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Deadly Moonshiner.1354

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Posts posted by Deadly Moonshiner.1354

  1. > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > If you click on yourself at the top right of the forum page, and then click on Comments on the right, it will show you all the comments you have made in the forums. You then just need to click on the topic name, at the bottom of your comment. That will open up the post, at the unread point.


    Thanks, I know I can find my topics/posts that way. The issue here is that nobody else can see it :)

  2. > @"Baine.9650" said:

    > > @"Deadly Moonshiner.1354" said:

    > > > @"Baine.9650" said:

    > > > Imagine playing the Drizzlewood meta for 1hour 30 minutes.

    > > >

    > > > Then imagine - oh yeah, lets try the new adventures, since the map closes in 10 minutes after meta and I want to loot the chests later. Let's do an adventure

    > > >

    > >

    > > Adventures are accessible at all times - even if you are on a completely fresh map you can reach them and start them. Meta loot chests are accessible only a short period after meta completes successfully. Mind explaining why you chose such particular order: meta - adventure - loot meta chests?

    > >


    > The meta wasn't done. I was getting very tired of it so I decided to play an adventure in the middle of meta because it was soooo boring before ice citadel.


    Then, it was a bad decision on your part to enter into an instanced adventure (Wolverine) for the following reasons:

    - If you stayed in squad and left the meta map instance then you risk that the squad commander kicks you out - exactly what happened if I understand correctly. Nothing to complaint about unless you told commander what you intended to do and even then, it is up to the commander.

    - Even if you remained in squad and exited the adventure it is not likely you will be put back to the same map as the rest of your squad. At this point of time maps that do north meta are typically full. If you got out of the full north meta map instance, it is highly unlikely you will be put back to the same map.

    - Adventure may have taken too long, so chests may have disappeared even if you managed to get back to the same map where you contributed to the meta


    On the positive note, with the next update the north meta chests will be put together at the Claw's nest, so no need to run around the map to loot them. Still, my other 3 points remain true.


    Next time, even if bored but still what to loot meta chests, _**don't leave the instance**_. I suggest you go make yourself a coffee or sandwich but stay on the meta map. Even if you get kicked from squad, you will still be on the map and be able to continue from there - either do some other events and loot meta chests. But don't leave the instance - ever.

  3. > @"Baine.9650" said:

    > Imagine playing the Drizzlewood meta for 1hour 30 minutes.


    > Then imagine - oh yeah, lets try the new adventures, since the map closes in 10 minutes after meta and I want to loot the chests later. Let's do an adventure



    Adventures are accessible at all times - even if you are on a completely fresh map you can reach them and start them. Meta loot chests are accessible only a short period after meta completes successfully. Mind explaining why you chose such particular order: meta - adventure - loot meta chests?


  4. At fort, go on the north wall (where the door is) and position yourself so the balloons are coming directly towards you. Then you can target and shoot them easier. If you're lucky there won't be many people there so you can shoot more balloons down per event.


    It is a bit annoying that the event counts only hits that destroy the balloon - that encourages people to wait until someone shots the balloon first and then to destroy it - it is almost like stealing a kill.

  5. for pvp soulbeast I use snow owl (mobility, damage while downed) and smokescale (gap close/stealth). I try to be on smokescale before going into combat, but sometimes it doesn't work and I get screwed as I can't swap while in combat.

    For pve, it is situational. Recently I run lynx and iboga. Underwater salamander drake and blue jellyfish.

  6. As a gold 3 and sometimes plat 1 power soulbeast player I am glad that there are people who can play ranger on higher skill level and achieve higher positions on leaderboards. So congrats on that.


    To me it seems that the enemy team was sub-par in both videos. That not necessarily means the build is bad or lackluster, but it would be interesting to see videos of matches that are much closer. The way these matches went (the rest of your team capped other points) allowed you even to leave home node uncapped in few cases and to chase the enemy around. Also, revenant seem to be a hard counter to this build.


    From my gold 3 perspective the last pvp patches buried power soulbeast (the nail in the coffin were greatsword changes). These nerfs pigeon-holed the soulbeast into a condi based build such as yours. As rangers, we now simply lack a proper power based pvp builds. I believe rangers deserve some variety in pvp builds. I will try this build to get the impression of it myself but I don't like condi builds and I hate being pigeon-holed into playing something i don't like. I may also simply decide to completely abandon ranger in pvp or pvp altogether because ranger is my preferred class.


    Now, since condi is prevalent/strong and power is nerfed - do you think Anet will nerf condis next? What would happen to soulbeast then?


    P.S. What Croatian radio station is that?

  7. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > you should be happy that for change u not need tp to Lion Arch, find npc, pay 50 gold, and select another pet.



    Perhaps to add a difficult jumping puzzle to find that NPC as well? Reading what some people on this forum suggest for rangers I would not be surprised to see it in some future patch :pensive:

  8. In a way (talking from pvp perspective), now I am forced to think more when to swap pets not to end up in battle with wrong pet. So it (arguably) requires more situation awareness and skill - which is positive. But the price is too high - it can completely screw you in combat if for whatever reason you are unable to swap or if you can't disengage because your pet is not giving you good mobility. It also eliminated a diversity and options while in combat. I adjusted my play style but overall I see single pet in combat as an over-nerf. Ranger was not in a good position and now it is in even worse one.

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