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Mephu Tahm Jr.1962

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Posts posted by Mephu Tahm Jr.1962

  1. Replaying LS2 and when PC asks Ogden who gave the Master of Peace custody of Glint's egg, he says if you didn't see it then you're not supposed to know yet. Was this ever revealed? The voice that speaks to the Master of Peace during the last memory is male, so it could not have been Glint herself. Was it Ogden? Vlast? Or Kralkatorrik?

  2. _So I happened upon the [Marriner plaques](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Marriner_Plaque) achievement and it brought me to the [lighthouse](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Phoenix_Roost) again, and there was [Acolyte Ellyna Graidy](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Acolyte_Ellyna_Graidy). Easily one of my favorite [NPC](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Non-player_character)'s in [LA](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lion%27s_Arch), her story is one of those that have been mostly lost with the destruction of LA during [LS1](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Living_World_Season_1) (her name doesn't even turn up anything in forum search results). So I scrubbed the wiki and briefly searched Youtube to find as much of her previous dialogue as possible to share with you._


    _Before LA was invaded, I don't remember, and cannot find, any dialogue from her, nor where she was located, but I do remember seeing her during [map completes](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Map_completion). Ellyna's father, [Priest Graidy](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Priest_Graidy) ([Human](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Human) Priest of [Dwayna](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dwayna)), ran the original lighthouse and stood in front of it. He was the one who spoke, and was part of the network of [speed boon](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Speed_boons) giving NPC's:_


    "[six](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Six_Human_Gods) watch over you, my friend. Have you come to see the last, battered remnant of [Old Lion's Arch](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Lion%27s_Arch)?"

    -Did the lighthouse here once light the way to the original Lion's Arch?

    "Disaster and attack may have raised it to its ancient foundations, but we'll always maintain this treasured monument."

    -([Charm](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Personality)) The lighthouse foundation will endure as a powerful symbol of your city's resilience.

    "Allow me to grant you this boon from the Six for your heart-felt words."

    -(Dignity) This is fascinating! Such history here beneath our feet.

    "The Six have preserved the foundation as a gift to all who walk the face of Tyria, regardless of their beliefs. In the name of the Six, I bless you with the swiftness of the gods."

    -(Ferocity) I'm impressed by the strength of this monument. Your citizens always face down adversity and rise again from the waves.

    "Such is the awe-inspiring power of the six gods. Take their blessing to hasten to your next destination."


    _During [scarlet](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scarlet_Briar)'s [invasion of LA](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Escape_from_Lion%27s_Arch_(living_world)), Ellyna and her father spoke briefly before the escort [event](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dynamic_event) starts where the lighthouse workers evacuate:_


    Ellyna Graidy: Dad. Forget the lighthouse! We need to get out of the city.

    Priest Graidy: Not yet, honey. Approaching vessels need to be warned off.

    Ellyna Graidy: Dad...

    Priest Graidy: Just go. I'll be right behind you. Until then, may Dwayna keep you in her arms.

    Priest Graidy: I love you, bunny.

    Ellyna Graidy: I love you, bear.

    Ellyna Graidy: All right. Get me out of the city, and then come back for my father.


    _During this time, camps were set up outside LA's entrances in [bloodtide](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bloodtide_Coast) (near [Whispers](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Order_of_Whispers) entrance) and [Lornar's Pass](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lornar%27s_Pass) (at the foot of the [Priory](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Durmand_Priory) mountain) for both refugees and soldiers. Historically, the postern entrance to LA was from [Gendarran](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gendarran_Fields) north of the waterfall where [urmaug](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Urmaug) is stationed, but that entrance collapsed and the present entrance further southeast was formed allowing the eastern camp to be set up outside there. All service NPC's (bank, [TP](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trading_Post), even [MF](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Forge)) were temporarily relocated east._


    _Ellyna, herself an aspiring acolyte of Dwayna, stayed in the southern camp as a healer and had the following dialogue._


    _If you had not yet personally rescued Ellyna_:

    "Have you come from the city? Have you been to the lighthouse? My father's still there, trying to warn ships away. Dear Dwayna, please protect him."


    _If you did rescue her:_

    "Praise Dwayna. Thank you for helping me escape the city. Have you seen my father? Is he safe? I have something that might help you if you are going back for him."

