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Posts posted by Geiir.7603

  1. > @"Trianox.3486" said:

    > So, do you roam, decap and +1?


    > Which dodge type do you use?


    > What about amulets, runes, traits and utility? :+)


    > I've also tried "off-meta" combinations lately to catch people off guard a bit... Such as D/P condi... (lol, I know) and it works really well as +1. Basically loading out conditions and some blinds and vuln, and 1-2 interrupt and my ally can finish him off while I start running to the next target.

    > Aint the best, but it gets the job done, and I can run tankier stats.


    Forgot to add the build. It's there now.


    Roam, decap and +1 yes. Pretty much the basic thief rotation for sPvP. I've been seeing a lot of success with it :)

  2. What’s your thoughts on S/D DD in the current meta?


    I find it pretty good given the insane condition spam and burst that’s going on now. It is durable and can dish out a lot of damage. I also find people not knowing how to play against it as they’re too used to D/P or P/D in the current meta.


    Been having a lot of fun and success with it lately ?


    Edit: [Forgot to add the build, so here it is.](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAwiVlNwuYbsOGJOMXrNVA-z5IeKZKC6VIEvEogFgJGA)

  3. > @"Lithril Ashwalker.6230" said:

    > > @"Geiir.7603" said:

    > > You **remove** the entire stack. Removing 25 might stacks from your target in PvP is pretty darn good.


    > but you get 1stack back. what did i do? drop the other 24 while running away ?


    While the mechanic seems weird, it is still strong. Very strong if used after a boon burst.

  4. > @"MeToLee.7164" said:

    > playing pvp with thief makes me want to just delete the character. all I can do is run around cap decap... its not fun. and I have to do what +1 fights? what am I a ranger's pet? I was playing pvp a year ago with sometimes success with 1v1 with other classes with my staff pdps thief now if they sneeze at my location and I get downed. I love the class but even in pve people are frowning on me because other classes do everything we can do and they do it better. so if you want advice to which thief you should play at pvp? none of them. get a warrior or any other class really and save yourself the trouble. because even if you play good your team mates gonna flame you when game goes bad. thief is the scape goat of this game.


    I love that aspect of the thief. That is also why I have sticked with my thief since day one. There's a level of skill and awareness that goes into the roaming role that I don't find anywhere else. I would however enjoy us being good at 1v1 again. We were supposed to be good duelers, but somehow Anet forgot about that...

  5. Discord link expired, so can't click there to join.


    I'm currently looking for a new home. My current guild had all its leaders just leave the game within a span of two weeks. They left me in charge of both the discord and the guild, and with no time to manage it everything just fell apart :/


    My in game name is Melder. Or Geiir.7603

  6. I think they missed their mark with the Daredevil. I understand the reasoning for 600 range as they want the Daredevil to be a melee brawler that rely on evasion frames to survive. They need to do something to make the Daredevil a true brawling spec...

  7. This seems very interesting! Daredevil has always been just a better thief with more of everything. Now it has some real trade offs. This will hurt PvE quite a bit for us though.


    I’m hyped. They are doing a lot this patch and things are definitely moving in the right direction.

  8. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Backpacks don't have dye channels, like weapons, and the Devs have stated, a few times, that adding dye channels would be resource-intensive.

    > Though, one never knows, the Devs have no plans to add dye channels in the foreseeable future.


    That's what I've been reading as well.


    > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > They should give us an option to show stowed gliders instead of backpacks.


    Now that is a solution that would work pretty well.

  9. **Hi fellow tyrians!**


    So this have been bugging me for some time, but it hit me really hard when I recently bought the Shining Blade Backpack Glider Combo from the Gem Store.


    I really, really want to use the backpack, but I just can't get myself to do it as it doesn't match my dye colors. My Shining Blade glider looks amazing though. Now, I can understand that some backpacks won't get a dye channel to keep their aesthetics, but wouldn't it be awesome to add the following?


    _If I use the same backpack and glider, my backpack will match the dye channels of the glider, given that the gliders is dyable._



  10. Deadeye? It is close to useless in the current meta. Stealth on dodge is annoying, but far from gamebreaking as it is pretty easy to both dodge his burst and find him even though he's in stealth :D

  11. I'm just gonna leave this here from a YouTube comment regarding this matter:


    > They're removing publishing from ArenaNet and folding it back into NCSoft West publishing. I'm pretty sure that most of the people getting laid off are those that were working on all of the other projects that ArenaNet was working on in the background. Looking at the last quarter of income from NCSoft showed a little over $15M in income from GW2, which is about $12,500 per month per employee, so I'm sure that's quite enough to sustain the company going forward. Nothing to see, nothing to hear...O'Brien needs to get ArenaNet out from under the NCSoft thumb. The original GW was published by NCSoft West, when they wanted to release GW2, publishing was shifted directly to ArenaNet, based on the press release from NCSoft West, ArenaNet is no longer going to publish GW2 directly, their publishing arm is being folded into NCSoft West.


    I wouldn't be too afraid that this will affect the game too much. As stated in the quote, the people getting laid off are probably not too many working in the GW2 team.

