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Posts posted by Slothy.8176

  1. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > Blackgate isn’t likely to open any time soon.


    > My two cents? My gut tells me they are the ‘threshold for full’.


    > Which means if their population drops, they will stay full and in turn, cause others to become full.


    > It’s also why, since the beginning of the year, we have gone from one ‘full server’ to six now. I don’t think population has exploded, I think the thresholds for full worlds have been adjusted down.


    > Of course, that’s all speculation. ??



    oh hmmmm that is a good speculation that I can maybe see. Well I just some how wait for one day it will open up

  2. > @"Threather.9354" said:

    > Server pop only updates once a week now (monday), no point checking more than once per week.


    > EU has plenty of servers that are full despite lacking numbers because Very High + High linking has lot more population together than 1 full server.


    hmmm I try keep looking on monday but thank you

  3. I've been waiting for Blackgate world to be open so i can transfer to this world to play WvW with friends. I would check every hour, Late nights, Super early morning, a week, a month, 2 month or more still never move down from full to just very high. Like When does it even open up for us to come in????

  4. > @"whoeverxwins.1279" said:

    > You might try VIP. They are a 5 guild group. I'm in Vengeance is Perfect and I know I see people on late nights and doing WvW. Ask in game and I'm sure you'll get an invite. They also do plenty of PvE stuff and raid training as well.


    ok thank you

  5. Hello everyone :) So I enjoy playing guild wars 2 an love seeing an getting cats minis/ cats in home in the game an when the new WvW mount pop up. I was in love with it. As of today I saw that the gem store have just added the lovely Warclaw Frontline Mount Pack. That I really want, but as of right now all my money goes to the lovely student loans an bills T.T an little by little trying make gold but some time I just don't have time T.T I know it is abit pricey, but hope some one can help out. I'm in the NA servers an when times comes I will pay it forward an make someone day :)


    Thank you for reading


  6. After being with the guild for about 3 week so far. I have done a lot with Sentinels of Elona then any other guild I've check out before. Going on Guild mission seeing an meeting other players from the guild, guild meeting, world boss. A lovely weekly calendar so you know what event is going happen of that week. In-game an Discord is always active with people to chat with ( I'm slowly working my way to be on voice chat more.) The Community is just wonderful that I can call this guild Home :) an I'm glad I have found this amazing group.

  7. Teehee ok this amazing Logo really got me interested in the guild. I just love the design who have made it. Right now I've been playing gw2 about a year and couple months when a good friend kinda got me back liking the guild wars world again. I used to play guild wars 1 for a year till switching to world of warcraft an became my main MMO game for a good time till some how gw2 got me out heheh. I'm mostly now a Relax, chill, and Casual player in this game or any type of game. When I read about this guild and it's rules made me really want to be in this family. I haven't been in a guild for guild wars 2 as I was looking for more that Family you can say. Right now I do pop on World of warcraft as I have a guild in there that is more like a family to me. I haven't done raid or Fractal :( but would love to learn, have been getting in to pvp and wvw though my sever is Yak's Bend so sadly wont join the guild any of the wvw. Though one thing I like of the guild of reading the info was join other guild :) I recent just finish college and just chilling out, but doing the loving job search. Hope to hear back and soon join this guild.



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