    -I'll take a look at your wares. ([Recipe: Tuning Crystal Station](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Recipe:_Tuning_Crystal_Station))

    -How are you holding up?

    "I've been keeping busy tending to the refugees here, trying to give them some of Dwayna's peace at this terrible time."


    "The goddess of life and air who directed humanity to care for the wounded and downtrodden. Every generation of my family has had one acolyte in the order. Soon, that'll be me."

    -Tell me about your father.

    "When the violence started, he wanted to make sure no approaching ships were in danger. He wanted to make sure the lighthouse would warn everyone."

    -And he sent you away.

    "Because...because...I think he knew that he would die. I want him to be wrong. I want to scream at him for taking such a risk. I want him here. He can't go yet."


    _During the final fight to kill Scarlet, the camps outside remained while the episode was active, and so did Ellyna. If you had already killed Scarlet, her dialogue changes:_

    "Dwayna bless you! You killed Scarlet. I'll be able to go home and find my father soon."

    -Speaking of home, I heard you have a Lion's Arch display for sale. (costs 50 Silver and summons a Crystal Tuning Station)_


    _After Scarlet dies, there is a cutscene where a [pact](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pact) ship blows up the [breachmaker](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wreckage_of_the_Breachmaker). In the aftermath version of LA, there is a huge chunk of shredded metal next to the lighthouse debris (as well as other major chunks throughout the city). The ship's commander had obviously not taken into account the collateral damage that blowing up the Breachmaker would cause. Although it's unknown how Ellyna's father died, it's possible he survived the invasion only to be killed by debris._


    _Multiple makeshift memorials were set up around LA during that time. Ellyna could be found visiting a memorial located near where the current permanent memorial is ((youtu.be/V5jo6RqSM9Y)). She prays to Dwayna:_


    "Dear Dwayna, I beseech you to carry my father in your arms. May [Grenth](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Grenth)'s icy touch fade, dispelled by your love and mercy. Let him, your loyal priest, be carried into the [Mists](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Mists)... where... Where he won't be alone, where he won't be in pain, where he shall see the fruits of his labors as your humble servant. And let him know, beyond that veil, is a daughter who misses him very much and one day will be reunited with him again."


    "And Dwayna, please remove this agony from my heart."

    _(as she leaves)_

    "I miss you, bear."


    _Like many others, Ellyna also came to distrust [sylvari](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sylvari) after the invasion. If the [PC](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Character) is Sylvari and tries to talk to her, she says:_

    "Your Scarlet killed my father! Go away before Dwayna's mercy fails me and I send you to the [Realm of Torment](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Realm_of_Torment)."



    "I still think I'm going to see my bear, but then it strikes me that he's gone."

    -What happened?

    "When Scarlet attacked the city, my father stayed behind and used the lighthouse to warn ships to stay away. He sent me away, for my own safety."

    -Where does the bear come in?

    "My father used to tell me stories about a bear and a bunny having adventures. Since then he's been my bear, and I was his...Oh, why did he have to die?"


    _It's possible the bunny and bear part was explained even before Scarlet invaded, but I can't really remember. Lion's Arch was soon reconstructed into what it is today._


    _Acolyte Ellyna Graidy can now be found standing in front of the new lighthouse just as her father did before her, in new [armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Armor) indicating her new role:_

    "My dear father so loved the original lighthouse that stood on these cliffs. I hope I can inspire as he once did."

    -A new generation will light the way for travellers, then.

    "Disasters may tear us down to our foundations, but each time we rise anew to stand in place to our fallen."

    -A fitting testament to your city's resilience and your father's faith.

    "Allow me to grant you this boon of swiftness from the Six for your kind words."

    -Thank you. Take care.


    _They say that time heals all wounds. Indeed, Dwayna has removed the agony from her heart._


    _Cheers, to my favorite Bunny and Bear._ <3

  3. Even though I had to play the part of the opponent,


    I just wanted to say, /salute!

    For a long awaited but fitting tribute to General Almorra Soulkeeper.

    A fight worthy of her name, spectacular and relentless to the end.

    May she walk in peace among the greatest legends in the Hall of Heroes.

    Now, we continue her legacy. /kneel


    And hope that I may have such resolve and valor when in my life there comes my turn to fight.



