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Posts posted by Balthazzarr.1349

  1. > @"james.9317" said:

    > So I was just riding my mount in WvW and just in a blink of an eye I was down. I mean like in 2 seconds I was down, Is this normal now in WvW ? and has anyone else had this happen to them before?


    > My class is a core warrior and I have 20k health plus 10k with the mount, That 30k health gone in 2 seconds https://ibb.co/Ttdyqqk


    > Should this even be a thing in WvW?


    I think when you drop from the mount this way you are already lower in health aren't you? I'm not sure but maybe? At any rate since you haven't been able to build up your adrenaline etc and this person knows how to play his ranger then ya... you can die that fast.

  2. > @"Cuks.8241" said:

    > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > I almost hate to say this but seriously, the rest of us paid and paid again and did all the grinding. Sorry but it’s part of keeping the game makers in business, as well as being fair to the thousands that paid the price.

    > >

    > > That's a very valid point that I think people need to recognize ... loyal players DO get rewarded in this way. If someone decides to leave for a few years and they come back and are irrelevant in some way, Anet shouldn't be going out of there way to accommodate those players without some cost to those players. In this case the cost is a hard slog to earn the mount. Maybe Anet makes it so you can rent a mount ... I'm not against the idea, but the rent better be more than the effort to earn it outright.

    > >

    > > The big problem is that there isn't much business case to accommodate flighty players ... they already demonstrate extreme levels of non-commitment to the game. I can't see why would Anet implement that system for the least loyal players.


    > Warclaw is just one little thing in the whole content that PoF has to offer. They would not be able to use it outside WvW. It benefits they game mode if everyone is on even grounds. I don't want to have p2win stuff in any form of pvp. Why they should implement such a system? Because it would be good for everyone and I don't think it is an income factor at all for them. I don't really understand the I paid for it so no one should have it for free argument especially if it benefits the whole.


    It doesn’t benefit me to have someone who hasn’t done the work and got the experience that goes along with it.

  3. As someone noted above... if you truly want to be somewhere that is "all inclusive" think about moving to SoS. I'm not even on that server anymore but the people there are superb. A number of guilds, KING, LUV, HoT... to name just three, are great for new players. Sure they like their zerg builds and love people to be built for group fighting... and at the same time they are more than happy to help you know which build to use on which character etc. I am still in KING and if you move there want need a contact then fire me an email in game balthazzarr.1349 and I'll get you connected. ;)

  4. > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

    > For all that people that think 1h CD is too long... how often do you use the consumable TtF versions? I believe that I used 4 in 3 years. You seriously complain because it has not a 5 min CD? wth are you planning to do with it, if it ever gets such a reduced CD? Come on folks, TtF is a feature that, exploits aside, you rarely will use ever.


    > If I don't buy it, it's not because of the 1h CD, but because I never find myself in need of a teleport. The only useful situation I find for this item is when you enter a WvW map, to jump to your commander instantly. Other than that...


    When we do missions and I’m on a toon without much mapping I use it a lot. An hour cool down is useless to me. All good though, I have over 100 consumables. ?

  5. > @"primatos.5413" said:

    > Even with n high end pc with full settings and 130 fps in three-way fights it lags like hell bcz of idk .. too much calculations at a time (gameserver sided) or whatever ^^


    Sorry but I don’t get all the lag talk. I run on a laptop, ASUS ROG gaming system. 150mbps internet. No lag 99% of the time. Once in a very rare moment I get a bounce here and there.


    Then again I’m in Canada where the internet is clean and fast. ?

  6. > @"Galeskyring.9617" said:

    > As it says on the page


    > "like a Teleport to Friend token, whisking you across Tyria to a party member’s location—but doesn’t disappear after you use it. Just give its internal reactor **an hour** to cool down and you’ll be ready to teleport again."


    > According to the patch notes this item costs 800 gems IE $10, why was this item given such an absolutely monstrous cooldown time?! Surely 15 or 30 minutes is far more reasonable then 1 whole hour......


    > I cannot honestly ever see myself buying **or** using this item when the consumable version has 0 cooldown. If this item gets a change to make its cooldown more reasonable it could be a very healthy thing to have but at current it's an over priced waste of time.


    imo it's ridiculous. Heck I have over 100 of the other ones and definitely won't waste money buying this new trinket that I can only use once in an hour. It should be just as reusable as the other permanent items are... and that's immediate! Otherwise it's more of a waste of money and inv space than anything else... imo that is.

  7. > @"Klipso.8653" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > > > @"Mushuchalaka.9437" said:

    > > > > I think the real problem with keeping crafting stations in WVW would be the map que taken up.

    > > >

    > > > If that was the 'only' reason for their removal, ANET would have placed them in the OS. I think it's equally believable that they don't want crafting stations to be so easily accessible, as it diminishes the appeal for lounge licenses like Mistlock Sanctuary et al.

    > > >

    > > > But hey, at least WvW players still have access to a mystic forge within WvW. Outside of lounges, PvE players have to go to Laggings Arch for that :sunglasses:

    > > >

    > >

    > > or Divinity, Rata Sum, Black Citadel, Hoelbrak....


