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Posts posted by Sieghilde.7632

  1. > @"Einsof.1457" said:

    > > @"Sieghilde.7632" said:

    > > This is not what a massive nerf hammer looks like


    > you dont play chrono in high end pve then.


    And if you played anything else, you might have a better idea what a heavy nerf looks like. As is, you're still going to be the centerpiece of the meta, and all you have to sacrifice is something groups don't take you for anyway (damage).

  2. > @"DragonForHire.3621" said:

    > Here's what I'd like to know after reading the announcement -

    > 1) How am I supposed to get sigils/runes to salvage if they don't drop from salvaging gear anymore?

    > 2) Is salvaging sigils/runes the only way to acquire these new materials that will be needed for crafting them in reasonable quantities?


    > If the answer to 1) is "use upgrade extractors or BL Kits" and the answer to 2) is "Yes", then they're locking sigil/rune crafting behind a paywall which is not OK.


    They don't drop from salvaging gear anymore because when you salvage the gear there will be a chance the rune/sigil will also be salvaged and you'll get the mats. That's how I'm reading it, at least.

  3. > @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

    > Thief is a squishy class with not a lot of healing. Just hit him and if he stealths off hit him again. He'll eventually run out of heals and will either die or run off. It's how the class plays. There is nothing wrong with stealth.


    That's the problem, though. They stealth and run-off and ten seconds later they're in another position to barrage you from far away. So then you have to pray you can get to them AGAIN only for them to invis and run away again.


    AOEing rarely works because they run as soon as they see you coming.

  4. For open world? I spam F5, F2 when needed (annoying condition on me), but other than that I don't really touch F3 or F4. I generally stick to Scepter/Torch with Dessicate, Trail (for stunbreak), & whatever. I don't like minions on the open world because they can keep me in combat mode and prevent me from mounting away when I want to move on.

  5. > @"Rhyse.8179" said:

    > I see a few people asking why HOT was considered a fiasco. It's important to remember that HOT today is very different from what it was like at release.


    Thanks for the perspective. I came back right before PoF launched and loved HoT, but damn the launch sounds awful.


  6. As long as we're talking about class thematics, it makes more sense to me for Necro to provide substantial raid-wide debuffs to enemies instead of being another buffer. Giving Necro the opportunity to bypass the Vuln stacks limit and provide additional damage taken+ effects to an enemy would be very useful for the raid in the same way Empower Allies and GoTL bypass the Might cap.

  7. > @Oglaf.1074 said:

    > The sad part about most PvE condition builds is that, unlike power builds which can get Berserker items from pretty much anywhere, the optimal gear - usually Viper stats - is locked behind walls such as crafting or raiding. Out of the three available to you though, there is no contest - Rampager is the best. Offensive stats all the way.


    > Toughness sucks outside of PvP/WvW (in fact, in group events and the like it will most likely get you killed due to how aggro works in GW2) and Warriors have a naturally high enough Healthpool to get away without using any Vitality.


    Actually according to this thread: [https://reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/78zzn1/science_why_you_should_almost_always_use_rabid/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/78zzn1/science_why_you_should_almost_always_use_rabid/ "https://reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/78zzn1/science_why_you_should_almost_always_use_rabid/")


    Rabid wins out over Rampager, the rationale of it being that any condition damage loss in a condition build is a big deal, so you'll want condi damage as the major stat.


    The difference between the sets isn't huge though (~500 DPS) and both are actually pretty close to Viper for general PVE.

  8. > @"Kori Jenkins.9017" said:

    > They did not by any stretch of the imagination "go overboard"


    > There were often 2 scourges on each team of a spvp match for a reason, there were often entire squads of scourges in wvw for a reason.


    > They deserved the nerf they got, toxic and overpowered spec. Whining won't bring it back.


    This is about PVE. I don't think anyone here concerned about Scourge's power in Raids is arguing about how it was doing in PVP or WvW.

  9. Considering the ease of PoF's HPs and the difficulty of navigating HoT's zones (who wants to spend half an hour figuring out the path to an HP only to not be able to kill it?), I think downgrading Champs to Vets for HPs would be nice.

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