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Nea Fotia.3076

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Posts posted by Nea Fotia.3076

  1. Victims of Serenity is a small but growing PvE-focused guild that focuses on providing transparent leadership, community bonding, and a general help to all players looking to learn or just improve. Though still smaller than average, we've already generated quite a bit of fun and exciting content for the members of our guild, and would love for players new and veteran alike to come join us. We are also looking at dipping into WvW eventually, though those plans are far off at the moment.


    What we offer:

    - An expanding roster of friends and people to join up with for runs and guild functions

    - Lost Precipice Guild hall with room to contribute to growth.

    - Transparent Leadership that cares about their members

    - An active discord with API integration

    - The occasional (ok, more than occasional) cheesy joke to get everyone laughing


    What we ask:

    - Discord participation to coordinate events and have more engaging chatter with guildies

    - Representation during guild events

    - A willingness to learn from others


    If this sounds interesting at all to you, just talk me in game through whisper or mail (I'm terrible at seeing DMs on here, though I'll try if that's what you go for first). The username is Nea Fotia.3076

  2. > @"crowfall.7941" said:

    > Hello! I'm a returning player (as of like 6 months ago, haha), and I'm hoping to make some general connections with the community - including joining a new guild if there is anything out there that appeals!


    > **In general, the things I'm interested in are:**

    > - friendly/social/lgbt-friendly

    > - not intimidating

    > - not overly demanding of time (I work a lot and play with my partner & rl friends often; I also keep odd hours)

    > - primarily pve, but would tentatively be interested in learning wvw (and fractals/dungeons/strikes/whatevs)

    > - 18+, because I'm more comfortable with peers than teens

    > - **creative people**! I've never done RP in an mmo, but am a pretty avid character creator/world builder/d&d player. Would love to chat character lore & stories with folks!

    > - a presence on discord for easier chitchat


    > If any or all of our interests align, or if you have any leads for me, I'd love to hear from you! <3 Thanks for your time, and happy gaming!


    Hey, if you're still looking, I have a guild forming up right now that you may be intrested in joining. We're still in our early stages, but we're lookign to grow quite nicely. We're focusing on PvE, with a little bit of PvP. Could do WvW in the future, but that also requires server coordination. We actively use discord for coordination and helping each other out. We are looking for people comitted to the game, but not asking any time requirements. Just want people who can play more than once every other week.


    If you're itnerested in joining with our fun little community and helping us grow as well, give me a mail in-game or a message here on the forums. Hope to see you in game!

  3. Victims of Serenity is a new guild looking to get their initial roster of people started up. We focus primarily on PvE, but have a bit of PvP plans as well in the future.


    Why join us?

    - We are a new guild, with passionate leadership, and you get to help direct our efforts and policies to better suit everyone's needs.

    - No need to feel worried! Our small size makes it easy to get to know people and make new friends



    We do have a guild discord that is utilized for scheduling, community, and voice chat. Some guild events may require to at least be able to listen in voice chat, so please keep that in mind. Discord newbie? That's ok, we can help you learn the ins and outs of it, as long as you are willing to join the server.

    We do ask that you are representing us during guild functions, but outside of that we just ask you to give us the representing time that you are comfortable with.


    So come join us, just PM Nea Fotia.3076 if I'm online, or send me a mail if I'm offline. I should be with you within a day or two at most. Looking forward to having more Victims... I mean volunteers.

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