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Posts posted by Akilles.4320

  1. The patch was a move in the right direction, much better now.

    A nerf overall the duelist builds, so the side node fights can be quicker and get to the teamfight at mid.

    And promotes other builds (not strong enough before) to rise up, so we can have more build diversity across the board, that's how it's done, very good job ArenaNet.

  2. I see that we got here players, that only play Weaver, because that's the only way you would think that Weaver got enough nerfs and it's fine.

    There's some news for you, everyone got nerfed and the big problem here is your counters got much more nerfed than you, so basically you don't have counters, that's not hard to understand, is it?

    You dont want more nerfs? Ok, lets bring up to your level some confusion or chill profession users then, that would also solve this.

  3. > @"Avatar.3568" said:

    > > @"Filip.7463" said:

    > > You can choose conquest or stronghold unranked queue....


    > As he said you can choose, in the right of your pvp window under ranked you can choose between "conquest, stronghold, both" or something similar like that, if you don't want to. Play champions dust, click on conquest


    Didn't notice that small detail. Thanks for the tip.

  4. Yesterday while I was testing builds in unranked, the game obliged me to play 4 straight matches in a row at Battle of Champion's Dusk, without even had the chance of anyone at that match to vote if we wanted or not to play in that. Isn't it already enough?

  5. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:


    > It doesn't matter really...you could put Obsidian flesh on a 180s CD and you'd still have people claiming that ele is fine as they can go d/f and be invulnerable, dunno what else there is left to nerf on weaver:


    You dunno what's left to nerf on Weaver? Ok let me tell you, THE MIRAGE TREATMENT!

    After the only 1 dodge at PvP no more nerfs were needed to mirage, something on the line like that to Weaver would solve it.

    Dont nerf anymore something that can arm Core Ele's or Tempest, it's just the Weaver that's needed to be dealed with.


    > @"Salt Mode.3780" said:

    > not one class should receive the mirage treatment


    And yet here we are.


  6. > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

    > > @"Akilles.4320" said:

    > > The ranked system and the matchmaker are the most serious problems PvP has right now.

    > > But people like to opt for the easiest way which is to ask for nerfs.


    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1217930#Comment_1217930


    > Am I reading it wrong? or are you now asking for the easy way and to nerf?

    > :eyes:


    And those 2 problems are still the worst in PvP right now, but by the time I wrote that, every build meta or not, had a counter, mostly, right now Weaver counters got nerfed so you Weaver players here defending that it is fine, you know that's a lie.

    Basically Weavers got too much of everything, while their counters got nerfed, Weaver nerfs aren't on pair, it needs to be tuned down.


    > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > Well


    > This fire weaver we have now is a nerfed version of that post feb patch, i mean, Obsidian Flesh is worse and might trait has been nerfed. Even tho, that weaver was bad, so weaver is not better, every thing else is worse, and its counters got gutted


    > So ya, it will get nerfed, so you better start learning how to fight rangers, warriors and most likely condi herald again cuz those classes alomg with necro and supp core guardian will rule pvp after weaver and trapper runes get nerfed



  7. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:


    > The game has always been balanced based the "feedback" coming from the top....if not for that you would not be here as whatever you're playing right now would have been nerfed to the ground a long long time ago, if things would be balanced around anything but the top then : **guardian-necromancer-engineer-ranger** would sit at the bottom of the food chain and not the opposite being true


    And the feedback always been balanced around top, where it brought us?

    You consider this PvP mode successful?

    Perhaps is time to change, no?


    People complaining around guardians, necros, engis and rangers are new to the game or completely clueless how to PvP, everyone of those got a counter, Weaver not.


  8. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:


    > There are no infinite frames...no weaver build require more than 1 player...The spec itself is subpar unless played by skilled individual



    Well I'm sure that is not true, for the majority of the PvP players.

    And if it isn't infinite seems like it very much, more they do too much of everything.


    > @"Arheundel.6451" said:


    > While using a core ranger I killed all fire weaver not played by Top ele I have been killed by Top spellbreakers while using fire weaver myself.


    > The amount of Top eles I consistently lose to...can be counted on a single hand


    > Would I suddenly start to lose against somebody who started ele not long ago...I would agree with you...


    > I seen upstart nobody losing to @"Blamthrax.9785" And then proceed to cry wolf and how balance is unfair


    > I believe in something called skill level



    Not everyone playing PvP are Top, so the rules shouldn't revolve around top players, but the majority of the players.

  9. Like the title says, when it will be enough of the infinite frame loops and still able to burn to death everyone?

    No counters, has to be focus by 2 or 3 players.

    I know the problem with Renegades and Heralds at higher ranks and AT's, but right now Weaver is has broken has it used to be with Mirages and even those had some counters.

    Impossible to enjoy a PvP game if the other team got a sword Weaver and you don't.

  10. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > This ^

    > Or a good player gets continually matched up with players that dont know about capping, double up and camp nodes that are already capped instead of helping their now outnumbered teammates, die to fast to even be helped by a +1'r class etc list could go on lol u could have a great match yourself with top kills, most offense and defense and alot of decapps and even full caps yet lose horribly and end up losing rating. This happens enough a great player can end up high silver or lower gold. The rating system they have now invites and promotes actions like wintrading and other forms of match manipulation.


    You said it all mate, this keeps on happening to me all the time this season, never was so bad like in this season, 75% of the games I do alone, I got 15+ kills, defense, offense and I still lose the game.

  11. Unfortunately zinkz is right, I played this game beta and the PvP has been on a downward road since then. The how fast you melt or melt the enemy, being the worst to my concern.

    2 day's ago I was testing a Druid build and got to a cap where arrived a enemy Scrapper too, we fight for over 2 or 3 minutes, I'm not sure, without no one else interference and sadly it was the best PvP I had for ages in GW2, I won but even if I had lost I would be satisfied and he did too, he whispered me with "Let's do this again?"

    This is so rare, when it should be the rule.

    With this skritt meta "Fast and Rageous" is what GW2 PvP is failing the most... To bring satisfaction to their player's.

  12. > @KaporHabakuk.6219 said:

    > You can see what kind of guy you with/against sometimes from very begining,mostly if you see a dude organizing from very begining,its a hint this guy will trash talk enemy or rage on own team,depeding on how the match goes :),put into block straight away in the very begining,or turn off chat alltogether.It helps me to enjoy the game at least.



    I'm not sure if I should start crying from laughing so hard at this or bleeding from my eyes.


  13. Let's see, it's a solo/duo queue, you haven't the slightest idea wich builds your teamates play, one of them goes close, you go far and the 3 left go mid to face 4 enemies, considering the teams are even, your team will lose and it's 15 death points more the cap, the enemy team will split to +1 on you and most probably some will go to your close cap, being the result the minimum 2 caps and around 50/60 points ahead of your team, was it worth it?

    Next they will start to steamroll your team who think you're a fool for not helping them and that's another handicap. You will lose a huge majority of the fights, if not all.

    Always a much wiser choice to support your team at the mid fight in the start and cross fingers for the other team get there with only 3 xD

  14. This stronzies never get tired asking to "nerf this" and "nerf that" but the "one I play".

    Must be the same kind ones who run to the far cap at the begining of the match without saying nothing to the team chat.

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