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Posts posted by Kyri.2093

  1. Misthaven is a small guild of older players and we’d like to recruit a few new older people (35 and older preferred). We like to keep it small so we aren’t shooting for a mass influx. We are looking for players that play fairly regularly of all skill levels and that don’t mind using Discord to chat. We are old so if you only talk in chat, you aren’t very likely to be seen because we can’t chat and fight at the same time.


    Our guild is 4 years old. We have a guild hall with buffs, nodes, merchants and such. It isn’t at the highest level. I think we mostly lack the pvp and wvw stuff. We don’t do much wvw and I don’t think any of us do pvp except for a quick daily, so it isn’t a big priority.


    We have Discord and like to chat on voice. If you don’t do Discord, you will miss the best part of the guild. We like to make jokes and sometimes we go down roads we shouldn’t. We are definitely an adult guild. :D


    We play mainly on the weekends since most of us work. We do play week nights for a bit from about 7pm cst till about 10pm.


    We are not hard core players. We are anything but. Most of us have played since the game came out in 2012. We die a lot and get a good laugh out of it. We do get things accomplished though and have fun which is the whole reason for playing to begin with.


    We are on the Jade Quarry server but the server you are on only matters if we do wvw. Otherwise we can party up with no issues. We are about 90% PVE so being on a different server isn’t a problem.


    We do play other games as well. We have some that play ESO, WOW and FFXIV. Regardless of what we are playing, we are usually on voice chat with each other. Even if you don’t play other games, it’s not a problem. All you have to do is ask if anyone wants to do this or that and we’ll usually jump over on GW2 and get a group going. We are very flexible folks. Well, other than when it’s bedtime. We have to be adults so we can’t stay up past bedtime on a work night. LOL


    Thank you for reading and if you have any questions, please feel free to whisper me or send an in game mail. I have many alts so just look for kyri.2093. If we sound like we might be the guild for you, you can also send in a short application at https://misthaven.shivtr.com/. Click Apply in the upper right hand corner.


  2. I finished this episode last night and I really enjoyed it. Someone said in a previous post that we weren't the hero any more but after being a God and dragon killer, there isn't any higher position to fill than those. Now we have to help others of our group rise to fulfill their destiny, lead by example and such.


    I do feel the part about gaining the respect of the lost spirits and convincing them to give Brahm their powers was cut a bit short. I'd have liked to had an episode that worked on each individual spirit but I know some people would have gotten bored with that and been ready to move on. I think it would be more personal though to cleanse the shrines in a private instance instead of on the open map. Luckily I had come across the ox cleanse earlier (didn't know what it was then) and gotten to participate because when I got there in my story, I got to the shrine long enough to kill a couple of things and it was done.


    I do like the graphics with the ice! I kept thinking I might fall through that lake with the tuna event. Such pretty scenery with the frozen falls and such. I don't remember the Thunderhead map being as pretty as this. So the end of the episode made me squeal when I saw that loading screen! I can't wait to see what happens with the pool and if this place gets an upgrade. I'd love the have it where we can slowly add stuff and repair it. I remember that scrying pool from Guild Wars. Such a wonderful treat for us old fans!


    As a note from my story: Kyri, my main character from Guild Wars, got lost in the mists when she was a little older and ended up in modern Tyria. She keeps telling these young Tyrians that you can't trust the charr and she wants to know where her stuff is! Not even a cracked mini or a shred of brotherhood cloth armor! She's gonna be in a bad mood for days! :D

  3. I was hoping when they said you could buy the guild version from the commendations trader, that you just basically bought the ability to add your guild emblem to the gem store cape. That way everyone could be happy but I understand that since they are 2 different ones, they would make the one for in game gold a lesser version. I will most likely buy the gem store one but I wish I could add my guild's emblem to that one. I'd gladly pay 10 gold and 10 commendations to just add my emblem to the store bought one.

  4. I couldn't delete the post but we are no longer recruiting. Thanks for your interest.


    Misthaven is a very small guild (less than 10) made up of older gamers. Most of us are in our 50's and we have male and female players. We focus on PVE mainly at this time. We are currently working on achievements, skyscales, requiem armor and such. We do like fractals and dungeons but we are a bit rusty.


    We have an active discord, which we prefer members to use because we can't type and fight at the same time. I mentioned we are old, right? We get lost, distracted, die and hit the wrong skills but it's ok. We get the job done. We cuss, we fuss and yell at our characters because they won't do right. In other words, we have fun and don't take things too seriously. We are also stubborn and accomplish things in game.


    We prefer people 40 and over in age but if you are young and like listening to older people making references to 70's and 80's music and movies, just let us know and we'll talk it over. We have one that is in her 30's and she puts up with us, so it could happen.


    We have a guild hall that is getting close to completion and have a scribe. I think we celebrate our 3rd year guild anniversary in October and some of us have played together since GW1. We sometimes play a bit of the Elder Scrolls Online and we have a Misthaven there as well. All skill levels are welcome. We have mesmers that don't mind portaling you. We are all helpful and don't like drama. We don't expect each other to drop what they are doing to help, but we ask and those who can, will come or we schedule a date and time on the calendar. We play mostly Monday-Friday, 8 to 11pm eastern and off and on all weekends and holidays.


    We aren't looking to make a huge guild. We just are hoping to find a few new friends to play with. If I said that on discord, jokes would be made. :) We aren't goofy all the time, I promise. Anyway, if you are interested, check out our website and put in an application, www.misthaven.shivtr.com. If you have questions, message me here or in game. Thanks!

  5. Hey Lady Soap! I sent an in game mail to you about our guild, Misthaven. We are a small but active guild of adults age 30 and over. We have a wonderful and helpful group of people that like to laugh and have fun in the game. We do dungeons and fractals plus all sorts of random events. It depends on what people need to get done. We always help one another reach our goals. We do have Discord (we chat a LOT) and we have high level guild hall with lots of decorations. We will be doing lots of events when PoF comes out as well.


    Our website is www.misthaven.shivtr.com. If you have any questions, feel free to message me here or in game. Good luck in your search! :)

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