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Posts posted by azkitten.2814

  1. Started playing in beta. Took a break. Came back.


    I am looking for a guild for older players. The kind of place where people don't need to insert profanity every other word. I don't mind cussing, but really a bit tired of kids using it as punctuation. I am open to using voice comms, but I am not usually on them unless there is something that needs coordination (PVP, WvW, Raids, etc). I can be social, although it takes me a bit of time to warm up to people.


    I have a terminal disease, and this means that there are times that I am not physically able to be online. This has to be okay with people. If I disappear for a few weeks, it means that I am too sick to be on. Playtimes vary, although I am on most afternoons to early evenings, and then come back after the family is fed. so let's say 12 PM to 5 PM and 8 PM to 11 PM. Fridays are variable all day.


    Feel free to message me azkitten.2814, although I am in NM now!

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