  4. During the last mission, Aurene expresses that she and Glint thought Kralkatorrik would be terrified of a prophecy expressing his own death. But he says Elder Dragons do not fear anything, not even death. What does this mean? Was he simply displeased with having to die then? Was he actually trying to prevent it? Or was he simply being the consumer entity that all Elder Dragons are? Was he trying to imply that his end is not death? Is he saying he accepts his fate? Or is he foreshadowing Aurene's and Tyria's future?


    I don't understand all the dialogue where Kralkatorrik curses out Aurene in all caps immediately followed by praising her in small caps.


    What does he actually think of the prophecy???

  5. > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

    > Aurene is definitely an extraordinary figure at present. It might have to do with her affinity to and connection to mortals. She has a pulse on the people of Tyria.


    This reminds me of the Matrix where Neo develops an affinity towards Trinity and so decides not to reset the Matrix, but has to die to save Zion, yet that's only possible because he "merged" with Smith causing him to become all-powerful yet unstable, and what does Smith call the Oracle? "Mom." And all this was the Oracle's plan.

  6. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > He had at least 1 child and at least 2 grandchildren. I don't think it's a big stretch to think he had a mother as well and that, just like with Glint and Aurene, it was fairly close to the conventional meaning - a female dragon who laid an egg which hatched into Kralk, rather than some esoteric concept of the origin of all dragons.


    > However that still leaves a huge number of unanswered questions about the biology and origins of the elder dragons. I hope one day we do get to find out more about where they come from and how we got to the point where there's just 6 gigantic dragons in this cycle of consuming all the magic and then hibernating.


    Well at least one thing we know pretty certainly is how the Elder Dragons are very different from each other. Kralkatorrik is so far the only Elder Dragon we know of that goes with the egglaying concept; Mordremoth probably came from a seed, and Zhaitan probably came from a mass of flesh. This seems to explain why Kralkatorrik is the only Elder Dragon so far with children...

  7. Aurene made a mistake, so she died. Yes it is very sad, but let's be honest - it is also a purely tactical outcome that's demonstrated very clearly:


    When Kralkatorrik first goes for the SUPER MEGA ALCHEMAGICAL DESTRUCTO BEAM attack, Aurene activates her shield and effectively deflects it causing the resulting spill to crystallize the entire rest of cavern and destroy the soldiers stationed there.


    When Kralkatorrik second goes for that attack, Aurene chooses to go offensive rather than defensive, and is defeated because her offensive power is no match for Kralkatorrik while she has no shield to protect her.


    A prophesy cannot make someone battle-ready. She was too young, not just in dragon years but simply in terms of wisdom and battle-hardiness. She was too naive, too easily scared. She freaked out, made the wrong decision, and died. Not really surprising.


    Now we wait to see what happens next.

  8. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > This really isn't a strong argument to me. There were map changes elsewhere too, but on top of all that, work on the Ep6 map wouldn't have begun until Domain of Kourna was nearly done. So why would it be changed for Episode 1?

    > Generally speaking, most MMO developers have high level ideas of where they want the story to go a year+ before they get there so they can have time to build the story in question, and thus have time to deal with any gameplay/logistical problems that might come up during that time. You basically have to to have releases lead in the direction you want to go to begin with.


    this reminds me of the EPIC FAIL that was Southsun. LOL

  9. > @"cptaylor.2670" said:


    > You notice the scenery they're at changes each time. Not only the characters around her and her allies, but where the fight takes place. They're on the same structured cliffside with Kralk looming in a valley, but in one she's standing in grass on the cliffside, another she's on a snowy platform, another she's on a rocky desert cliff. Why change the environment like that? Granted none of those places appeared to be under a mountain (again? what was the point of making sun's refuge this sanctuary because it's underground and protected?)… but if it was only about which allies she brings to the fight why change the scenery? Just being artistic? To show that for some reason unknown to us she's factoring in not only allies but strategic places to fight him which are all for some reason not appearing to be set in the desert? It just seems odd going back and looking at it. I checked it out to compare the in-game model of this episode to the visions and noticed not only the lack of crystallization but the random scenery changes as well.


