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Posts posted by Froh.3072

  1. Well I will not quote your sentences one by one.

    But I have to precise a bit : This is not a random rant from someone that can't do any stuff, I just find, that, as a game, a lot can be improved and could be better. I have the guild, I'll improve with training. That's not the point here. It's just, that I can understand that there's less players now than before and this is what can block you at lower level of entries.

    I assure you that compared to a LOT OF games out there, this one is not the most readable. The fact that dungeons are harder to read does not mean it's okay either.


    About thoses strange mechanics, you tell me there is not, only new ones. Well, I don't see how novelty can't be seen as strange. There's a lot of mechanics that you don't see at all during this game or another game, and that just pop out of nowhere. Again, this is fine. It's just that they're not readable enough (or explained at all).

  2. I'm one of thoses "low skill players" as I'm really new to raids.

    So I'll kinda explain why we do suck (or at least, why I do suck right now), feel free to dismiss my opinion or not, but remember that I took on my time to write this post so you do not go into a full circle of "raids are too easy, others players are too bad, they don't deserve...". Also remember it is HOW I perceive the game as a rather "new" player. So if I'm wrong, that also means that the game can do something bad at teaching me some stuff :


    -> Game is not readable enough. This is the main point, and this is probably due to the number of differents mechanics at one time on the boss + players skills (which we can hardly see) + combos of skills. Sound does help (indicate big hits etc), the red area too (even if you have to know the timing beforehand as the dodge is short). For the rest, I have hard time to see if I'm targeted by something, if I'll explode, etc... Oh ok I have a red zone growing around me, then I'll go away from my mates. Oh wait, someone of my mate have to come on me. The sentence "Choose your allies wisely", yeah, thanks, it helps me a lot to understand what's going on.


    -> Bosses have really strange mechanics. This is okay, refreshing and kinda fun, but the fact that you can't really do any boss without reading about all of his 10 patterns of attacks beforehand because they are not to be understood easily is weird. Maybe Anet could introduce thoses mechanics by not one shotting you when you fail at the beginning (and could increase in damage each time).


    -> Extra skills given for a fight can't really be read during the actual fight. Extra points when you actually have to earn this specific extra skill during the fight by doing something like catching blue bullets while escaping red ones.


    -> Stuff. It is hard for someone new, to come up with more than exotic pieces. It is probably fine when you're doing T4 fractal all the days, but I'm currently stuck into lower fractal tiers because I have only 2 rings and 1 necklace to put agony on. When I say "stuck", I probably have ways to unstuck myself, but thoses ways are kinda obscure at the moment without reading a full guide on how to do it. Then you'll tell me "Hey you can do thoses raids in full exo", yeah, but it's harder. And if the harder part is for the new players rather than the veterans. Yeah, I can guess why they're bored (or why they suck).


    Now I know that the meta builds cost a lot more gold than I can currently handle, by far, so I won't join PUG as I do not have the prerequisite, making me unable to stuff myself as easily.

    -> Rotations. Mesmer, which is my main currently have a "26" rotation combo to learn as a chrono to be useful (on snowcrows at the moment). The fact that the game depends on learning thoses rotations before everything else as you'll really be useless without them doesn't really help. Could have more "easiers specs" on each class while still being relevant to boss fight would have helped.


    So, I don't mind trying again and again a boss. Doing dailies to slowly, really slowly grind stuff to be ABLE to grind it faster. And I certainly don't expect to master a boss the first time I come against. It's just that I'd like an easier time to go in, rather than the current state. But this mostly list my current gripes with the game so far.

  3. Not only it is misplaced after an epic fight but :

    - He's hard to beat and is at the end of a LOT of dialogues and "quests" that are kinda long to do (which is fine the first time, less fun after the 3rd).

    - He's more than a nightmare in mesmer (he fully heals itself on illusions ... so a mesmer that can't use his illusions is kinda useless)


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