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Posts posted by Ghos.1326

  1. I'd like to also say that poison dart volley is actually not too bad, especially when paired with pistol 3 (bread and butter combo for main hand pistol is pistol 3 -> 2). One thing I'd fix about engi mainhand pistol, which they still have not addressed, is the aftercast of the autos. It's too long, making that .5 cast time actually around .8 or .9. Reduce after cast of the autos to make the pistol autos more smooth and threatening.


    I think nade barrage is fine where it's at. 3 extra nades at the same power coeff as nade 2, no change is needed. What I would like to see in general for nades, is how the grenade projectiles themselves doing damage, instead make it do the damage inside of its ring to prevent issues where you're just inside/outside of the ring, and some nades hit, but others don't.


    I agree with overcharged shot. One idea I've been playing with is to make overcharged shot make you roll back (like warrior's rifle shot that immobs) to help with rifle's theme of "keeping you mobile". Could be used in interesting ways.


    I'm not too keen on mirage getting their 2nd dodge back, but I'd like to see, as a sort of offset to the penalty, more frequent and longer lasting vigor effects for compensation.


    Chaotic Dampening is fine where it's at. it's supposed to be a more defensive tool to help with damage mitigation (damage dampener, see what i did there? coughscrappertraitcough)

  2. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

    > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > > > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

    > > > > The main issue I see with the patch is it's going to be a huge gift to necro players. Most other builds got a noticeable shave where problems actually existed, while necros got a completely random nerf that does not effect the class in any meaningful way.

    > > >

    > > > **Death Nova: Reduced the power coefficient of the Poison Nova explosion from 0.75 to 0.6 in PvP only.

    > > > Putrid Explosion: Reduced the power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.8 in PvP only.Death Nova: Reduced the power coefficient of the Poison Nova explosion from 0.75 to 0.6 in PvP only.

    > > >

    > > > This is so far what we got.

    > >

    > > Yes, and those changes are hilariously insignificant.


    > There is more prob to come. Hopefully they don-t take bad advice and gut the class. Reaper needs to hit really hard since its so slow and vulnerable to ccs and lich form needs to just be deleted and power added to the undeath. I-d rather not have a 150 sec cd slow travel time and 7k dmg and 150 sec cd.


    Eh I don't agree with this at all. A stupid reaper will blow his defensive CDs to protect against CC instantly, but trust me reaper is fine against CC unless the enemy class has more than 3 that can be used in rapid succession. Also, reaper is....not really slow. Shroud 2 is only on a....8s? 10s? cd and it covers a lot of ground, also destroys projectiles (so projectile related CC is useless against it) and does a nice sizable chunk of damage. As well, Reapers in general have access to a lot of chill, which is one of the strongest conditions in the game (does what cripple does while ALSO slows down the time ticking of cooldowns). To top it off (kinda), their chill lasts a fair amount of time so they don't have to use it back to back. Then lets also add on the auto damage it has per hit (3k+) as well as a trait that, if i'm not mistaken, grants them permanent quickness so long as they're in Shroud.


    EDIT: Sorry, Death's charge has a 6s cd.

    DOUBLE EDIT: This, also, is using Marauder's amulet and not berserker, as well as not using spite and instead running the build that uses Blood Magic/Soul Reaping/Reaper

  3. > @"KelyNeli.4516" said:

    > > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > > So the reasoning is, make everyone overpowered so nobody can be underpowered because tipping the balance in equal match ups is too difficult?

    > >

    > > **I've heard that one before and it's not doing so well in other games**. I remember when people were overpowered they were also untouchable and you had to spam low cooldown as the only way to win.

    > >

    > > I find it even more ironic that you look at duels from before feb patch on youtube, those that had high stakes and they'd take just as long to finish, except people could spam or do ridiculous damage with 1 effortless skill.


    > In which games? Can you elaborate?

    > BDO has this kind of balance and pvp is really fun, fast and exciting with few exceptions. Sure there is different combat style, but they dont nerf everything and everyone is happy to receive buffs, no class is completely useless in pvp. You wont tank damage, but you have a tons of way to avoid the said damage, believe it or not there is a way to make your character unkillable in this game too. And do you know best part about it? BDO has more players than it EVER had before, more and more plays it, despite it being a horribly pay2win game with excessive amount of grind. When GW2 is losing players, and i see lion arch getting empty and system asking me to change my town in the evening at 18 o clock on friday.

