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Posts posted by DoghouseC.8173

  1. Having the same problem.


    I kicked off a new account just before Christmas, and I've been able to buy small quantities of gems through the store twice (with a period between the two when I couldn't). But for the last few days I've been solidly blocked. I've tried both PayPal and my credit card; I've tried different amounts of gems; i've tried clearing my game cache; I've even tried running on different installs of the client (predating the new account). The error always happens before the point (with PayPal) where it would normally tell me I'm about to be taken to the PayPal site, so (combined with the failure of multiple payment methods) I'm pretty solidly convinced it's at ANet's end. I managed to buy LW Season 2, but not the remaining seasons, and annoyingly I've also missed out on a couple of QoL promotions that I really wanted to take up. And so far I can't find a source of gem cards that I'm happy to trust (do they even exist any more?). So, basically, I'm stuck.


    (Yes, I raised a ticket; to really rub things in, so far I haven't received so much as an automated acknowledgement (yes, I checked my spam folder). Although to be fair, the time of year could be part of that.)


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