    I didn't notice, but if that's true, Aurene is calculating by time, if we fought Kralk now, or next season, or next year, would it make a difference? That for me would be the most obvious reason because the vision and the magical power present in her entire lineage is all about dealing with time.


    > And the fact that none of those scenes in her vision even remotely looked like where we actually fought Kralk could also imply that this is the one outcome she didn't forsee. That perhaps Glint's involvement with her this episode changed the outcome in a way that Aurene couldn't have forseen in those visions, leading us to fighting him where we did.


    Remember how curious it was when we first visited Glint's lair and her memories state she could not see past her own death - but then when Kralkatorrik gains access to the Mists, Glint sends Snaff and Eir to inform everyone of a further prophesy, which can only mean that when Glint found her way into the Mists, she regained her ability to see into the future - but due to her inability to see Aurene's defeat, I assume it means that that part of the prophetic power was derived directly from Aurene and so her death was the end of that next "segment" of prophesy. It could mean that Kralkatorrik holds the overarching prophesy, or one of the other Elder races like the Dwarves.


    > One interesting thing to note about her visions in A Star to Guide us is not only the fact that she isn't branded when she's impaled in this episode like she was in the visions, but also... in the visions...


    This is interesting, because in the past there has always been a major character that serves as a martyr rather than become a corrupted minion during the main plot. In core it was the Mentor. In HoT it was Trahearne. In PoF it was the player character. In each case the person who dies was very suitable for being corrupted by the entity that killed them, but was not. Balthazar could have Forged the PC immediately after killing them but does not. Trahearne could have become Mordrem during the last fight but does not until Mordremoth is dead. The Mentor does not become corrupted until they make a heroic exit. In that sense Aurene not becoming corrupted before her death is very similar (as it has been shown before that one does not need to die physically to be corrupted).

  10. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > Last time he was harmed by Destiny's Edge he went to sleep for a while again. We dealt a MASSIVE blow to him and he hurried away after blowing us out. He is most likely sleeping again to recover. Next episodes will see us deal with the aftermath and seeing "oh, he went to sleep again because we dealt so much damage". We mostly need to regain our trust from the world as we know it. I don't think anybody will be keen to see the "heroes" who have failed once more and caused a lot of destruction.


    Don't forget that Primordus and Jormag are also asleep right now. Putting them back to dormancy is the only currently known way of stopping an elder dragon without causing major unbalance to Tyria. This is why Balthazar is dead and Kralkatorrik and Aurene can enter the Mists in the first place. However, since Zafirah cannot sense Balthazar through Kralk, I'm assuming that Kralkatorrik originally inherited Mist power from Aurene and it's not a direct co-absorption at the defeat of Balthazar.


    > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > I'm to 80% sure we will see Aurene again there is just to much which wouldn't make sense otherwise.(Story / Plot etc)


    > A) First way is Glints private talk with Aurene in the cave that there is something only the dragons would understand about ascension. Using some fantasy ascension could mean you lose your old body and your spirit will transferred into a new one which a created through the process. In theory you could cheat your way around this and return to the old world in a new body or you tab directly into the process to create you a new body. I personally like this the most its makes in so many ways sense.


    This would follow the "martyr" path that so many have played in GW2: your Mentor in core, then Trahearne in HoT, then the Player themselves in PoF. In every case a major figure has to die in order to facilitate the main antagonist's death. It's Matrix-like, where Neo has to become Smith in order to destroy him. It could also be said that Aurene might be like Kralkatorrik's last horcrux.

  11. Yeah, Glint's Lair is in a grain of sand, NOT in the mists. This is why it looks nothing like anywhere in the Mists that we've ever been in before, and why Glint only talks to us when we're in the Mists (and sends Destiny's Edge to us through the Mists) but everything in her lair is prerecorded. It seems that Glint's spiritual form was able to continue forseeing the future when she was able to enter the Mists (as her shards indicate she could not see past her physical death in Tyria); however this also means that her failure to see the ending in this episode signals her spiritual death in the Mists and a prophesy that would be larger than Glint herself - or that she could no longer foresee Tyrian circumstances, only events that are directly connected to the Mists - or that her prophetic powers were definite and only gave her that next part of the future and nothing more.

  12. > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > The age old "guild is in the name".