    > WoW in BFa was in a pathetic state when it came to pvp for THE EXACT SAME REASON GW2 IS RIGHT NOW.

    > Nerfing everything to the ground and making everyone a sponge for damage.

    > The best pvp was in legion where you could deal hundred of thousands of damage to few people with right timing and right combo that was amazing stuff.

    > FFXIV pvp is a joke also for the same reason GW2 is, takes forever to kill anyone, its still somehow worse because healers are overpowered there.



    This is a lie. WoW during BFA had insanely bursty things. I know because I've kept in touch with it.

    BDO is fun, sure, in its own way. But really the only way to "tank" or "avoid" damage in that game is to have better gear than the other player. that's not very fun and exciting, sorry to inform you.

    Also, for WoW, lets consider HP pools as compared to Guild Wars 2. The lowest amount of health available in GW2 is 11k and some change. In WoW? If you equip all of the end game gear during your campaign, around 18k. Hence why WoW has more damage per skill (this is not to mention, also, the global cooldown of most, if not all, skills) than GW2.

    You gotta factor in everything when you want to make a comparison. To go into discussion on BDO, everything is also highly mobile there, so literally everything can match everything else's speed. In GW2, you do SOMEWHAT see that issue, but not the degree of BDO. How do I know? I play BDO as well. (and yes I play WoW)

  4. > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:



    > humor


    > I don't mean now as in after this latest patch, but ever since **the** patch. You know the one. It's even the anniversary today! Happy one year of this.

    > You could CTRL + Z that, and all subsequent patches and you'd be adding more to the game in doing so. Consider it. ??


    > To anyone who'd deny it, i've got a clip of 1v1ing a pretty good Holo player before Holo got any additional nerfs. It took just under 10 minutes and neither of us went down. Ask and you shall receive.

    > Also available for friendly spars; around daily reset time usually, incase you need further help disliking post-patch Tickle Wars 2 PvP.


    > Namaste ?


    The Feb 25th patch was the best thing that has happened to gw2 pvp in a very long time. The days of being so ridiculously overpowered to the point of "you make one mistake and you're dead", further to that point where some professions were so stupidly OP that you didn't even need to make a mistake to just get steamrolled, are long gone. And trust me, this isn't even close to tickle wars 2.


    Funny enough, back in the core days, damage was even lower than what it was now, especially condition damage, and fights still didn't last too long unless you were dueling forever....and even then, one duelist still came out on top dependent on skill level....which is ideal, because a duelist shouldn't have as much sustained attack damage/burst damage as a build FOCUSED PRIMARILY on sustained DPS while ALSO having the defense of an off tank, nor should they have the amount of high burst damage and mobility as a build that focuses primarily on roaming/assassinations. Same thing goes with assassins having the amount of defensive options as a duelist or a tank, high burst, and sustained DPS, it's just not ideal. That makes for boring gameplay.


    Now I'm not saying that build choice shouldn't reflect such a path, a jack of all trades path. However, every aspect of that jack of all trades path (offense, defense, mobility, etc) should be decent AT BEST, as you have the luxury of having the best of not just one or two worlds, but ALL worlds. Which leads me to my next point: what you're asking for is to go back to the era where running a jack of all trades build was NECESSARY, because jack of all trades back during PoF meant "you had as much damage as a DPS focused build, as much mobility as a roaming focused build, AND the same defense as a tank/supportive focused build", which was the single most unhealthy abomination that ArenaNet as a company ALLOWED to happen for 2 years before finally deciding to tone it down some before finally toning it down properly (but not completely) during the Feb 25th patch.


    Honestly though, if you want to play a game where everything kills everything really fast, including tanks, play BDO.

  5. Balance. If you balance the game properly, not only do you preserve its shelf life, but the cheaters using hacks will be easier to deal with all in one blow, until they actually start to move with bans on those said players.

    Also, balancing is a good business move in the realm of gaming and helps keep an audience around longer, meaning the game thrives and continues to provide service longer. That is, GOOD balance. Bad balance has the opposite effect.

    Analogy I like to use is milk. One gallon is placed in the fridge (good balance) and one gallon is left out during the summer (bad balance).

  6. > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

    > This is a thread that I wrote in pieces and mostly 6 month ago, and decided to post close to the anniversary of the Feb 25th mega-patch of 2020. The point of this thread is to showcase various errors in that patch that to date have not really been addressed, and have now evolved within the meta to result in some noticeable problems in the gameplay. This thread also exists to highlight some of the good ideas from the patch that proved successful in improving gameplay. Most of this also applies to WvW.



