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Posts posted by Hadan.2841

  1. Wrecking[Krew] is a returning zerg busting guild on Darkhaven aiming to run an oldschool style to wvw. Our goal is to have a solid 20man during our runs.


    Current Raid Nights

    Monday/Wednesday/Saturday 8pm est.



    1 reaper

    1 Rev

    1 scrapper

    1 tempest


    1. Take constructive criticism

    2. Discord/Mic

    3. Guild builds

    4. Leave your egos at the door, we can careless where you been and who you been with.

    5. Listen and follow directions

    6. Teamplayer mindset

    7. 2 week trial period(see if we mesh well or not)

    8. Have some thick skin. We joke, we trash talk eachother and have fun.


    Check out our old vids from when we use to play to see what you can somewhat expect.




    Contact me on discord at Hadan#5589 for the quickest way to get a response and lets talk and see if we are a good fit

  2. I think you guys are still missing the point of the website. Its just a way to see how many kills people have got over their life on gw2 and to keep track on how many you get in a week. No one uses the ingame kdr as a reference of skill because everyone with a brain knows the higher kdr usually goes to the server who can bring a map que and run over the small groups. This is kind of the same deal, its just way to see how your progress is going. Did you guys see hunk post anywhere about this determining skill? I have 250k kills and was curious to see what i was at currently since the ingame stops counting after that. I didnt sign up to brag about my numbers more so to just see what i was at.


    End of the day, eotm farming, OS kill trading, map q blobbing will inflate these numbers so don't really look at this chart as some sort of skill chart o7

  3. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > All the inflated OS kills count right?


    I doubt anyone is using this as a way to determine skill. I think the idea was to just see what people had for a kill total per week/life time. There are plenty of skilled players who have 15-30k kill range but have spent their entite gw2 life dueling/roaming.

  4. We have recently returned to the game and are looking to rebuild a team of wvw players who are still around and enjoy fighting outnumbered. We have taken many breaks on and off the game over the past 6 years but always find ourselves returning to the game because it is the only game with this type of combat style to it. We are aiming to build a team anywhere from 15-25 to be able to compete against the mega blobs and the massive guilds who always seem to run together side by side. We are looking for vet and new players alike who still enjoy wvw.


    **What To Expect**

    We are looking to be a group that comes into wvw nightly looking to improve as a team as well as an individual player. We will provide the experience needed to be able to beat the current groups around. This game is 6 years old, We have played every meta, and simply put we are trying to do things different. The stacking of scourge/fb meta is pretty boring. We will be trying to bring something new to the table so expect it to be a struggle. We will wipe but we will learn from it, adjust and make the necessary changes so we don't make the same mistakes twice. We will bring you a no filter, fun time on discord and in guild chat but will also bring the more serious chats when it is needed.


    We run Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 8pm est-10pm est. We ask that members be able to make at least 3 of those nights. We want to improve as a team and need an active roster to do so. On the other nights we may do unannounced runs if we are bored and are on game. We do not require 100% rep(idk if guilds still do) but i will post it here we don't. We just ask while in wvw and running with us that you rep us.


    **What Is Expected Of You**

    1. Must have Discord and a working MIC

    2. Must run the guild build

    3. Must make 3 of the 4 runs per week

    4. Must have thick skin(we are a no filter guild)

    5. Able to take constructive criticism


    In the end, we are one of the older guilds left in the game. We are looking to have fun with what is left here. We are trying to be different and still able to enjoy the game for what it is. We are looking for players with the like minded views as us who just want to collect bags, provide a good fight and enjoy what is left here. If we sound like the type of guild for you, just post here, mail in game, or PM me in game.


    Link to our youtube channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx7XMW9rX7-84a_F9q5UBow


    We recently made a little video from last month, feel free to check it out.










  5. Depends what you are looking for, most wvw guilds are not RP and just do it for fun. In [MR] we swap between all charr or all asura, currently we are doing all asura. Ive seen [Yeti] running all white charrs in wvw with matching snow outfits.

