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Posts posted by MrRay.3027

  1. Haven't played in like 6 months and I'm kind of out of the loop and the patch notes just make no sense to me right now.


    I just have a question about how weaver has changed. When I last played the best thing on weaver was condi gear and I have sinister and viper gear. But I've seen on the meta builds that none use condi gear with sword/x. Is condi still viable or do I have to change to power gear?

  2. "Official benchmarks" That one craked me up.

    Is it possible that all these contrarians are just upset that someone says that you don't need to pull of 35k dps to finish a raid? All their uniqueness is gone, all their "hard work".

    Kitty says: "These are sinpler rotations for the new players" and elitist replies:"I always fall below qt's benchmarks and if I were to use kitty's I'd be even lower". What's the logic in that?

  3. Gathering gold for my first legendary right now. I do that through every kind of content: HOT, POF, SW, Fractals, even did some dungeons for the fun of it. If I get bored with that, I go into wvw and have some fun there. Tweaking my "fashion". These are just the things that ocuppy my time right now, but there are plenty more. I've had my pvp craze (when I did only pvp) and wvw craze. I like that the game lets me, very easily, choose what I want to do. And also I've played other MMOs inbetween.

    As someone said above, you've probably just been hardcoring a casual MMO and you're burned out.

  4. > @MrRay.3027 said:

    > > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

    > > All this talk of changing maps brings up a point that's bugged me for some time. What are the options for changing maps? I've been getting out of the mad king's realm and coming back in. That seems to change the map, but is that the best/only way to do it?

    > > And why isn't there some way to change maps easily - like a "Change Map" button in the Options or something? (Or is there?)


    > There is. Use the LFG tool for the specific map, join a squad, move to the map (in this case the labyrinth) (or move to the map and then join the squad, doesn't matter) and then right click on someone in the squad and click "join in Map Name". And if the map isn't full, you'll enter the instance. Sometimes, the player you clicked on isn't in the squad instance either, but you can ask the commander for a broadcast so you can right click his name in the chat.


    I really think some of these things should be put in some kind of tutorial for new players, cause they're not really obvious.


    Edit: Didn't mean to quote myself, but I don't know how to delete a post.

  5. > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

    > All this talk of changing maps brings up a point that's bugged me for some time. What are the options for changing maps? I've been getting out of the mad king's realm and coming back in. That seems to change the map, but is that the best/only way to do it?

    > And why isn't there some way to change maps easily - like a "Change Map" button in the Options or something? (Or is there?)


    There is. Use the LFG tool for the specific map, join a squad, move to the map (in this case the labyrinth) (or move to the map and then join the squad, doesn't matter) and then right click on someone in the squad and click "join in Map Name". And if the map isn't full, you'll enter the instance. Sometimes, the player you clicked on isn't in the squad instance either, but you can ask the commander for a broadcast so you can right click his name in the chat.

  6. What I like about these benchmarks, compared to gtfy, is that kitty put alot more builds in the test, unoptimised as they are. And now the speed-runners-meta-builders-mid-maxers will ask: "So what? I just wanna know what does the best damage so I can run that." These kind of benchmarks give hope to those that don't precisely enjoy playing the meta. All those poor non-meta classes/builds that keep getting shut down by the "vets" when they mention their class as dps in raids, now have hope, that they could perfect a rotation and find a group to raid with.


    And am I the only one that turns their nose from the smell of elitism when they read comments like "if you'd stop calling yourself kitty I might take more serious"? Like we're doing rocket science and not play MMO Role Playing Game. My bad, even physicists have more humour than some of these guys. But I think this attitude works when you're a child that wants all the toys for himself.


    But I do agree with something. Kitty, you can't just come up with these excuses for ever about your unoptimised bechmarks on your free site that we can use or not. I mean, come on. You get it, right? Right?

  7. The funniest rule is "no trinkets". It's a good idea, if it worked. But there's always those that still wear them. I always can tell, by the amount of 0 loot that I get, while playing on thief so I'm most of the time near the commander.

    Or those idiots that just won't stop charging with raptor even after you've asked them to stop several times.

  8. > @Aravind.9610 said:

    > > @MrRay.3027 said:

    > > What's the point of arcane resurection and bolstered elements?

    > > I think you could replace those trinkets for full viper or sinister. The same for stone resonance, can be replaced for something else.

    > > And is this build for pve or wvw?


    > Arcane resurrection because other 2 traits seem sort of meh compared to it. Bolstered elements for stability since we don't have any other source of it on weaver.

    > Stone resonance yes maybe can be replaced with glyph of elemental power or a stunbreak (preferably twist of fate). Trinkets are solely for precision sake and one vitality(for 20k hp) since critical hits do proc burns.

