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Posts posted by Serephral.2683

  1. Heyo! Returning player since launch, just coming back from a short break and noticed my guild has gone...well...quiet! So, here I am looking for a lively guild to do stuff with! I want to start maining necro myself, though I have everything at 80 for whatever is needed, as well as learn fractals and possibly raids if the occasion arises! I am on Yak's Bend, however I am up for transferring if all is well!

  2. Hey guys! Seeing as how I work for the local government, you could probably look up slacker in the dictionary and see my picture. In true slacker form, I'll just copy and paste from a post I put up here a few days ago rather than retype it all out!


    I came back about a month ago to get my characters caught up and prepared for the release of PoF. I've currently [swapped to Firebrand], however I am open to other rolls as need be. I'm located in NA - Pacific Standard Time and am looking for a semi-casual guild to join and venture through PoF with! I say semi-casual as I would like a group to do fractals, as well as raids with, however work takes up around 12h a day(five days a week Mon-Fri) and am usually online around 6:00pm. Weekends usually aren't an issue, but I am on rotation for stand-by on weekends(only works out to be about four to five times a year). I do need somewhat of a social life too, so I know I won't fit everyone's schedules, however I do try to plan around raid times.


    Now, for a little bit of my background! I've played more MMO's than I can count on both hands and feet combined. Most of my raid experience comes from Vanilla WoW, up to Cataclysm in all rolls(Main tank + Off Tank, Healer and DPS). I've also raided in all rolls in Final Fantasy XIV, though not as extensive. As for Guild Wars, I've been playing since the release of Guild Wars 1 through all expansions. I've played Guild Wars 2 since release as well, though between school and work, it was an off and on relationship. Now that I only have to worry about work, I have more time on my hands and am planning on playing more. I don't have experience in fractals or raids but am looking forward to learning!


    I look forward to seeing you all in PoF!


    PS - I'm currently on Yak's Bend but have no issue transferring servers!


  3. Hey all!


    I came back about a month ago to get my characters caught up and prepared for the release of PoF. I've currently been convinced to play Warrior, however I am open to other rolls as need be. I'm located in NA - Pacific Standard Time and am looking for a semi-casual guild to join and venture through PoF with! I say semi-casual as I would like a group to do fractals, as well as raids with, however work takes up around 12h a day(five days a week Mon-Fri) and am usually online around 6:00pm. Weekends usually aren't an issue, but I am on rotation for stand-by on weekends(only works out to be about four to five times a year). I do need somewhat of a social life too, so I know I won't fit everyone's schedules, however I do try to plan around raid times.


    Now, for a little bit of my background! I've played more MMO's than I can count on both hands and feet combined. Most of my raid experience comes from Vanilla WoW, up to Cataclysm in all rolls(Main tank + Off Tank, Healer and DPS). I've also raided in all rolls in Final Fantasy XIV, though not as extensive. As for Guild Wars, I've been playing since the release of Guild Wars 1 through all expansions. I've played Guild Wars 2 since release as well, though between school and work, it was an off and on relationship. Now that I only have to worry about work, I have more time on my hands and am planning on playing more. I don't have experience in fractals or raids but am looking forward to learning!


    I look forward to seeing you all in PoF!

  4. Hey guys, returning player here!


    Now, I have both classes at 80 and am going to be running through HoT content to get elite spec's maxed out, as well as get as many extra points in preparation for PoF elite specs. Both of my classes will be running Berserker's(exotic) as I don't have the money to grab myself a set of Viper's at the moment, so condition will be out the window until I can get my hands on a set. As people with experience, how to do these classes compete with each other in all PvE content? I want to start getting in to fractals, and down the road, find a guild/group to raid with, however I also do a fair bit of open world, so survivability will be taken into account.. Last I checked, Warrior was the power house while Guardian was the defensive support class, however, I've read that Guardians have recently received quite a buff with their GS build, so is this still the case? As for WvW/PvP, I don't do this anywhere near as much as I PvE, so this won't have too much weight on class choice, but I am still curious as to how these classes perform. I also understand that things will change with the release of PoF at the end of this week, so if anyone has any beta/stress test experience, feel free to weigh in on how they thing Firebrand/Spellbreaker will change up desired classes for group content.


    tldr - Warrior or Guardian - who's all around better/most wanted for PvE content and why?


    I look forward to hearing your opinions! Thanks!

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