  12. Just gotta copy paste this from a YouTube comment:


    > They're removing publishing from ArenaNet and folding it back into NCSoft West publishing. I'm pretty sure that most of the people getting laid off are those that were working on all of the other projects that ArenaNet was working on in the background. Looking at the last quarter of income from NCSoft showed a little over $15M in income from GW2, which is about $12,500 per month per employee, so I'm sure that's quite enough to sustain the company going forward. Nothing to see, nothing to hear...O'Brien needs to get ArenaNet out from under the NCSoft thumb. The original GW was published by NCSoft West, when they wanted to release GW2, publishing was shifted directly to ArenaNet, based on the press release from NCSoft West, ArenaNet is no longer going to publish GW2 directly, their publishing arm is being folded into NCSoft West.

  13. > @"James.1065" said:

    > Instead of a concede button I would rather see an option that encourages players to fight harder and not give up, afk, etc. even against unbeatable odds.


    > My idea would be to upgrade the current rating system to deduct fewer rating points if you loose within a certain threshold of your enemy. For example:


    > Current system:


    > You loose 495 - 500 and your rating drops 14 - 20 points


    > You loose 100 - 500 and your rating drops 14 - 20 points


    > There is no difference so no motivation to not give up, or at least finish with the best possible score you can make.


    > Suggested system:


    > Three thresholds

    > 1 If you loose within 50 points of enemy 0 rating points deducted.


    > 2 If you loose within 100 points max 4 rating points are deducted.


    > 3 If you loose within 150 points max 8 rating points deducted.


    > Anything lower than that old rating system points apply so you loose 14-20 rating points.


    > The amounts of points for a win remains the same


    > I think this will keep players motivated to keep fighting to mitigate the amount of rating points they loose even in an in-winable situation, rather than just give up from the start.


    Best idea I've seen.


    Just adding a resign button would make match manipulation even worse. The match doesn't last longer than 10-15 minutes, so I honestly don't see the problem :p

  14. Hi!


    I'm the PvP manager for my guild, Syndicate of the Exiles [sOTE]. We are a fairly young guild, but with a very diverse player base. Some of us have been on and off since the game released while others are new to the game. We are currently looking at expanding our PvP numbers to prepare for automated tournaments, Tournament of Legends, ROM's 2v2 tournament and scrims against other guilds.


    We will hopefully get a WvW team going as well. We do have weekly guild missions, fractal runs and so on. We are preparing for raids too if that is something that you'd like to do.


    Just send me a whisper or in-game mail if this sounds interesting.

  15. Hi!


    I'm the PvP manager for my guild, Syndicate of the Exiles [sOTE]. We are a fairly young guild, but with a very diverse player base. Some of us have been on and off since the game released while others are new to the game. We are currently looking at expanding our PvP numbers to prepare for automated tournaments, Tournament of Legends, ROM's 2v2 tournament and scrims against other guilds.


    We will hopefully get a WvW team going as well. We do have weekly guild missions, fractal runs and so on. We are preparing for raids too if that is something that you'd like to do.


    I'll look you up in-game and have a chat.

  16. I've taken my guild team through a non-meta match where we destroyed the enemy team. We built our toons to counter the meta builds as much as possible. The enemy team was all meta, but they didn't know how to deal with us, as our builds were unfamiliar.


    It is possible, but I would not recommend it since meta literally means Most Effective Tactic Available. If you play to win, then you will do whatever it takes to get there.

  17. > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > > > @"LaFurion.3167" said:

    > > > Oh interesting. Thanks! Surprised to see such an rng thing in gw2!

    > >

    > > Unfortunately this RNG also means that a skill type that's not even equipped can be "recharged."


    > I'd call it a bug... but fixing it would immediately make the trait busted as all hell.


    That would break the game tbh. Imagine a S/D thief with improvisation and steal resets. Would be insane to see a full trickery thief resetting all his skills every 20 seconds..

  18. First of all: that was 2 Deadeyes trolling you, so no wonder you lost the 1v2.


    Secondly: in a straight up duel you should beat them 100% of the time due to the insane amounts of evades you got. This I know from playing S/D myself in WvW for the last year and been stomping deadeyes. They only have one shot, after that you have the upper hand and can expect the burst and evade it accordingly (or reflect it all together).


    Third: The problem is malicious backstab. Combined with other damage modifiers and power signet it is too much damage from one skill. When I’m running that 1 shot build I rarely hit below 18k backstabs.


    The fix: Remove one charge from the Shadow Meld and double the cool down. Let it be a one time per fight thing with a longer cool down instead of the spammable version we have now.


    Edit: forgot to mention that this is only possible in WvW. In sPvP Deadeyes have to rely on their rifle to be of any use :p

  19. > @"Oldgrimm.8521" said:

    > its going to be a good change, since no one wants to play against a thief who resets and OOC during combat,


    > so we can penalize thieves who OOC, via no initiative out of combat, and initiative decay when trying to escape from engagement.


    > this will not affect PvE greatly since thieves just auto attack, and we dont have initial burst like other classes




    So you basically don’t know anything about the thief. Glad to get that one out in the open :)


    I’m running S/D core and destroying thief and other classes. There’s only a few that I can’t beat, but I’ll just run away from them. I’d be 100 times more afraid of a good S/D thief than a one trick pony Deadeye that is laughably easy to counter ^_^

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