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Posts posted by ixora.3569

  1. You get these brain dead players literally not capturing objectives and going into a team fight alone and getting destroyed. This game has been out for a while now you would expect people to at least know the basics. After a 10 game losing streak its clear as day matchmaking isnt working. Anyone who says ranked pvp in this game is great must be blind. Arenanet needs to fix this but its clear to see they wont ever since this game has been out since 2012 and the pvp scene is dead. They only care about pumping out some stupid skins for people to buy with real money. GG cant wait for this game to die.

  2. Do they give you teammates that are same skill level? because I was matched with people who said they were new and didnt know how to play. So I wasnt sure whats going on here while my teammates were still learning what to do the other team just raped us. I dont mind playing with new players I just dont think it was fair to match us with people who know what they are doing. Maybe I was being trolled iono it just wasnt fun and a major waste of time when its 501 - 25.

  3. > @"avey.4201" said:

    > I can mash all the buttons up to gold rank on turret/grenade engi.(first time engi)

    > I can go to gold on minion spam reaper by mashing buttons, doesn't even need lich form.(first time necro)

    > I ride power DH down to bronze after playing it since 2016.

    > There is no out play in spam meta, face roll the keyboard is the answer.


    ^This right here.

  4. Is there sbmm? I was legit put in a team of 4 people who had no idea what to do. It was either they were bots or just new players. ITs just not fun playing against a group of people who know what they are doing vs 4 randos wandering around like it was godamn pve. Oh the score was 25-501 yes that was the actual score.

  5. I cant help but notice that offhand legendary weapons like the minstrel foot fall effects are not as prominent as twilight or The bifrost etc. I know it wont happen since its not really an issue but I would like to see maybe an improvement on them maybe someday?

  6. > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

    > > @"ixora.3569" said:

    > > I can answer this. A raid is something I will never be able to do because i have no friends, Also Min/maxers kick me out because I dont have the gear they want me to have....Such is the solo life.


    > Well there is many guilds that has raid trainings and also LFG. When it comes to gear, proper zerk gear is cheap and easy to get.


    > You dont raid because you dont want to raid.


    Woah I do raid (at least try) but I get kicked or we dont finish. Dont go attacking me cuz I get kicked honestly people these days.

  7. By any chance will there be ascended armor/weapons added to dungeons? It would bring life back to them and you can make them expensive so its not so easy to obtain. maybe 1k a piece? more for weapons? just throwing ideas out there. I just want a reason to do dungeons again. Also maybe add some new dungeons for the living stories in the future?

  8. I would like to see an update on the old dungeons maybe harder difficulty with a new 4 branch path and with new dungeon themed ascendant gear and weapons. Also it would be cool to see dungeons added into the old expansions Hot/PoF and living world maps. I was told to play Fractal dungeons but it doesn't have that dialogue and cut scenes that I enjoy from the dungeons.

  9. > @"eldrin.6471" said:

    > Its GAME OVER for me to. im done with anet .I have played since 2012 and got into the game because it was different and did not require grinding to make progress.

    > They took my time and money for 7 years .but this collection and particularly the part were i am forced to go back and grind out currency's from previous maps that i already earned in game but never saved as i had no way of knowing they would be needed for this horrendous collection was the last straw for me.

    > Grinding for cosmetic or luxury items is one thing but this collection is forcing grind were it should not be.The mastery system is how we progress our lvl.

    > now to get a few extra lvl s we have to grind out this ridiculous collection.

    > definition of grinding in an mmorpg

    > Grinding refers to the playing time spent doing repetitive tasks within a game to unlock a particular game item or to build the experience needed to progress through the game.





    Agree'd they have certainly lost there way. It was fun while it lasted.

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