    > **1. Downstate was never updated to match the changes in damage. ( Oversight )**


    > A side effect of damage being reduced across the board is that downstate generally now lasts noticeably longer, and cleaving out a downed target can be a losing game in the presence of support specs. It seems that downstate was just never really accounted for when factoring in the DPS reductions, and this has had some serious repercussions.


    > -”Support Balls” where multiple support/aoe damage hybrid builds ball together can be all but unkillable if they work together, because they can just instantly revive each other. This has proven an effective strategy in AT s, and is an extremely easy strategy to execute.

    > -Traits that help with resurrection are now a lot stronger and can at times pretty much instantly revive someone. Blood necro is especially strong at this.

    > -People in general staying in downstate for much longer than they previously would seems to hurt the flow of the game much more than anything. It also greatly increases the “Team rallybot” problem, where a teamfight can be won not by who plays better but by which team brought more stomp+revive options. “Build wars” aren’t fun.


    > _Possible fixes:_

    > -Consider reducing the HP pool of downstate, or the HP gained during revives by at least 10%

    > -Consider nerfing traits/skills that aid in revival



    > **2. Pet / Summon / Spirits HP and stats were never updated to match the changes in damage. ( Oversight )**


    > “Pets” such as spirit summons, Necromancer minions, and other summoned “Adds” were never updated to reflect the changes in DPS. The most noticeable of this being their health pool. This means that builds that could previously be countered much easier by simply killing the adds ( Kalla Renegade and Minion master are two notable examples ) now take a lot longer to take down. It also results in various implementations of the “run away/sustain while pets play the game for me” ""“strategy”"" which are never good for the game.


    > _Possible fixes:_

    > -Just reduce the base stats of all pets/summons to match the damage reduction from Feb 25th 2020, and the inherent counterplay to these types of builds will be restored. This one is a pretty easy solution, as none of these builds were especially effective pre-patch.


    > **3. Poor visual tells and poor balancing of the "Cast time + Effect" tradeoff continues to be one of the biggest balance problems plaguing GW2 PvP.**


    > One of the good things about the Feb25th patch was that it did focus on some level of the concept that "Big damage should come from big tells." Unfortunately, it just didn't do enough. This continues to be the biggest issue with GW2 PvP, and why so many builds and skills that would otherwise be fine feel extremely frustrating to play against or feel very gimmicky to play due to the fact that a large portion of the damage comes from abilities that have very low cast times and/or poor quality visual tells. There's also the problem of big AoE abilties casting as fast as single target abilities, while doing either the same or even more damage. The result of this is a lot of mindless "Stand on point, spam AoEs" builds continue to dominate in conquest.


    > A good example of this done right would be looking at the game SMITE by Hirez. All abilities have clear animations. You can easily understand what abilities are being used from a fair distance away. The vast majority of the most powerful abilities have a noticeable windup time to give players a chance to react. There are many reasons why Smite has a pro league and GW2 doesn't, and this one of them.




    > _Possible fixes_

    > -This issue is pretty self explanatory. Less damage coming from invisible passive sources, more coming from clearly recognizable abilities. This is something the patch did right, but just didn't do enough.

    > -Consider adding a system of glowing skill symbols for certain abilities that appear over a characters head, similar to what existed for many skills ( Such as Ressurection signet ) from GW1. These "extra animations" Could be toggled on/off in player options.

    > -Certain visual tells actually get blocked by damage text depending on your settings. This is a considerable oversight. Consider allowing players better control of the UI so this doesn't happen as often.

    > -Consider giving more AoE skills the "Shackling wave" Treatment: IE, increase the cast time by double, and then increase the damage proportionate to the cast time increase in PvE to make up for the DPS loss so the change doesn't hurt PvE-only players. Having tons of AoE abilities that can be quickly cast in succession due to all of them being <1s casting time is one of the biggest factors in GW2 that causes the game to feel like the gameplay is "spammy".

    > -"Reveal on hit" instead of "Reveal on cast" as a stealth mechanic is extremely controversial.

    > -Consider giving stability a noticeable visual tell. This boon is easily the most important buff in PvP, and yet it has no visual tell at all. This forces players to constantly check their targets status bar. As a basic example from smite, CC immune players gain a golden VFX to their model.


