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Posts posted by Maulclaw.4365

  1. There's been an apparent spike in bot activity (in both PvE and PvP across both regions) and it seems to be only getting worse. The same bots that have been running around since the start of this ranked season are still around and kicking... despite numerous people reporting and sending in feedback and/or proof through Tickets. These bots are ruining the game experience for pretty much everyone involved and might potentially worsen the economy as they supposedly make up to 4,000 gold a season from an old estimate (which is outright ridiculous) on top of all the materials they keep farming.


    Back in 2019 there were these group of bots that were running around farming PvP for almost three seasons in a row. I even saw them interacting with NPCs and other vendors by the end of a it, spamming emotes against players who recognized them as there was a player using them in order to wrap up their profit. Why isn't ArenaNet doing anything about this? Or better yet, if they are... how come it's still such a big issue? They did once deal with all the gold-spammers, but these PvE-PvP bots are getting out of hand and it's rather upsetting to see... especially since they're only getting smarter (as in bigger broken builds that are nearly impossible to counter in a competitive scene).


    There's even been in a rise in websites and forums dedicated to botting and hacking in GW2... And the real kicker is, people are making actual money out of this.

  2. SWTOR's Steam launch was pretty good. The game peaked as high as 30,000 players. It has obviously gone down since then, but it was a great sight to see. Normies will criticize old games despite everything, and I'm sure GW2 would get its fair share of backlash even if the game didn't run like garbage.


    And the fact that existing players won't be able to migrate is incredibly moronic. SWTOR and TERA did it without breaking a sweat.

  3. > @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

    > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > > Looks like a lot of effort just for PvE.

    > > More than PvE players in general it is for the roleplay community, stretching emote is not something you would use in any instance it does communicate nothing to other players.

    > >


    > I'm interested, in what situations would the stretch emote feature in an RP context... or do I not want to know?


    I dunno, when a character... needs to stretch? It's such a basic emote in a lot of MMOs.

  4. No money in the world will find you a computer that is capable of running GW2 with a stable framerate at all times. For that amount you're better off getting a beast of a desktop rather than a laptop that will only last you a couple of years.


    If you mean in general? Anything that is recent and popular will do, really. GW2 is a CPU-heavy game just like a lot of other MMOs in the market. Although no harm in making sure your machine can handle other games because what's the point of mono-playing a MMO in a sea worth of possibilities?

  5. > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > I see more RPers now in PVE compared to January/February. WVW t/mchat is as stupid as always.


    The roleplaying community has been on a steady decline since 2016 to the point it completely died out on the EU. On NA, however, it's pretty dry and boring... but it's just as moronic as it was years ago. It's a really sour sub-community in general known for its ridiculous drama. They don't really affect me, though.


    I'm talking about the general feel of the game. PvE, sPvP, WvW and so on.


    > @"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:

    > "Mainly PVP"


    > You answered yourself there.


    But why is this bad? I don't remember it being THIS bad. And I'm not just talking about PvP. It has bled out to PvE, too. The waiting time on the LFG over at NA is a lot longer than on EU and it sucks when people go as far as act like buttholes for no reason or troll the LFG search after waiting it out for almost an hour.


    > @"Black Wolf.7348" said:

    > it certainly dont help that anet force everyone who want legendary amulet to get 120 ranked wins and 20 tournament match wins when they simply hate the game mode like me. forced to play ( aka grind) through the insane amount of wins when wvw is easy as f.


    What? That's bloody ridiculous.

  6. I understand that with the whole "quarantine" thing a lot more people have decided to come back to GW2 or to try it out for the first time. However, for the past few weeks I've noticed that the amount of toxicity has increased quite drastically when it comes to a few months ago. I don't know if this is just a NA thing, but it's really ruining my overall experience with the game. I keep crossing paths with really shitty people in pretty much all game modes, mainly PvP (more so than usual, really).


    Has anyone else been experiencing this?


    P.S: I was going to ask this on Reddit, but knowing how things are over there, I would just end up being downvoted to oblivion.

  7. It seems to be affecting all of my LFG at times, and relogging isn't doing anything. The biggest issue here are dungeons, namely Citadel of Flame. I can't add or see any LFGs ads... and whenever I do post one, I get people from the other region.


    When I advertise on the LFG:

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/J131VGC.png "")

    When I try to use a Teleport to a friend:

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/h7PAkRg.png "")

    When I try to step inside the dungeon:

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/pjuaGos.png "")





  8. I used to play on EU but changed to NA a couple of weeks ago. It's not my first time, but I've never experienced this kind of error. Whenever I try to use the LFG to advertise and look for a group, I get placed in a party from the EU. My "ads" can only be seen on the EU version of the game and won't show up on the NA side.


    I don't know what the hell to do now. I can't do group content anymore...



  9. I personally believe that the Elite Specializations was a great addition to the game; when balanced right at least. They add a whole new flavor of variety to existing professions, making some of them feel like they're something else entirely.


    But I am curious about something, and I would love to hear the community's thoughts about it. Is there room for more Elite Specializations? What else can we add to all of these professions that won't end up mimicking what already exists? It's not just a matter of adding new weapons, but what can distinguish them apart? I mean, we all know that Mirage was going to be something else entirely (about mirrors and pistols) before it was ultimately scrapped.


    I really hope ArenaNet does end up adding more in the foreseeable future (either via this new Saga or through another expansion).

  10. ![](https://i.imgur.com/ZgrNI9t.png "")



    ~~So, this happened to me today. It's been over an hour and it won't go away. I've googled around and it seems like it's one of those 'permanent' glitches that will stick around unless someone at ArenaNet looks into it. Has anyone else been experiencing this? Nothing that I can do will fix it.~~


    Here are my attempts at "fixing" it that did not work out:

    * ~~Changed characters;~~

    * ~~Changed maps;~~

    * ~~Logged out of the game, gave it a few minutes and logged back in;~~

    * ~~Teleported to instances and the Guild Hall;~~

    * ~~Joined different parties;~~

    * ~~Joined custom PvP matches;~~

    * [...]


    ~~I just want this to go away, but I'm concerned that I'll be left out waiting for weeks just to get this sorted...~~


    **Update:** The problem has fixed itself.



  11. According to the Patch Notes on the fifth, problems like this should have been gone by now. The thing is, the problem still persists as you can see in the picture down below:

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/9YPt0LK.png "")



    It doesn't seem to be as extreme as before (I haven't seen any in-game cutscenes affected by it like in Season 2), but it's still very much present in the Personal Story and in dungeons. It's quite distracting and eerie. I'm hoping that someone from the team will be able to explain if any progress about this issue is going to be made or what might be causing it. Do I need to repair my client?

  12. > @"MinervaPiton.2097" said:

    > > @"RandomWolf.3986" said:

    > > I haven't gotten the gryphon and doubt I ever will. It's a huge waste of time, especially now that the maps are dead.


    > If gold is not a problem, then you are missing a GREAT mount, I did the full collection within two days for my wife's account (last sat and sunday) and it took some time of waiting but the maps were not dead and she LOVES so no time wasted if I enjoy playing the game


    Gold has become a problem for me, especially nowadays. I always had second thoughts about this mount and I just can't find it in me to even bother at this point. Waiting isn't exactly an option anymore with work / college right around the corner and no people to help me out.

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