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Posts posted by Ghin.1653

  1. So my friend wishes to purchase path of fire deluxe.

    dlgamer is listed as an official retailer for the game, however **_not for Canada_**

    Is there any issue with him purchasing this version listed here despite them not being listed as an official retailer for Canada?



    Would greatly appreciate a dev confirmation as well if there is no issue whatsoever. He tried to purchase the game the

    last time it was on sale on the official gw2 site but he was having some credit card issues at the time and it was legit the

    last day of the sale.


    He will not purchase (refuses to even) unless fully confirmed that this would be a 100% valid and supported transaction fully legit.

  2. To Necro an old thread, I found a third party mouse app that lets me intercept button commands and swap them for something else.

    IE if i scroll my mouse up, it will first ignore the scroll command in guild wars 2 (don't want to adjust my view), then swap to a new layer that lets me simulate a key-press something like "clicking mb4 triggers f1 instead of mb4" for example. So I am still only doing 1 action, just allowing a single button to change what action it does when I use the scroll wheel (i guess kinda like holding the shift key). This is permissible? Don't wanna try until i know.

  3. I can somewhat agree with many players here. I am mainly a PVE player, and I REALLY want to like ele, and I thought weaver would be the one, but sadly no dice, AMAZING concept, just.......

    1) Elementalist is already a class that requires a medium to high skill ability with it, as you have 4 weapon sets as your base mechanic. Not gonna lie, my results for playing it be rather poor. And adding suddenly lower cooldowns (that are in fact hard cooldowns VS core mechanic free swap to non-used recently element) in exchange for mix'n match elements and combos sounds nice on paper, but actually playing it just makes it more complex. Where once you might have tried to keep mental track of an elements skill cooldowns, now you have even lower cooldowns requiring more precision to micro manage, plus 4 hybrid skills.

    2) Quite frankly ele is a burst cannon as core mechanic. 4 weapon skills, pop all skills, swap to the next, burst, continue. As a whole not sure how I feel about this. I'm trying to build effectively, and yet veteran and up enemies give me a hard time (new content) because the life pool they have plus their new skills directly counter power AND melee bursting.

    3) Skills

    - Signet of restoration working on only one cast with Arc lightning, and any long duration cast.

    - Freezing Gust (Water focus 4) is a single target low damage chill.... (look at chillblains for comparison), quite bad......

    - Obsidian flesh (earth focus 5), 3 seconds invuln for 50 second cooldown. High tradeoff (but again the idea of ele is to shotgun skills, in my understanding).

    - Some aura granting weapon skills (Frost - Ice dagger 4, Flame - Fire focus) in my opinion are kind of just there for the concept of the quick skill burst then swap to the next set..... I mean the Sunspot trait deals damage AND gives fire aura when you swap to fire..... no the trait doesn't need a nerf, Flame shield needs a buff

    - Eruption (earth staff 2), 1 1/4 cast time with delayed explosion

    - The massive damage tradeoff on water skills for often minimalistic healing (hello new water sword auto)

    - Two ults that change your skills, and one thats just a buffed up minion. Do we not have enough skills? Wheres the fun ult for this class?

    4) Traits

    - Pyromancer's Puisance, just bad really. one might, flames only, many players can get max might fast and easy in groups, and as solo you pop your skills and move on

    - One with Air, superspeed on air attune..... why?

    - Inscription, cast a glyph get a boon..... feels like it was just kinda tacked on to the recharge TBH

    - Elemental Contingency, could be good, but doesn't really compete with the other two

    - Bountiful Power, could be good but needs 5 boons minimum to match any other traitlines smallest bonus damage trait, and 10 for the better ones. could be good if doubled or 5%


    Most of these are my personal experience tho. Again it's a class that requires medium to high proficiency in micromanagement and rapid decision-making if your not just swapping and popping. Anyone that disagree's otherwise probably falls under one of those two categories. Swapper and popper, or able to micromanage.


    At least fix water focus 4...... give it a duration or something, make it a mini blizzard.


  4. There are certain traits that interact with both the player and the pet, granting certain things to one or the other and sometimes both. Technically when the pet is merged with the player he should receive both benefits where reasonable (IE, Unsure if things like Opening Strike should apply twice).