    > The build is for PvE outside of raids.


    Final Shield has saved me alot of times. I'd recommend that. You never know when you might need it.


    Yes, you could replace it with Twist of Fate (it's one of our best utilities), si you have a stun break and a evade. This way you could bolstered elements with the top one for more dps, since you don't get stunned all that much if you're careful.


    As for the trinkets, the precision is nor worth for that little burn, compared to the dps boost from sinister or viper trinkets.

  9. > @Tinnel.4369 said:

    > The problem is really two-fold: The condi meta itself and then our lack of tools to cope with it.


    > Two ways to deal with the condi meta: Enough damage to merc them out before they can overwhelm you or enough clear to get you through 1 or 2 rounds of their applications. Most classes require a mix of both, but for Weaver they're mutually exclusive.


    This. Was fighting a scourge today in wvw (just came to get some trasmutation charges) and almost got him down (he was 1/10 HP) but had to retreat because I had to cleans myself. Went back and forth for a bit, but had to call it quits, because I couldn't do enough damage before I needed to cleans.

  10. I'd say go for tempest first. It's a more well rounded spec at the moment. Weaver has its bugs. And stay with staff, if you're confterble weapon. It's an awesome weapon for ofense and defense, but as a tempest you will have to come a bit closer some time for overloads.


    As for gear, I'd recommend Marauder armor (for some HP at the loss of insignificat damage) berserker weapon and trinkets. So you focus on power, precision and ferocity.


    Traits, there alot of combinations, but I think the safest bet would be water/arcane/tempest for open world exploring and fire/water (or arcane)/tempest for dungeons and fractals.


    Hope this helps. I think some other people will pitch it (whem they're done trick-or-treating) with a more detailed explanation.


  11. Scepter doesn't have that many condi skills, mainly power skill.

    They use FA because you don't have sustain with scepter and you need to defeat your opponent really fast. Even if condi scepter has good damage, it takes a while to ramp up.

    I switch to Scepter from Sword in some melee hateful fractals. Maybe I don't have a good rotation, but I don't do that much damage.

  12. GW2 players are so pandered to. So spoiled. Have any of you played BDO? 30$ an outfit for only one class, and they sell like fresh bread. 10$ a pet.

    But here you can just trade your gold for gems, if you so desire. Gold that you can easily earn.

    God forbid Arena Net made some money so they wouldn't have to shut down even more dev teams.

  13. > @Feanor.2358 said:

    > > @MrRay.3027 said:

    > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > > > I main core s/d thief and I thought I'd try out the weaver. I am geard for core d/d ele.. (beserker/healing power armour with cele Trinks and marurder weapons) and noticed that the dmg is it a miss, it's a lot trickier to pull of somw combo feilds then before but I guess it's a case of learning rotations all over again. Still, not really impressed with sword weaver, will most likely go back to core ele again.

    > > >

    > >

    > > You don't do any damage because you're using the wrong gear. Weaver is meant for condi gear.

    > > This is one of the issues that the majority of elis that tried weaver have, they didn't update their gear.


    > Really depends on your choice of weapon. With Sword or Dagger? Yeah, sure, go condi or grieving. With staff? Berserker is the only way to go.


    Yes, staff and scepter need a power gear.

  14. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > I main core s/d thief and I thought I'd try out the weaver. I am geard for core d/d ele.. (beserker/healing power armour with cele Trinks and marurder weapons) and noticed that the dmg is it a miss, it's a lot trickier to pull of somw combo feilds then before but I guess it's a case of learning rotations all over again. Still, not really impressed with sword weaver, will most likely go back to core ele again.



    You don't do any damage because you're using the wrong gear. Weaver is meant for condi gear.

    This is one of the issues that the majority of elis that tried weaver have, they didn't update their gear.

  15. > @Threather.9354 said:

    > I dont know, I think main issue is that scourge is still bugged and can hit same target multiple times with 1 f-skill.


    > Tommorow is the balance patch anyways so I guess at least winds of disenchantment will get changed, colour at least.


    > But its hard to say anything yet, scourge was so easy to play, spam f1-f5 skills and profit, insane condi damage. After the fix it will be a bit worse, and even more boring because your singletarget potential is just not there. Currently like 50-60% of players play cele/condi scourge because its broken and only way to get ton of lootbags at the moment. So obviously there will be lot of condi ^^


    > Meanwhile people have been kinda avoiding firebrand because its harder to play than core guard. Lot of people still run strange traits on firebrand like radiance because they believe they can be the dps god... At least play condi support.... Anyways guardians will get better at their class, scourges will get fixed, bubbles will get changed. It will get considerably better.






    Why do you say that tomorrow will be the balance patch?

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