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Posts posted by DanAlcedo.3281

  1. > @"Thanks.6859" said:

    > Game 15 dcer On purpose ALASTER You still take a loos on the stats when this happens thats got to change i was 14-4 Now im 15 and 5 THATS BS


    The most interesting part about you is that your account dodged 69 by one digit twice.

  2. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > I think the amulet is just there so you have something to put the infusion into, if you want to use it but either don't have an ascended amulet or already have infusions in all the ones you've got, which you don't want to swap out. Either way an ascended item with selectable stats is at least useful. I've got at least a few characters who don't have one yet, or maybe only have one with whatever stats were easy to get (I definitely have several characters where I'm not sure what they're wearing). If nothing else you could salvage it, or keep it until there's a balance change or new stat combinations introduced and you want to swap something.


    > As for the infusion itself it's cosmetic, like most of the stuff in birthday gifts and therefore subjective. There is no way to give everyone the same cosmetic item and make it something each person will want to use because that just doesn't happen. I'm not sure I'm going to use it, and if I do it won't be all the time, only when a character is wearing something flashy that would go with it. (I do that periodically, then get bored with it and swap it for something more subtle...then swap that for something else later on etc.) But if they'd made something I like and would use all the time there's still no guarentee you'd like or use it, you might hate it even more.


    > But what's the alternative? If cosmetics aren't the appeal and ascended equipment isn't good enough because everyone who is getting it will already have it what can they give out? I'm sure you can imagine how bad the reaction would be if they introduced a new tier of equipment better than ascended and exclusive to birthday gifts.


    An alternative?


    Something that says " Thank you for playing the game for so long." and not " Here is another reason to buy more Inventory space."


    After 8 years, i would think something like exclusive mount skins.

    By Lyssa, give me a 30 slot bag or something.


    Even 5 Black Lion Keys would be a better reward.


    Anything that is actually usefull for an 8 year old account.



  3. Why would an 8 year old account need an ascended Amulett?


    And whats the point on giving out an enrichment that most people wont even use because A.) There are better Options then Karma and B.) Its another Aura that clashes with most peoples Fashion.


    This feels like something that would be ok for the second birthday gift.


    2 More items that will sit in the Bank of many forever.





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