    > **4. The problems behind Condition damage were not directly addressed.**


    > When it comes to power damage, the Feb 25th patch generally hit the mark: Spike damage needed to come down, because oneshots were way too easy as a result of the previous two expansions massive powercreep. However when it comes to how condition damage works, the changes that were mostly the reduction of passive stacks and increase to cooldowns didn’t quite touch on what specifically causes condi builds to be oppressive in PvP.


    > To put it simply, the real issue with conditions is that they have three upsides to two downsides.

    > Downsides: 1. Damage over time is inferior to instant damage 2. Can be removed/transferred.

    > Upsides: 1. Damage is overall higher 2. Stat advantage ( Only 1 stat required -condition damage- VS 3 stats -Power, Precision, Ferocity- ) 3. Condi abilities generally have low visual tells and/or are heavily carried by invisible passives and AoE spam.


    > The Feb 25th patch didn’t address this disparity at all, and instead tried to mask it with random numbers nerfs and dartboard cooldown hits. The result is that condi builds don’t really feel like they have seen any improvement in gameplay over the last year at all, and still for the most part come down to build wars instead of skill.


    > _Possible fixes:_

    > -To put it simply, either one of the upsides of condition damage should be reduced, or conditions need a new downside.

    > -IMO the best solution is unfortunately the one that requires the most work: Condi skills should have the same level of animated tells and cast times as Power based skills. Getting hit with invisible passives and fast casting unblockable AoEs is probably what most people dislike about condi builds the most. In other words, see problem #3.

    > -A band-aid solution is to increase the number of conditions removed by most condi clears by one. This isn’t the best solution by any means, but it's relatively easy to implement.



    > **5. Not all CC s are created equal, and they haven’t really received the post-rework treatment that most expected. This has resulted in most CC skills being either a lot stronger or weaker than they should be**


    > The basic change to CC in GW2 that came along Feb 25th is something I personally found favorable. Reducing stability and stunbreaks meant people actually had to actively try to avoid CC ( As opposed to just running around with 10 billion stacks of stab and never having to learn what the tells are for CC skills ), while removing the damage from CC also meant that CC now had to be used as a part of a skill combo than as a free kill when it lands.


    > That being said, the main oversight here is this rework made it so CC that takes a long time to cast and have huge animations are not nearly as strong as they once were, while CC that have poor visual tells or comes with additional benefits such as being multi-hit in a huge AoE, unblockable, or even unevadeable got a huge indirect buff. So yet again, see problem #3. This disparity has not been well addressed over the last year, leading more and more builds to gravitate towards CC spam of unevadeables and unblockables. Gale, Dragon’s Maw, Shock aura, Sleight of Hand, and Darkrazor's Daring are just a few example skills/mechanics that are now much stronger than they need to be. Meanwhile, certain elite CC with huge tells like PLB still seem underwhelming.


    > _Possible fixes:_

    > -Consider removing the mechanic of unevadeable CCs from the game entirely. Unblockable CCs already perform the job of being able to break through block-spam, so unevadeable CCs don't really add anything to the game other than to further encourage the "Stand on point, spam AoEs" cheese-strategy.

    > -Severely tone down CC s that have no visual tell, or give them a visual tell.

    > -Consider “gain stability for 2s when you break a stun” a default mechanic of all stun breaks, similar to the trait “Glaring Resolve” minus the heal ( You only get the stab if you are actually CC-d when you use a stunbreak skill ). What this does is cut down on the effectiveness of CC spam, without the problems cause by “On demand” stability.



    > **6. While sustain was brought down to match the damage reduction, Indirect sources of sustain really were not.**


    > Many players warned before the patch went live that indirect sources of sustain such as barrier-spam and Necro lifeforce were not really being touched as much as they should. A year later, things have slightly improved, but this issue has overall proven to be a noticeable side effect. This can also result in a lot of builds that are better at bunkering than they should, because they gain a source of sustain that can be easily spammed. "Decap" builds are a solid example.


    > _Possible fixes_

    > -Skills and traits that have no ( Or an extremely low ) ICD tend to be the biggest offenders.

    > -Pay close attention to bunker builds and what enables them. Too much bunker leads to an extremely stale meta.

    > -Continue to monitor indirect forms of sustain that add more health but don't technically "Heal".