    > That's from GW1 and has nothing to do with actual guilds ;)

    > Tbh, the name is so detached from the game now its kind of surprising the game didn't get a new name like "A Tyrian Odyssee" or something


    Last time I checked Destiny's Edge and Dragon's Watch are guilds.

  13. It's not simply a change. I sold my two invisible bags for whatever the buy price was to consolidate all my invisible items into one bag slot due to the 32-slot achievement reward Bandolier being invisible, and then bought another fractal equipment box for the freed up slot. Now I cannot revert those actions.


    I was actually complaining at first that it was invisible. But I expected it not to change, so I figured out a solution that was even better. And now all that for nothing.


    I seriously hope I don't merch any of my alternate gear sets without realizing it. I usually double click until the list is empty.


    BTW, the original bag description described what can only be non-normal bag behavior. It was suggestive of invisible bag behavior but used different words, which made it very confusing. Finding out that it functioned like invisible only confirmed that the description was referring to this functionality.


    As much as I want to hate Anet for this, that has already been done with the introduction of Megaservers. That alone has killed my interest in the game far more than what this Bandolier crap can do. Now it's just another lesser drawback among other major drawbacks of the game. Once again,


    Praise Joko.

  14. > @"Athrenn.9468" said:

    > The Inquest did team up with pirates at some point to form the Aetherblades due to Scarlet's influence so I wouldn't rule their collaboration out completely. I'm not sure _why_ they did the whole Aetherblade thing with Scarlet or what was in it for them, but who knows.


    I assumed that was because Scarlet's villainy was so far beyond the Inquest, that she could manipulate them with ease. She was able to get all the villanous sects (for species that had consciously good and evil divisions) to unite blindly for an arbitrary cause that was primary for her own sadistic pleasure.


    > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @Athrenn.9468 said:

    > > > @Orimidu.9604 said:

    > > > The statue is of Dahlah, then. Why would it be destroyed but the plaque left intact? Nahlah was the one blamed for the plague.

    > >

    > > I noticed that too and found it strange that there were two plaques at the base of the statue but both of them had duplicate text when interacting with them. Part of me wonders if they were meant to be Nahlah and Dahlah but they made a mistake and added two Dahlahs instead.


    > That was my thought on the plaques as well.


    > Both Dahlah and Nahlah were blamed for the Scarab Plague, if the statue was destroyed to spite them, it would make sense.


    I love how we're saying the statue is destroyed but not the plaque when half of the statue is still visibly intact. I believe it was simply vandalized, similar to how Balthazar's statue in Amnoon has a bucket over its head. What is curious however, is why Joko didn't have it destroyed altogether.


    In fact, I'm very curious why all the book-burning stuff (and similar things) is happening, like right now. How many years did he have to eradicate and revise Elonian history, but it's happening now? Come on. According to the timeline in the wiki, he had almost two fricking centuries to do it. Miyani says Joko rules Elona with an iron fist, but... he isn't really? Why did he go to the effort of building all that wall when he wants to rule the entire world anyway? Like, he decided he was actually afraid of stuff beyond the wall? I'm thinking there are a lot of complications that we just don't know about yet.


    > @"Athrenn.9468" said:

    > Speaking of the Scarab Plague and Joko's mysteriously acquired interest in 'bugs', is there any chance that the empty specimen tanks below the royal chamber in Fahranur were holding scarabs? He could have had the Inquest working to reproduce the plague and turn it into a biological weapon for his war of conquest since it probably can't hurt his undead troops but it could decimate the living. I'm not sure if my instance was glitching or not but all of the tanks were empty when I found them after the end fight.


    They're all empty in appearance. However the single tank that has status "escaped" is catalogued as 1-s, which I guess refers to Scarab.


    > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > In addition to the console that Athrenn mentions in the opneing post, there is another console that has logs of shipments. One about shipment of "pets" mentions that it arrived at Fahranur *17 years ago*.


    Given how prominent giant beetle ogre pets are in this game, scarabs wouldn't be that far off.


    > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:


    > The base there was not about following Kralkatorrik south (which happened in the past year)


    According to the timeline, it happened 10 years ago as of PoF story. But you're right, that's still later than the earliest console log dates.


