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Posts posted by Myrgis.4372

  1. I don't often post in the forums but wanted to give an update on my experience with the story disconnects issue.

    I had been stuck in Victory or Death for quite some time, the quest for Romke's map cut every time right at the end. A good 15-20 runs at that as I was used to some disconnects through story.

    Looking at this thread I tried -clientport 443 which didn't work for me, however -clientport 80 did mixed with windowed fullscreen mode. It got me through Romke's map and on into the Orr story.


    The final quest then disconnected repeatedly. It got almost as far as tracking Zhiatan then disconnected at the same point after the cutscene when swapping airships.

    In this case I removed the -clientport 80 command and tried again. And it worked!

    I've finally managed the end of the Orr tale with that alt.


    It seems, not only can you suffer several disconnects in a story, but the fix which worked in one instance may not work in the next.

    The -clientport commands are very definitely worth trying and toggling between story missions if you start getting trouble again.


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