    > Is there mystic forge in those? I thought the only open world one was LA


    Brain fart. I was thinking crafting stations. ?

  8. > @"Inoki.6048" said:

    > > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    > > All that needs to be done is to have the damage modifier from "Sic 'Em!" reduced either to 5% or 10%. Ranger in general has enough damage modifiers as is. It really does not need +40% on a single skill.


    > when I mentioned this earlier people were like "what are you talking about, bruh".


    > but it's not just Sic'Em that is the problem. Multiple traits that allow the Soulbeast to reach without Sic'Em over 4k power, 260% ferocity and 70% accuracy. that is the real issue.


    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/r9o5o0M.png "")


    > this here is my soulbeast with bloodlust sigil, not ruins, without might stacks and Sic'Em, enjoy.


    > btw, we need a new mount.


    what gear/specs are you running? you say you're not running runes but that doesn't make much sense... I could edit an image as well... but if this is legit then seeing the information that gives this would be helpful. I run very close to that with marauders etc but not without using runes.

  9. > @"reddie.5861" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"reddie.5861" said:

    > > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > Heck I can solo tower lords with this baby. It's fun.. I have level 80's of every class, duplicates of some. I've played them all... a lot. I always come back to my Ranger/Soulbeast. That's MY place of fun.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > i can solo tower lord on any given class that doesnt mean ur doing anything good for a blob fight lol.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > lol, that's true... that was just an "aside" since it's a fun thing to do when roaming. .... hah, who says roaming is dead.. it's not.. ;)


    > roaming is super dead compare to what it used to be.


    However I roam, I have to agree.

  10. > @"reddie.5861" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > Heck I can solo tower lords with this baby. It's fun.. I have level 80's of every class, duplicates of some. I've played them all... a lot. I always come back to my Ranger/Soulbeast. That's MY place of fun.

    > >


    > i can solo tower lord on any given class that doesnt mean ur doing anything good for a blob fight lol.




    lol, that's true... that was just an "aside" since it's a fun thing to do when roaming. .... hah, who says roaming is dead.. it's not.. ;)

  11. > @"reddie.5861" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"reddie.5861" said:

    > > > > @"Ryudnard.2587" said:

    > > > > The pew pew pew seemed kind of fun and chill. So I tried Soulbeast Power build with Long Bow using the Stance Share build. And man, I just die so many times following the tag. If I stay front line, I literally die in like 2 seconds. If I stay in the tail, I die to random conditions. I was using full Berserker, but isn't all rangers like this? Do I need some toughness or vitality even as a glass cannon in WvW? Any tips to play Rangers really well in squad?

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > u have been in wrong position all the time.

    > > > go to sides and keep kitten load of distances and retreat fast.

    > > >

    > > > tho as ranger no matter how fun it might look when some1 else is doing it u wont get much kills neither alot of fun better off roaming as ranger

    > >

    > > lol have to disagree with the last statement... I get so many kills when I'm zerging that I have to start off with a good set of empty bags ... even then I run the salvage tool now and then just to keep room for more trinkets and trash.


    > then u use piercing arrow and ur not going for full dmg.

    > ur not getting anywhere near amount of bags as guard/necro/scrapper/rev


    There's a bottom line that you and some other people are missing I think... and I'm not trying to be a troll. After all is said and done what is fun for me? Ranger is the most fun I have in this game, and I've built it to produce a large amount of damage and ppt (tower/keep siege support) as I can. Heck I can solo tower lords with this baby. It's fun.. I have level 80's of every class, duplicates of some. I've played them all... a lot. I always come back to my Ranger/Soulbeast. That's MY place of fun.


    So maybe someone who really likes the other classes can find their fun there, for me it's 'here'... and for me I truly do get a lot more bags with my soulbeast than any other class I've played... and that's probably because I'm not as good at them as people who really know their classes. Which brings me also back to the comment about monkeys on scourges etc being better than rangers... it's simply not true for any class. If you don't know the class, no matter what it is, you're useless, imo. I eat poor players for snacks... ;)

  12. > @"reddie.5861" said:

    > > @"Ryudnard.2587" said:

    > > The pew pew pew seemed kind of fun and chill. So I tried Soulbeast Power build with Long Bow using the Stance Share build. And man, I just die so many times following the tag. If I stay front line, I literally die in like 2 seconds. If I stay in the tail, I die to random conditions. I was using full Berserker, but isn't all rangers like this? Do I need some toughness or vitality even as a glass cannon in WvW? Any tips to play Rangers really well in squad?

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > u have been in wrong position all the time.

    > go to sides and keep kitten load of distances and retreat fast.


    > tho as ranger no matter how fun it might look when some1 else is doing it u wont get much kills neither alot of fun better off roaming as ranger


    lol have to disagree with the last statement... I get so many kills when I'm zerging that I have to start off with a good set of empty bags ... even then I run the salvage tool now and then just to keep room for more trinkets and trash.

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