    > -New players tend to have problems with skills like Defiant stance ( Warrior ) or Infused light ( Rev ) that convert incoming damage into healing. While it's easy to tell these players to "gitgud", and in many ways it really is a L2P issue, it's also another case of problem #3. The visual tell on these skills just aren't good enough to match how serious of a skill they are, to the point where it is easier to notice them by looking at their status-bar than their player model. The stats ( Cooldown/Duration ) on these skills and how they function are fine, but consider adding a brighter glow to them to help the noobs out.


    > **7. "Just increase the cooldown" didn't work at all.**


    > See thread: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/97262/why-increasing-cooldowns-does-not-reduce-spam-and-can-even-make-spam-worse#latest


    > Most of what I warned about in that thread has come to pass. The most effective method to kill someone in the game right now is to +1 them. While this has always been true, it's far easier now since the chances of two players engaged in an on point 1v1 being out of cooldowns is noticeably higher.


    > _Possible fixes_

    > -Consider why a skill is overpowered before nerfing it. More often than not, the cooldown has little to do with it.

    > -In the case of GW2 especially, most skills that ended up getting a cooldown nerf actually have a cast-time problem rather than a cooldown problem.

    > -In other words, see problem #3.













    I basically agree with this whole thing. A few things I'd like to add, one of which is a disagreement of sorts.

    To condition damage stacks: I think reducing the stacks of conditions was a good step, however some things weren't touched at all (i.g. burning proccs from guardians per skill as well as the passive trait's threshold for the attacks to apply burning). A few things would need to occur as well in tandem with lowering the stacks (per the amount of conditions applied, cooldown of said skill, etc) such as increased/decreased uptime using an example.


    To condition damage downsides: I agree completely with this. One thing I also suggested was doing what they changed way back then, and one of the main reasons why some condition damage builds are still highly oppressive after said change: in PvP and WvW only, place burning and poison back to 1 stack only. By doing this, a lot of the stacks and uptimes changes would not need to be changed, as well as the re-introduction of the one boon that mitigated condition damage in the past, Regeneration. As it stands now, Regen is very niche, and doesn't do much to mitigate much condition damage with burn and poison the way it is now.


    Other than that, honestly we share the same mindset on a lot of things. Very good and well thought out post.

  7. > @"Samug.6512" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

    > > > > @"Mil.3562" said:

    > > > > > @"juno.1840" said:

    > > > > > > @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

    > > > > > > Especially since many Scrapper cleanse- and heal-skills don't apply boons you can overcleanse effectively, meaning you can support multiple groups. That's why you usually need only 1-2 scrappers per 15 people.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Purity of Purpose turns those condis into boons (at least until ANet nerfs it, which I heard is in the works). That makes scrappers indirect boon-bots. There are almost always conditions going down. My favorite is chill (for alacrity) and burn (for aegis).

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Is this true that ANet is going to nerf Purity of Purpose? Heard from what source? The only reason why healing Scrapper is still a thing in WvW is because of PoP. You nerf that to the ground (knowing ANet always throw out high handed nerfs) and with Tempest 10 allies buff taken away in WvW too, all we have left in WvW is FBs as support. The King of support will soon be God.

    > > >

    > > > If they nerf it, it would be a rare sensible balance change in a while. PoP is OP - slap a cooldown on it or smth. This will make more room for tempests / shout wars that have good cleansing and heal, and offer utility on top of it.

    > > Of course they are going to nerf it. Because Purity Of Purpose.

    > >

    > > Lets just ignore the fact that the *scrapper* is the meta. Not core (or holo).


    > If F5 on supply crate also gave AoE stability I'd be very happy to try core support instead of scrapper. Tools instead of Scrapper with Elixir B, maybe elixir R, or Mine for blasts, boonstrip&CC. Could even go HGH and Elixir C.

    > Instead we'r stuck with this weird bruiser spec that is supposed to deal damage to survive, that also happens to be one of the best supports in the game...


    Interesting idea. I, however, would be for getting rid of the 2012 "run over the medkits" idea with all of the things that does it (elite toolbelt from crate, Bunker Down trait in Inventions, Medkit skill 2) and just replace them with an effect for whoever is in the targeted area, with no need to collect anything off the ground. Or, simply lay a medkit on the ground, but it pulses some healing in an area in contrast to having to pick it up, that would be, imo, better than having to walk to the stupid medkits to pick them up.

  8. > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > > Losing an unrecoverable mid? Attempt to decap far or go back home to defend if someone already does it. Commit to cap if viable and defend from respawns 1v1.