    Traits that have not received updated interactions:

    * Sharpened Edges

    * Natural Healing

    * Companion's Defence

    * Bountiful Hunter

    * Lingering Magic

    * Traits related to "Beast" abilities


    Traits that have been updated:

    * Pet's Prowess

    * Pack Alpha

    * Refined Toxins (unlisted on wiki, but does apply 2 stacks when merged)

    * Loud Whistle

    * Potent Ally (grants the player might that would have gone to pet)


    Unsure if they should be updated:

    * Opening Strike + Moment of Clarity

    * Predator's Onslaught

    * Taste for Danger

    * Rugged Growth

    * Fortifying Bond


    Traits involving Pet Swapping (could work when activating soul beast)

    * Poison Master

    * Spirited Arrival


    Granted not all of these traits deserve / should work while Merged, however quite a few should. Traits such as Sharpened Edges for example apply the effect to both the player & pet, and seeing as both are now attached to the player, should grant 2 bleeding stacks on critical strike instead of 1, similar to how Refined Toxins now grants both poison applications to the player (sadly still not quite better than Ambidexterity for Dagg / Torch players).


    Which do you guys think should apply?

  5. Why was the decision to add pre-searing done at the last minute?

    Do you feel like you added all that you wanted into pre-searing or would you have liked it to be larger? Are there any concepts that got scrapped? (assets?)

    What are some of your fondest memories while designing the pre-searing.

  6. What was the original story for the unreleased Utopia expansion & are there any additional assets or info that never made it out publicly?

    What was the design concept for the Summoner? Was it just another minion master or something more?

    Hypothetical: If the community did want to fund its development, and say a funding page hit the funding mark in pledges, would you guys consider actually developing and releasing this expansion?

  7. Previously the spoon collection was unlocked, and I had already partially completed it. Not sure what happened.


    Its been a while, but i very much remember getting some of the spoons and adding them to my collection (Bone spoon, fractal spoon, a few of the blue spoons). Suddenly i discover, after not paying attention to it for however long, its actually been regressed to zero completion.


    It's not a crazy big deal, but I would at least like it if i could have a fractal and carved bone spoon to toss back into it if possible. Just a small nuisance really. I only picked up on this because im trying to get the last few of my masteries and it would have been an easyish one only needing to pick up wvw spoon and remaining vendor ones.

  8. To be honest, I think brandstone crash sites should outright not expire until the next one occurs and the timer should be every 5-10 minutes. This means that there will always be a brandstone active to harvest unless you have already done so. The "harvest while its hot" factor kinda stinks. The current design also requires "An active map that is searching for these brandstones to mark them and receive bonus rewards". This concept is kinda lost on a lot of players, and I myself was confused AF when i found my first one and didn't understand what i was supposed to do after reaching it, and by the time someone friendly enough to do a play by play for me, i missed out on the harvest. Not to mention I didn't even know these were occurring until someone in chat mentioned harvesting brandstone. The time as well requires you to equip it, find the deposit, ping it if you can, fight monsters off in the time limit to avoid getting downed, and holds in inventory slot. The current design also interferes with normal event procedure, as some might want to drop their current event to run as fast as you can to the landing zone, if you even knew it fell at all! Sometimes one falls and no one either pings it or has purchased the ping addition, which is gated by how much you have already harvested of unbound magic.



    - Brandstones do not vanish until the next one appears. (this also works in favour of the map, as players will not be on this map forever farming in mob droves to scramble after these)

    - The item required to find the brandstone should be easily accessible, and not require you to pop the inventory then spam the ping. When the multitool is not fed it should still be linked to the action key if there is no event that requires it while the map is active.

    - When there is a brandstone meteor available to be harvested the multitool should react to show, YES there is an active brandstone that has fallen that you have not harvested, and otherwise be dormant on its icon. It IS supposed to be detecting these for you

    - This "Bonus harvest" needs to work better, as it requires players to mark the turf THEN harvest, meaning you miss out on it if 5 people don't have the skill and mark it before you begin harvest

    - (personal preference) the harvesting tool upgrade that gives skill 3, should award our harvesting tool rewards, unbound magic or watchwork sprockets (what we have equiped), but this is more "would be nice what i bought was being used instead of this required skill 3 for best results"


    Overall I hope this gets vastly improved to be more "user friendly" and not result in first timers screwing up before they can get their first harvest. In fact I think the Multitool should be presented to the player at the front door of the map, and MENTION that there is someone at the Astral that can upgrade its functionality.

  9. > @Thornwolf.9721 said:

    > It could and needs to happen, these classes are Iconic to the franchise. They have more of a right to be here than guardian, engie or Rev; And they would fit nicely into the game as is. We even fight dervish's who dont invoke the power of the gods but instead invoke whatever power they deem worth doing so, we as well see a paragon in the sunspear marshal we rescue who is using a land spear AND shouts with their own unique aura/buff.


    > I just dont believe it will ever happen because they just dont give a kitten, which is sad because I miss all three classes.


    This is true that there are currently Dervish in game, and are definitely not invoking the six while fighting for Loko Joko, so Charr could easily find a way to perform such acts without the addition of "channeling the Gods".

