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Posts posted by Balthazzarr.1349

  1. > @"ASP.8093" said:

    > Is the premise of this thread that auto targeting is somehow an advantage?


    I think it’s more about what a pain auto target is. The simple fact that a wall can be auto targeted is ridiculous. Even being selected on a tab switch is stupid. Structures should be excluded from targeting, period. Auto targeting otherwise isn’t really bad if you don’t want to leap away from people. But it can get you killed if you leap and automatically jump into the group instead of away. ?

  2. I would love to have a "Use All" feature for the Tome's of Knowledge. Converting them to Spirit Shards requires a ton of clicking... and 'just a game' or not it's a royal pain. We have this feature for other items so please ANet, give us this feature for the Tomes. I have a few thousand I'd like to convert.. ;)

  3. I’ve been a ranger main like forever. I play ranger in a group, I think, better than most... BUT in organized squads I play Spellbreaker these days, and havoc finds me playing mostly burn guard. When I’m roaming or just feel like messing around I run my Soulbeast. Overall it’s just not a decent choice anymore. My burn guard puts out way more damage than my soulbeast ever does.

  4. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Why suggest paying for it when you can do it for free by submitting a support ticket?


    > https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013021194-Policy-Guild-Ownership-and-Name-Changes


    lol... well I asked them about it... they said "post something on the forum".. I did... Frankly I'd like to be able to just do it when I want to.. so as they suggested I put up the little poll. It's no big deal if nobody else really cares... I was curious... I can continue to bug them if I want a change of course ;)

  5. Over the years I've changed the name of my guild a couple times for different reasons. Once it was just to have the tag changed so it didn't conflict with another guild tag.


    It would be great if we could have a "Guild Name Change" ticket that we could purchase from the Gem Store the same as we have "Name Change" tickets, although both of these should be more like 400 gems and not 800 gems like the name change one is now.


  6. > @"SlitheSlivier.1908" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > We have a thief who plays FRONT LINE in our squads. He's a super killer survives as well as anyone. The way he plays and the dps and kills he gets without dying in the middle of a battle is amazing.

    > >

    > > Anyone that can play a thief like this guy does deserves to be in the group with the most support. l2p is always the key. ?


    > Any more info on the build he uses? Or maybe pm me his username if he is okay with that so he can let me in on the basis of his awesomeness (build)?


    I’ll check with him and get back to you sometime in the next day or so.


  7. We have a thief who plays FRONT LINE in our squads. He's a super killer survives as well as anyone. The way he plays and the dps and kills he gets without dying in the middle of a battle is amazing.


    Anyone that can play a thief like this guy does deserves to be in the group with the most support. l2p is always the key. ?

  8. I'm in NA but I can tell you this much... If you go into WvW during your choice of times, pick different times if you're flexible, and ask in Map/Team chat if any guilds are open to new players that want to get into this game mode. It might take a few times of going in before you get a hit, and you might get a response right away. Just have to keep trying.


    Aside from that you can go into the borderlands and look for a tag that's open and see if you can get in the squad as a new player. Usually you will be expected to run a comms package like Teamspeak or Discord. Just ask and see what is required/requested.


    Typically people like the team members to run builds that are designed for different types of support or damage etc in wvw. You can get good starting builds from the metabattle . com web site.


    Hope that helps a little bit. ;)


  9. You need a fourth option that says "It doesn't matter to me either way". I can see the members in my squad just fine regardless of where they are and I am colour blind.. maybe that's an advantage? Make it yellow, green, orange, whatever and for many of us it doesn't matter. When fighting the last thing I need to do anyway is look at specific people etc. It's 'follow the tag' and if mr or ms red yellow green whatever gets lost and dies then well... wp mastery for them unless we can get them on our way after.

  10. > @"hobotnicax.7918" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > The fact that ranger is even on the list brought tears to my eye.

    > >

    > > Good one.

    > >

    > >


    > I see you have a long way to go to learn the way of the ranger.

    > Melee Soulbeast is absolutely brutal in zergs.


    I am well known for my bias for rangers. I’ve played ranger almost since the beginning of this game. It’s not as brutal as it used to be in group fighting. The nerfs have hurt it. I have switched to my burn guard as my main group/roaming class. I eat rangers for dinner after roasting them to death these days.

  11. > @"Revolution.5409" said:

    > Can you post a screen to show what's going on well?

    > I have never had these problems so I would like to see.


    I don't have a shot for you but I can confirm what the op is saying. If I'm standing at the gate of a tower and can see inside then I can barrage deep into the tower. If I'm next to the wall and can see the top of the supply shack then I can hit anything that's on the shack.. and so on.


    It's annoying to those inside but seriously this IS a Ranger skill set. It doesn't have a lot else it can do to help in fights, but is great for wall siege and siege inside towers etc. It makes me shake my head that pretty much anything that people don't want to build to deal with get complained about and screams for nerfing... :P

  12. > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > There are many spots where seige can be placed and nothing can reach them.. if anything that is more of an issue than being able to barrage over a door.

    > >

    > > Protect your seige or loose it is how it's supposed to/should be.


    > That's fine.


    > However all range skills need to be this way then, including DH LB5 and ele meteor etc.


    Actually I agree with this.. As much as I don't like that ele meteor shower, it and the DH LB5 should be able to function the same way barrage does. They all "fall from the sky".

  13. > @"Brutal Augus.5917" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > The whole point of barrage is to shoot a volley of arrows high in the air and OVER a structures in an arc that then falls on your enemy. Working as designed and desired. Is pretty easy to step out of the way too.


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Barrage

    > I dunno man, seems like a stretch to say that's the whole point of the skill. Wiki say it was meant to "barrage the target area with a hail of arrows that cripple" so the point seems to be aoedamage/soft CC in my opinion. Dont see anything about how they intended it to interact with walls or structures in WvWvW specifically but under patch history for may 2018 it does say that they "Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from being targeted in certain areas blocked by line of sight." Problem with saying it works as intended is that they dont specify whether or not those areas included the other side of a structures wall etc or not.


    > It is easy to avoid though, right about that.


    Blocked by 'line of sight'... but if I can see through the gate, and the arrows shoot UP into the air and not straight (which barrage does), then I can target and hit them. It's always been this way... ANet in the past has agreed... Seriously though do people really want every single thing that can hurt them changed? As we agree, it's easy to get out of the way of. If a person isn't built to handle some incoming damage and get out of the way then the solution isn't to nerf the damager... the solution is to build the class correctly ;)

  14. > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > npc’s other than lords in wvw are so easy to kill I don’t understand the issue.


    > Did i say they were hard to kill? Nope. It's just annoying that these NPC's CC you out of the blue when you are trying to fight someone aka pvp but i guess most people here are PvE players. My bad.


    I wasn’t really trying to insult you so I don’t understand your cheap shot. My wvw build allows me to kill npcs easily. They don’t really seem to factor into a problem when battling an enemy unless they are a lord.

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