    > >

    > > Players on respawn from mid will take care of home, far no longer possible? Fall back to mid for a back cap / help team that should have home secure by now.

    > >

    > > Dying in the process? Teamwork your way home after respawn if it's not been won already or head mid to team fight and win it. Should be able to rinse and repeat from there.


    > Except if most of your team dies in that mid, you better bet you'll get chased far and killed and now they have mid and far. That's basically the problem when people rush far at start, leaving your team in a 3v4 situation is a bad idea because more than likely they'll die. The strategy really only works if the enemy team is doing the same thing. But most of the time what I've seen is the enemy team's home capper is smart, lands a few really high damaging abilities in MID to throw for them, then goes.


    This all depends. If the team fighting the teamfight at or near the mid node die without trying to disengage or peel for each other (especially if the mid fight is outnumbered) then that's their own fault. If you have a 1-3-1 split, then the team should expect to be outnumbered at mid and proceed with caution until A) the enemy made the same split as you and you can attempt to match the split (mini map awareness), or B ) your far pusher wins that fight at far to secure that node and then either the home capper or the far pusher rotates to home to secure the teamfight at or near mid. You might lose mid in the process but you cap 2 other nodes so it's ok.


    Of course, this is only one of many situations and it's all very volatile, things can change midway and it's up to the individual player to have the skills necessary to spot the changes as the match progresses. An issue with many players is they're extremely stagnant in their strategy, unwilling to adjust on the fly while playing. Because lets face it: in gw2 pvp, it's very common for one strategy that was working a moment ago to all of a sudden flip and not work because the enemy adjusted their strategy to combat yours, which then results in a match going from snowballing the enemy to slowly getting snowballed by the enemy.


    Be open to change, always be ready to change, and work with your team to change to ensure your victory.

  9. > @"michelada.2947" said:

    > It make's sense because no other class force you to pick certain utilities, the kits are not given to the engi for free, kits are not the core mechanic of the class, Tool belt f1-f5 is the core mechanic of the class, those are given to you for free.


    > I dont understand how can you defend kits when kits have been on terrible state for a long time, are kinda useless and don't payoff, when was the last time you saw a fire thrower engi? , oh and by the way, fire thrower take a major trait from firearms line which is even worse, the only kit that you will see engis using all the time is elixir gun and that's it.





    I think a lot of people have seen a flamethrower engineer/scrapper many times. you're looking at one. :)

  10. > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > @"Ivantreil.3092" said:

    > > > And dude, even if we could weapon swap, kits would still be needed, because our weapons are terrible as a standalone option, youll never make a kitless build workout.

    > > Which is why I am in favor of the **weaponswap being a kit** (on weaponswap cd, unlike kits in skill slots).

    > > An engie would run:

    > > P/p/toolkit+heal+3 skills+elite

    > > Rifle/flamethrower

    > > Hammer/elixirgun

    > > Sword/shield/toolkit

    > > Etc and so on.

    > >

    > > Basicly, all engies get one "free" kit at the cost of weaponswap cd.


    > The thing is, we can change from kit to weapon or weapon to kit anytime we want. Your idea would get us stuck in let’s say Flamethrower, which is a condi weapon, but can’t swap to rifle, a power weapon.

    > I would hate to get stuck in a kit or can’t pick up the kit anytime I want. Cooldowns - a big no from me.


    Flamethrower is not only a condition weapon. Try running Firearms 3-3-1 and run a power amulet like demolisher or serk. Watch the power damage roll.

  11. > @"Rezzet.3614" said:

    > > @"michelada.2947" said:

    > > the only viable build right now for engineer is holosmith, and you know why? , because you can have a 2nd set of skill for free. Eles and engineers are the only classes that can't have a 2nd weapon set but compared to the ele that can have 20 weapon skills no matter what weapons you choose, enginners are forced to use kits that removes utility slot from your build.

    > > i just got tired of trying to make this class work, i hope Anet notice that engineer class need some work to be on par with the other classes.


    > scrapper is a friggin juggernaut after the patch


    > holosmith has two effective builds 3 if you count pve


    > what was overnerfed was condi cleanse tho


    I agree here with the condi cleanse aspect, considering the amount of conditions that still fly around (and many stacks of those conditions as well in one go). 100 seconds cooldown for a lesser skill is really painful.

  12. > @"Vombs.5917" said:

    > **Core:**

    > [Explosive Entrance](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Explosive_Entrance) - First attack in combat proc removed. Now refreshes from _evading_ instead of _dodge roll_.

