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Posts posted by Kanakatak.1589

  1. Aloha, retired Navy from Hawaii now living in Florida. Last guild was way back during my 10+ years of WoW and that was 20+ years ago. GW2 was pose to be a filler until the "next-big-thing" came along but after waiting forever I now realize maybe I getting my hinny out of solo WvW and trying new things and meeting people is best. Although I have no experience with GW2 PvP/PvE, I certainly will try to learn and boost my toons to betterment of the guild. I do have four lvl 80 toons as "banks" and I can don them in at least one set of ascended gear. I have not played any of my bank toons only my cheesy and annoying WvW engineer. Last time I was sociable in a guild, I was recruited to be the main/secondary healer in WoW. Promises were made and our small ex-military guild and family flew up like the Phoenix and yeah, it crashed. Let me know if you wanna yak. Have to install Discord and find my headphones. Have fun regardless. Thanks.

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