  10. Now, while it is indeed true that Anet did say they were happy with their four classes for each tier of armour, there is now (thanks to revenant) still room for an equal trinity (5 per armour) that many are missing. Anet is also not the final say on what Anet produces (mounts were originally dismissed, but here we are). Yes this comes up from nostalgia, but many agree it would be great to bring back.

    Dervish - Heavy

    Paragon - Medium

    Ritualist - Light


    These are the only old classes that did not get brought over from the original. However now that we have the old names still being used, many would agree (maybe not all) that they would love to have these in Guild Wars 2. The Nightfall classes in particular never got to live up to their full potential as they didn't get the full fleshing of the Campaign 1 classes or the work that even Campaign 2 classes got in.


    These classes would indeed bring their own unique fight to the battlefield, while some might say Ritualist got a spiritual successor in Renegade, it just doesn't give the full feel of weapon enchants and spirit manipulation. While many classes have shouts that share their set, Paragons various commands & echo's accumulate into unique skill enhancing that could be re-imagined. Finally, Dancing Dervish's of Death would be fantastic to have once more, flash enchantments & magics designed to turn buffs into damage alone is a fantastic opposite of what many classes use as a focus.

    Dervish - Buffs into attacks

    Paragon - Echoing vocals & commands

    Ritualist - Spirits as the focus, not the side dish (like corpses on necro)


    While many may or may not agree, what would everyone like to see? Make enough noise, they may consider it.



  11. I would like to request that the feature of automatically turning in carrots inside of your inventory while mounted on springer if you walk overtop of a pile of carrots be removed. It is possible to get full heart by simply picking up said carrots, and you can then get free karma for them. With this being the case, why would I want to turn them in accidentally by walking over the carrot pile for zero reward? Karma for carrots vs auto turn in for nothing. Now if simply tossing them on the Pile awarded the same Karma, thats a different matter.


    Anyone else want that easy karma?

  12. > @Esplen.3940 said:

    > > @Ghin.1653 said:

    > > Would this technically trigger Self-deception once or twice then if both used?


    > I would assume once, but it could trigger twice.


    > The similar interaction is [shadow Trap](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Trap) which, when traited, provides Might on trap skill use. This one is interesting as it has 3 parts (Drop Trap, Break Trap, Use Trap-When kitten). The Trait only applies to the Use Trap-When kitten portion.


    > I would assume that Self-Deception only works on the first part of Mirage Advance. Additionally, it wouldn't really matter as the return already spawns a clone.



    I was curious because if it did work like that, you technically would create 3 clones if traited.

    But otherwise, thats still 2 clones, plus confusion on that blind if traited so still quite powerful synergy.

    Useful to engage with axes and torch, gain clone and apply confusion with blind, use skills, maybe shatter, retreat swap to sceptre pistol (sigil of mischief more blind and confusion) and gain second clone.

    These are all looking quite nice.

  13. > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

    > > @Ghin.1653 said:

    > > > @"Robert Gee.9246" said:

    > > > * Mirage Retreat: Removed endurance gain. This skill now leaves behind a clone at your previous location. This skill now breaks enemy targeting.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Did you mean Sand through Glass?

    > >

    > > I see nothing labeled Mirage Retreat nor finding it on wiki

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > second part oft mirage advance


    Would this technically trigger Self-deception once or twice then if both used?

  14. > @Warrost.4895 said:

    > > @messiah.1908 said:

    > > the only thing sniper need its unblockable ability. atm pvp sniper will be hard to use in mid high tier. but we could see d/p deadeye with 15%+21% dmg buff alongside quickness burst


    > Deadeye will be good at roleplaying and stomp new players.

    > Beside that deadeye offers nothing viable for high pvp/every other playmode with minmax attitude.

    ehm, seemed to do just fine in pvp, the range alone gives it a large advantage with area's where he has the highground, ontop of the large burst damage output.

    all in all we shall see how players use it tomorrow

  15. Wednesday 11pm~ish EST

    Fields of Ruin

    Snitzel, Sylvari, 80, Thief

    No Group

    What happened - Ogre wars Meta broke and did not progress. Progression halted just before "Destroy pet & ogre homes" portion occurred.

    Attempted to progress by speaking with Mayburi Shadowstalker when charr forces were brought into ogre camp. Nothing occurred after prompt.


    Likely Culprit - one of the previous human camps became contested during the event, thus causing some kind of issue.


    Possible solutions - Don't allow events to regress with contested waypoints during meta (no extra events involving captured meta locations period please).

    When Mayburi Shadowstalker is there and prompt-able to proceed the event, force event progression regardless of other camp statuses. If interval between

    meta events pauses is longer than 3-5 minutes, force progression.


    It's still stuck and broken last time a checked as well in that state. Both human and charr representatives have disappeared from the ogre camp invasion force.


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