    > [Juggernaut](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Juggernaut) - Stability duration reduced to **1½** seconds.

    > [Anticorrosion Plating](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Anticorrosion_Plating) - Protection now applies barrier **(500)** instead of cleansing.

    > [Medical Dispersion Field](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Medical_Dispersion_Field) - Healing shared to allies increased to **50%**.

    > [Acid Bomb](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Acid_Bomb) - No longer unblockable.

    > [Elixir S](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir_S) - Replaced with [Elixir E](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir_E).

    > [Elite Mortar Kit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elite_Mortar_Kit) - Radius reduced to **180**.

    > [Flash Shell](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flash_Shell) - Blind interval increased to **2** seconds.

    > **Scrapper:**

    > [impact Savant](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Impact_Savant) - Now affects allies in **360** radius instead of yourself.

    > [system Shocker](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/System_Shocker) - Now affects allies.

    > **Holosmith:**

    > [Photon Forge](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Photon_Forge) - Endurance regeneration reduced by **50%** while in photon forge.

    > [Holo Leap](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Holo_Leap) - Cool down increased to **8** seconds.


    I don't agree with most of these changes.


    Explosive Entrance: This wouldn't do much at all considering how much dodging currently exists in this meta (thanks sigil of energy/big vigor uptime thanks to forge 2). Then there's also the tools GM trait that grants faster regeneration.


    Juggernaut: The issue isn't Juggernaut's stab. Taking Firearms puts you at a serious disadvantage if you're not fully core, due to the fact that you have to give up a very powerful trait combo; Alchemy + Inventions.


    Anti-corrosion Plating: No, this would be a horrible change and severely cripple potential condition clear. As well, without Alchemy, Inventions would be 100% dead after this change. Right now it's at least 2% capable of coming out alive, which is better than 0.


    Medical Dispersion Field: In pve this might be a nice change, in pvp not too sure. Would have to theorycraft a bit more to see what the potential damage/benefit would be.


    Acid Bomb: No, this would cripple Engineer too much again. Necro can have unblockable marks, and Warrior can have 10 stacks of unblockable on a buff that has a short cooldown. Acid bomb is fine as is.


    Elixir S: No, the cooldown is proportionate with its effect, it's fine as is.


    Elite Mortar Kit: I'm fine with radius reductions for these skills, so this change would be welcome.


    Flash Shell: This could be a good change, or just reduce the amount of time the field lasts. either one would be a good change I think.


    Impact Savant: Not sure how I feel about this. I think Impact Savant is meant more for dueling, being more of a selfish skill. Giving everyone else barrier in a radius could really make them much stronger in teamfight situations, and what comes to mind is world vs world. There it would be cancer.


    System Shocker: Working in tandum with Bulwark Gyro, this could create a big barrier issue, especially if you mass CC multiple enemies (that would be a ton of barrier generation for allies, again looking at it from a WvW perspective). I don't think this would be a good change.


    Photon Forge Endurance regen decrease: This would probably neuter holo entirely. They are already punished very hard for overheating, I don't think it would make sense to punish them for being inside Forge as well, but I think I see where you may be coming from (give vs take, more damage in forge but less endurance). I think a better action to take would be to reduce the Laser's Edge trait granting 15% more damage while in forge (22.5 in ECSU) to 10% regular (15% in ECSU).


    Holo Leap: This would be an interesting change, however I'm not sure. If anything, since this is a low cooldown gap closer skill, i'd further reduce its coefficient so it's not overloaded with benefits. On top of that, the aforementioned reduction of the passive Laser's Edge would also help in decreasing some of the raw power they can output with their ability to stick to targets.


    I hope this detailed explanation of why I don't agree with many of your suggestions was helpful to present a new light and to encourage some more thought on the matters at hand.

  13. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > Lots of changes ... no reason given for why changes are being proposed, what problems are being fixed, why the proposed changes fix those problems.


    > Just ... don't know. Random changes are random. Not much to discuss. One thing is clear, these definitely are not Quality of Life changes.


    fix the casting time so it goes more around the tooltip of 0,5s and not nearly 1s


    This is a quality of life change. You sure none of them are?

