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Posts posted by Kirrund.2654

  1. There's a reason it mostly says the class is bad. Everyone always thinks they're gonna delve into it and secretly discover everyone else is just terrible and the class is massively overpowered. It's a fun class, it's my favorite class, but it's not good. Most nerfed class in the game, gutted trait lines, it's a shell of its former self. It's got a few broken traits and abilities that is the cornerstone of why it's good in raiding, because of the multiplicative nature of the game's boon system, but in other game modes it's not good.


    But for PvE single target you can try the phantasm build http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiwAw6FlVw2YesOWJOyWaNdA-zRIYR09XG1FCVUBpnAA-e


    The idea is to mirror image and greatsword 2 and then begin casting greatsword 4 and immediately use F4, then cast all your phantasms, gravity well, use your healing skill to reset your phantasms and cast them all again, then F4 will be over with so you can use your phantasms again, healing skill to reset your phantasms and use them again, gravity well. There's different starts points for the rotation but this is the basic idea.


    I have legendaries so I swap the sigils as needed, so flame is good for tagging and helping with AOE. You can also swap out both utility phantasms for Well of Calamity and Mimic for extra aoe and tagging if you want. Sword/Sword does more damage on single targets but for just general PvE I like to use shield for the extra utility, Shield 5 is good AOE and stun and Shield 4 can really up your survibility against a group of enemies.


    Mirage can be fun in PvE, but I don't have a build on hand and I don't mess with it as much.

  2. What's funny is any time anyone gets pulled off a wall, they immediately blame mesmers in voice chat, when it probably wasn't a mesmer because A) The mesmer focus pull doesn't pull a set distance anymore and hasn't for some time, so its way way way less reliable and B) for every 1 mesmer in a squad of 50, there's 10 necros and 2-5 dragonhunters can that yank you from the stairs when you thought you'd pop over the wall for 2 seconds.

  3. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > >

    > > > If clones become unkillable they will need to lose all their damage and condition application, so they can only be used as distractions and Shatter resources.

    > >

    > > Condi is fine, if it is nerfed for duration, which is not too bad.

    > Not it's not.

    > If clones can potentially exist infinitely because they can't be killed and the Mesmer doesn't shatter, they should be nothing but visual distraction.

    > If clones do even a single point of damage, there is no reason for them to be unkillable.


    Do you have any logical reasoning behind this? Clone damage is bad.

  4. Just give them back their dodge. I don't understand why there has to be some sort of compromise. You've got classes and builds running around hitting people for 10k with one button press, or having 3-4 blinks on less than 15 second cooldowns each. What's the problem? A two dodge mirage is going to be the least of anyone's problem.


    It honestly seems absurd.

  5. At some point I'm going to do my own writeup of how to improve the mess that is the mesmer trait lines. It's a shame that there's people who think this class is overpowered in all the game modes they're actually garbage in, usually by someone who's playing an actually good class at what it's intended to do, in a squad where there's like 1 mesmer out of 50 people. They're **so good** nobody plays them.

  6. So I played when the game came out, and I quit for 7 years, and I came back. I've been playing WvW every night with a fun guild and been having a blast. I've played PvP games and FPS games most of my life, and I've played on a competitive level in a few games (not this one). I'm older now and certainly not a master of this game or anything, and I'm learning new things each day, but analytical wise of what's good and powerful in competitive settings, I'm competent. I kept trying different Mesmer builds and wondering why every class I go up against seems to take practically no real damage despite blowing all of my CDs to burst, unless they just flat out weren't paying attention, were generally terrible, or didn't use any defenses. On my current build I'm playing pretty much Vallun's power mirage build for the additional distortions and leaps on sword 1, I use food for energy, I'm in full berserker. I don't mind being more glass canon and susceptible to dying if it means I can do more DPS.


    I'm tellin' ya, I gotta WORK to hit people for 1.5 to 2.5k. Sometimes if I'm lucky 3k. Chunking people's HP down just doesn't happen, even on the glassiest of canon builds in WvW.


    I've 1v1'd a few different classes like renegade and herald and after going through all of my shatters twice and utility cooldowns 2-3 times, I still didn't manage to get them past 50% HP, meanwhile it seems like they can just keep up pressure with minimal effort while I'm having to distort key attacks or risk taking half my HP in one hit, then when I'm out of defensive cooldowns I instantly die. That's in 1v1 situations. Daredevil who's competent? No contest. But that's fine, maybe that's just Daredevil/thieves' shtick, maybe they're just a hardcounter. But then I go and watch videos posted of revenants and see how casually they put out 4-8k damage hits with each, and cooldowns that are the same or shorter, and utility cooldowns that are not only functionally better, but 1/3rd the cooldown length. Like what? How is this balanced?


    Here's the most recent one I saw that someone posted on reddit.


    I'm not going to talk about his skill or anything, he's obviously competent, maybe he's amazing, I don't know, but that doesn't matter here because no amount of being skilled can change those damage numbers or how short those cooldowns are. Just look at the damage that he does, look at how much shorter the cooldowns are! Look at how many extra evades he seems to have. A lot of his damage avoidance comes from being slippery with so many targetted (and untargetted?) mobility options, that also hit really hard and seem to have pretty low cooldowns. You can't do that on Mesmer. Look at how tanky he is, his hp total, and he's still managing to do that many non targetted cone and ground AOEs that are hitting people for 2k easily, and then using some abilities that hit for 8k+. He permanently floats between 15-24 stacks of Might. Everything this class does hits way harder than anything Mesmer does, without even a fourth of the resource investment. How does this make any sense? Please, someone explain it to me. I'll admit, I haven't made this class yet, but I'm staring at his button presses, and I was already going to make one of these soon after watching some other videos. It just seems absurd to me that I'm playing in this Mesmer world and wondering what I'm doing wrong, when it seems like the reality is that Mesmer just does no real damage pressure in any remotely sustainable way compared to where the game is now in WvW. What is this class balanced around? Intangible strength items things like portal? If portal is holding it back from having any real other strength...I don't know, I don't think its worth it.


    This cannot be even remotely approached on the current iteration of Mesmer.


    P.S. It also showcases another problem with Mesmer, where you can see towards the back half of the video while he's 1v4ing, the Chrono shatters and he just kites the clones with two mobility skills and they never do anything. I'm sure other classes would complain if they built up resources above their bar only to have those randomly empty out and do nothing.

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