    Frankly I'm often annoyed how there's always an Inquest lab or Ogre kraal or skritt village or bandit camp in a new map. It'll be hard to convince me that they didn't just put that there because they didn't have the resources and/or ideas to put anything else, but didn't want to leave the area blank either, and that then got factored into the storyline. Inquest can show up anywhere in the world, no questions asked. Well, fine. I will be an Inquest too. If the lore doesn't add up to my satisfaction (which it doesn't in this case), I'm not even going to bother with trying to figure it out.

  15. The Inquest are after one and only one thing: power, at any cost.


    While the Inquest might have followed Kralkatorrik south, that doesn't explain how they found out about Farahnur, nor why it was valuable to them. They might have collaborated with Joko for promises of power but still it doesn't explain why they would go to the effort of building a full blown lab there; also knowing the Inquest they would have been extremely reluctant to consider Joko an equal collaborator as he is not an asura.


    I think a better explanation is that Farahnur showed up on their map as a source of ley magic and this first attracted Zinn and later the Inquest. The fact that the core is blatantly labeled "ley-line core" confirms this, as there would really be no other reason for the Inquest to be interested. It is possible that when Kralkatorrik flew by, it greatly intensified Farahnur's magical readings via relevant ley lines, compelling the Inquest discovery. And like Canach said, Joko probably found out via Awakening a stray Inquest, then as the player character was trying to escape the Great Hall, Joko was raiding the Inquest lab and sending out the Awakened.


    However he probably doesn't know that the Pact has already slain an Elder Dragon with the same powers as his.

  16. Bring a ranged weapon, preferably with 1200 range skills (You cannot access your inventory to swap out weapons when you are in the Domain).

    Bring lots of condition applying skills.


    When the Eater is chasing you, apply conditions to it and strike at it if possible, but keep kiting to maintain your health (if necessary) and save your dodges.

    Do not create any extraneous sprites such as clones or minions that it might be able to steal health from (just to be safe, you may find that it works otherwise).


    As soon as an orange circle appears, run directly away from the Eater, dodging twice to ensure you are out of range of its life siphoning beam.

    When its beam hits you it should look like it's hitting you but does no damage (meaning it does not steal health). If it does do damage, be farther away the next time.


    When you're sure the beam isn't damaging you, turn around and spike the Eater with ranged skills (do not move closer, in fact, you might have to hold down the backwards movement key if the beam starts pulling you in), since it remains stationary to use the "beam" and "eat" skills.


    Repeat as necessary until it's dead.

  17. Note: everything I do in game is text based, and I prefer this; it would be best to find a guild that isn't all voice com.

    * Looking for new adventure mates! I'm a casual player of average skill (GW1 import), and would love to adventure with similar people.

    * I'm interested mainly in socializing, social PvE, JUMP PUZZLES!!! :grin: lore discussion, visiting places together, etc.

    * I enjoy experience based play rather than goal based, so I'm not interested in speed runs, farming all the time, etc., of course I don't mind if the rest of the guild does it, but it'd be nice to know some people who just want to look at the scenery :tongue:

    * I love helping other people so I'd rather party up with casuals and spend all night dying over and over, learning and analyzing until the mission is finally accomplished.

    * Even though I rarely WvW and have no interest in PvP style play, I have a very strong YB server identity carried over from when all aspects of the game was server-bound.




  18. What exactly is each elder dragon's area of magic?


    Zhaitan - death (grey)

    Mordremoth - earth (green)

    Primordus - fire (orange)

    Jormag - ice (white)

    Kralkatorrik - ? (purple)

    "bubbles" - ? (blue)


    Are their magics in pairs?






    In Omadd's machine they appear in two pairs of three, which confirms the above.


    Bubbles, Mordremoth, Primordus

    Kralkatorrik, Zhaitan, Jormag


    In that sense, destroying Zhaitan and Mordremoth would have taken out two dragons on opposing magics, thereby returning the Alchemy to relative stability.


    However that doesn't explain as well why destroying both Primordus and Jormag could cause the destruction of Tyria rather than simply canceling each other out.


    Perhaps, because the remaining dragons would absorb all the magic, they would become too potent...


    However, I find it interesting that Kralkatorrik is purple, and purple is usually associated with illusory magic. If so, this means the opposite is reality. So if that pair absorbs all the dragon energy... reality and illusion would begin to clash, destroying Tyria in the process.

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