  14. While I agree that builds that can tank and also do loads of damage at the same time is pretty stupid, i also agree that condition style builds should be, by default, more tanky as they *should* be focused on ramping up stacks of conditions over time to provide a steady and slow depletion of the enemy's health the longer the fight drags on, forcing players who don't run condition cleanses on their utility set ups to either take the death or disengage and fight elsewhere (although right now, everyone runs some sort of consistent condi clear on their builds because of how stupid conditions are right now). I'm more inclined to think that the issue is that the builds in question apply too many stacks of certain conditions in one go, rather than how tanky they are.

    In regards to the necro, I think the biggest issue is how much the fear can do in terms of condition damage when traited (almost 1k per second), adding on to the other ramping up conditions like bleeds, torment, and poison (which can add another 1k per second depending on how many of said conditions are applied consistently and/or one go). I think once that issue is tackled across all professions, the rabid amulet would be fine.

    I also agree that other power builds that have not yet been touched are still doing crazy damage, and should see a nerf. But that can be discussed on another thread.

  15. > @"Pemberly.6305" said:

    > I assume you've seen this.....





    Yes, but I don't want to have to depend on using an add-on for a current directx version that also bugs out the faces of the enemy players, and my own things in game, especially particularly on the character selection screen.

  16. > @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

    > > @"Ghos.1326" said:

    > > It's still amazing to see unskilled players who were carried by their crutch that was their broken build complaining about how powercreep should have not been addressed. Even World of Warcraft, which I've been following recently, just recently came out with some nerfs to prevent the one shot kitten that was flying around (most noticeable with marksman hunter and rogue). Just git gud 4Head


    > You can call them unskilled but on the other side of the coin it looks like someone that doesn't know how to handle or fight strong builds to learn and adapt, it's basically too spicy for some people that can only ever handle mayo. Not to say there wasn't broken builds before (Clone death mesmer from core, Prime mirage) Let me give you some insight, since I've been playing WoW. Those nerfs did nothing but shave an extra second off before you die to those classes, they also removed baseline pvp talent choice to remove stun (medallion/adaption) and stuck them on trinkets in this expansion. Sub rogue can still delete someone in 2 to 3 seconds(not including the ability to stun someone for 10s lol), it was just before they were doing with with the Kyrian covenant skill(expansion skill). Meanwhile demon hunters are flying under the radar since one of their covenant abilities can almost one shot, and Shadow Priests are also busted.


    My whole point is, even WoW is working on cutting powercreep from their game, since it is a problem. And they're doing it in a timely manner.

    GW2's first step in cutting powercreep was a big step in the right direction with the Feb 25th patch. While there are things that were missed, it was still a big step in the right direction. Where gw2 fails currently is their timely manner of their balance passes, even the small ones.

    As well:


    (With realm restarts) Aimed Shot no longer deals 10% increased damage in PvP situations.

    (With realm restarts) Double Tap's extra Aimed Shot deals 50% reduced damage in PvP situations.


    This, as an example, is a pretty big deal. It's a good nerf, seeing that Hunters could literally one shot tanks with 38k hp. That's definitely not just something small. 50% damage reduction on a specific talent is huge, but necessary. I agree that there are still some things in WoW as well that still need looking into, but I expect them to move in a timely manner to address those issues.

    GW2 should follow suit. We don't have to have huge balance passes all the time, but the bigger ones should take a little longer, while the smaller ones should take a shorter time frame than 2 months to implement.

    As well, if ONLY nerfing things is the way to go to cut powercreep, then so be it. And the only ones who are angry at the nerfs are those who are horrible at the game. (basically I'm agreeing and disagreeing with you at the same time, if that makes sense)

  17. > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > I'm on 7 yrs now man lol

    > Are you drunk? He writes about 2012-2014 days when traits were still giving stats and you could invest max 70 points between all 5 trait lines.

    > These 10k+ were rare but could happen in core days, but damage was like doubled after HoT and PoF release.

    > He's talking about apples and you bring your banyanyas on the table.



    Sorry, had to do it, love the reference =D

  18. It's still amazing to see unskilled players who were carried by their crutch that was their broken build complaining about how powercreep should have not been addressed. Even World of Warcraft, which I've been following recently, just recently came out with some nerfs to prevent the one shot crap that was flying around (most noticeable with marksman hunter and rogue). Just git gud 4Head

  19. > @"mes.4607" said:

    > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

    > > They removed ANOTHER amulet. This pvp is falling further into the dumpster.


    > Cele amulet should have never came back


    While I don't agree with this for the long run, I do agree with this for this iteration of balance. I think it's a needed change.

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