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Posts posted by Jeroen.2397

  1. I've never done raids, and from reading about them they don't seem to be something i want to spend the needed time to master.

    I do however want to unlock the raid mastery track, simply because i would like to increase my max mastery level. I already have leftover MP for HoT to spend.

    I looked at LFG and read a bunch of posts but it seems like raids are difficult to get into. people on lfg all seem to expect a ton of experience and are all pretty cryptic looking too.

    Does anyone have tips on how i could simply do one raid to unlock the track? Or would it really take a lot of time to get the experience?

    mind you, I'm not part of a guild (or looking to join one) and i only have one irl friend who plays, so i can't just group up with friends.


    Thanks for any info

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