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Posts posted by ParanoidKami.2867

  1. > @"DogMD.9182" said:

    > > @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

    > > Teams are just the people taken from those who are searching and then the matchmaker _tries_ to make it even. If you have a team of all good players they will stomp random teams easily as those random players are from different skill levels. Then there's the advantages of communication and playing together that a full team has. Full teams are supposed to go to tournaments or have custom games against other full teams.


    > Anybody is open to make a group and play w/ their friends w/ or without comms. It's not like you have to do anything special to right click and press create party w/ whoever you want. Everyone is on an even playing field and if you choose not to take advantage, thats entirely your problem. Right now, we're being forced to play w/ people we don't want to and being punished for it, and ultimately, that's breeding the toxicity towards other teammates in games + negative rep for the sPvP community.


    But you already can play with your friends. Just make a custom match and 5v5 with another team or play in a tournament. I already addressed this in my post you quoted.

  2. Teams are just the people taken from those who are searching and then the matchmaker _tries_ to make it even. If you have a team of all good players they will stomp random teams easily as those random players are from different skill levels. Then there's the advantages of communication and playing together that a full team has. Full teams are supposed to go to tournaments or have custom games against other full teams.

  3. I see this is a lot of games where low skill level players don't know how to counter something so they say it's overpowered. Something might have a longer range than them, be tougher to kill, heals a lot, does more damage, stealths, or any other mechanic that requires a basic amount of thinking on how to beat. Killing playstyles to pander to these people is not the way. They just need to get better.

  4. > @"Zychuu.7294" said:

    > So yeah. I'm VERY late to the party. I has been playing GW2 for like 2 years and only now I'm thinking about trying to get into pvp, directly into ranked most likely. I only played some unranked games when I started to I get a very basic understanding of the game mode, and that's it. I'm not asking whether it is worth to get into pvp, but if it's is possible, or how hard it is. I've seen this forum being 50% complaining that the mode is dead, and 50% complaining that any given class is OP and needs a buff at the same time, yet still I want to try with a fresh mind of a new player.


    > The game is quite old and probably a lot of people playing ranked modes are people with a lot of experience I obviously lack, and unless I'll get stuck in entry lvl rank I will inevitably meet some them. My question is how do I get a grasp how the pvp meta works? I mean... I could just pick a metabattle build and try to yolo it, but I think that I wouldn't be improving to much that way. Are there any resources or things I need to know about pvp world, other classes, how to fight them I will have to learn on my own, or just playing the game should be good enough over time? I ask this as I have some experience in fighting games, where it is very common to just 'lab' everything about both your character and every character you might have to play against, so I wonder how to apply similar things in MMO team pvp game.


    It's perfectly okay to get into PvP. Anyone who has played a 1v1 game like RTS or fighting games will have no problem as they're used to training. Most of the people you see complaining in this thread don't put in any effort and then complain when they lose so just ignore them.


    Try things out and learn from your mistakes. Copying a meta build will be the slowest method for learning. After a few weeks you'll be better than the majority of players if you actually try.


    Majority of players just play and don't know what abilities from other classes do. If you want to learn them all you just need a single character slot. Create a new character, mess around in unranked and then delete it to create a new character.

  5. There's a 1 second cooldown on missing a stealth attack. I've tried making a heavy stealth build before and I've found it's amazing against the average player but against better players it's pretty much useless. I did much better with the meta d/p that focuses on boon removing and mobility. Staying in stealth was a huge waste of time. They also had toughness, boons, defensive ability spam and teammates that would actually res or support them.


    You can try it yourself so you can experience how its countered.

  6. > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

    > > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > > > @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

    > > > > Thief CAN duel. Just not when you're using a roamer spec. Thief has high mobility and burst on roamer spec. Don't expect it to do everything at once because that would be overpowered.

    > > >

    > > > Any thief using shortbow 5 is a roamer spec. And due to the initiative system, there is no point in using 2 weaponsets anyway, so every thief plays shortbow. So, no, thief cant duel. It also doesnt have high burst, or even medium burst.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Initiative on weapon swap, other traits and so on. Also, different weapons give different options. If you don't know how to hit or do damage that's your own problem.


    > Quick Pockets wasnt even good before, it sure as hell isnt now. It only saw play in a dumb staff/staff bunker build. Different options are meaningless if youre forced to go for and stick with one of them anyway. Thief cant duel people. Its not supposed to, after all. Thief has 1 spec, which is shortbow 5 + whatever collection of other stuff you want to play, and everything else isnt even remotely viable.


    You should practice more and get better. I can't talk with someone who doesn't understand basic things.

  7. > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

    > > Thief CAN duel. Just not when you're using a roamer spec. Thief has high mobility and burst on roamer spec. Don't expect it to do everything at once because that would be overpowered.


    > Any thief using shortbow 5 is a roamer spec. And due to the initiative system, there is no point in using 2 weaponsets anyway, so every thief plays shortbow. So, no, thief cant duel. It also doesnt have high burst, or even medium burst.



    Initiative on weapon swap, other traits and so on. Also, different weapons give different options. If you don't know how to hit or do damage that's your own problem.

  8. > @"Captain Kuro.8937" said:

    > Haven't played much , but what can i do to improve ?

    > https://imgur.com/R8PFMCn


    > If the Moderator , could leave this thread for a day , before it gets moved would be appreciated , in order to have more exposure .


    Your second trait in Daredevil increases damage after you use your endurance. Your endurance bar was full in video.


    You can just post this is Thief section so more Thieves can see.

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