's the part of gw2 that I love most. PVE? ugh... I could go there and get 'more shinies' but that's not what it's all about for me. If you ask pretty much any real seasoned wvw person (however many of us are left that is), you'll find that we simply don't really care about "rewards" other than the reward of kicking enemy butt when we can...


    I'm not trying to rain on your parade or cause an argument... it's just how most of us old timers feel ;)

  10. When they announced Alliances it was nothing more than a thought. They hadn't even started actually laying out the process plan at that point. Simply went online and told us they had this idea and that they would likely "SOON" start the design of it. Who knows how much actual work has been put into it at this point... as people have pointed out it doesn't look like many resources are assigned to this 'not so small' project.

  11. > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

    > Some sort of storage would be welcome, else please increase the number of shared inventory spots we can have, or both honestly.


    > Edit: storage as defined as something the player has while in WvW and it is with them as they go. Be that a wallet, book, siege bag, hotkeys. We have three levels of siege that some of us (be us mentally challenged) carry around 250 of at a time in case they are needed to delivery cookies to our fine friends of other colored maps.


    Increase shared slots? Isn't it 25 or something like that? I have the max but not in game to count right now. Got all my siege in there plus a ton of other shared goodies :)

  12. > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > @"Princ.3598" said:

    > > I would just like to add that I'm talking about the scenario of a squad not being full. So 35/50, otherwise I would gladly leave a spot for a meta class honestly.


    > To be perfectly honest.

    > 98% of the time, having no ranger is better then having one.


    > Simply because a bad ranger does more harm then good thanks to reflects.


    > And rangers that enter WvW are either new, roamers or trolling the commander.


    > Rangers have a extremely bad reputation in WvW and that for a good reason.



    Bad players have bad raps. Bad Rangers don’t help.


    But good Rangers are ALWAYS welcome where I play. Anyone that thinks Rangers don’t have any place in a squad simply are short sighted and have tunnel vision.


    I laugh at squads that come to cap structures that don’t have ranger support... the siege that would be gone if me and my subsquad were there lives... and they get driven off.


    If all you want is fights period then Rangers, I agree, can be a problem if not played right. But wvw is rarely fights only except for a handful of guilds and elite superhero wannabes.


  13. > @"tobin.6754" said:

    > > @"StrawHat.2639" said:

    > > > @"tobin.6754" said:

    > > > hate to say this but, we told you so! All the fresh blood left, and the WvW community are stuck with a mount they don't want.

    > > >

    > >

    > > You should more look at it this way:

    > > A very small fresh blood influx probably almost none seeable in the coming weeks will remain.

    > > As for the WvW community...its probably skewed 1/3 don't want mount, 1/3 don't give a... \either way and 1/3 like it.

    > >

    > > anyways sigh


    > Yea and if a portion of that 1/3 got fed up and left, we'll be worse off off than before mount. And I'm sure there are more than 1/3 of the wvw community that hate the mount.


    I like the extra speed of the mount. But to be honest my gametime has gone from daily to twice in the last 5 days. It has really killed my desire to go in and PLAY wvw. For me it’s really just a pve bit of fun and has caused my desire to race back in to wvw to all but fade away.


    Currently I’m ranked 3900 and from the looks of things that won’t change anytime soon. meh

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