  6. .> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > @"Hadan.2841" said:


    > > 3. Condtions- when people tell you to bring a burst build and they show up in full dire...there is something wrong. Anet has failed for years to balance the damage multiplier per condi stack. Eventually people get sick of it and leave.


    > Conditions are not even meta in zergs anymore maybe they're good in roaming but i don't really pay attention to that. only ones that matter anymore are chills, cripples, immobes and slow.


    > Zerg busting is also a thing but you need 20-30 comped up players to take a blob down. aint gonna get done with 5 people unless the blob all skill clicks.



    You say anymore..but condi zergs have been a thing for a long time and a ton of players have quit the game because of that. You can post about what is current meta but it doesn't change the fact that the condi meta chased a lot of people away. No one said anything about zerg busting with 5 so not sure where that came from

  7. Honestly, I don't really care how guilds run, this thread is about why wvw is in the state it is in, so i posted my opinions of why I feel the game mode has become this way. I'm sure there is a thousand reason why guilds run so fat now but I still feel it has contributed to the downfall of wvw with all the other issues wvw has.

  8. Your right...it is definitely harder but back in the day people use to love that stuff. Doing what it takes to win against that blob. And honestly blobs have been around since day one. Just do what most guilds did back in the day...team up wipe that blob and go seperate ways. 90% of the wvw blobs are clueless mindless numbers. It can be done if groups tried. Too many lazy guilds rather mass recruit than actually improve their 15-20 and get it done.

  9. Overall it comes down to a few thing's for why this game mode is failing. Now most of my post here will be largely based off the zerg vs zerg aspect of it.

    Anet issues


    1. Game performance- stack scourge shades in a fight of 40 va 40 your top of the line computer becomes a toaster. Im almost positive wveryone has experienced this. This is an anet issue they still struggle to fix.


    2. Meta- game mode is simply boring with 3-4 classes being the only thing people run.


    3. Condtions- when people tell you to bring a burst build and they show up in full dire...there is something wrong. Anet has failed for years to balance the damage multiplier per condi stack. Eventually people get sick of it and leave.


    4. Lack of new content- no new maps(red bl a joke), nothing rewarding for "winning" nothing rewarded for dedicated a week in wvw. They fail to bring anything new. Eventually it becomes stale and people will quit.


    5. Ignoring the wvw community- I remember back in the day all 8 tiers had large numbers, ques, ppt guilds, roamers, and even gvg guilds. GvG was so big back then. The gvg community had a fan made website that kept a score system of all the guilds and their win/lose record and gave them points based on that. That essentially was how the gvg community could determine who was tog dog and where the rest of the guilds stood. The gvg community went to anet, offered them to give them their website, asked them to implement it to their game and anet told them "we don't support gvg". There was a post of a screenshot of anet saying that to them back in 2013/14 or whenever we had that site. Eventually the gvg guilds got bored, angry with anet and slowly died off.


    ****Salty players INC******

    Now here is why I feel as a community we failed this game mode. Sorry to break it to you but just like a relationship it takes 2 to tangle and walk down a 2 way street. We have as players have let this gamemode fail.


    1. I have recently returned to game and quite honestly it's simply pathetic how fat some guilds run. Back in the day a fight guild raided with their gvg roster snd maybe +5 giving that team 15-20. Now i see "fight guilds with 25-40. Just stop you became the very thing you bitched about for years. You mass recruit because your too lazy to dedicate the time to suck it up and get better. You rather blob around the maps pretending to be good. You all contribute to the blob wars we see today.

    2. Lack of guilds. I have seen so many past drivers and leaders just joining up in the fotm guild and blobbing around as a mindless number. We need more drivers to take the initiative and build your own teams. There's no excuse why we can't have a fun competitive tier where we have multiple guild groups of 15-20 mans around the map.

    3. Boring group comps- have fun and change the shieett up a bit. Every guild running the same comp same build. Be different, who cares if you die more lol. Game is 6 years old why keep it stale. Anet won't do shieet for our community so why not make it better for us.


    All I really have to say on it...I'm sure there will be lots of salty tears flowing in soon. Lol


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